Category Archives: Ethics

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Week E Assignment

While watching the thirteenth episode of Shark Tank’s thirteenth season, one company stood out to me more than the rest because of the emotional appeal. Calm Strips is a company that I enjoyed learning about because it was the only one I wanted to purchase. I could see myself as a returning customer. The reason I wanted to buy is for the exact reason they created their product. As a neurodivergent individual, sometimes anxiety and restlessness tend to interrupt my focus, and something as simple as having something to fidget with actually helps me stay on task. Calm Strips are zero-residue and reusable sensory strips meant to relax any person who may deal with feelings of anxiety.

The creators of Calm Strips recognize that anxiety has no age limit or gender, so they created a universal product that can reach everyone. They understand that common fidgets like spinners, cubes, and other toy-like devices can be easily lost and sometimes distracting to people other than the user. Hence, they created a safe, quiet, and discreet tool to improve the users’ focus without interrupting others. The Calm Strips creators also recognized that most fidget devices seem like fads and reassured the Sharks that this is not a fad product because it’s not a toy. This distinguishment allows the target demographic to exceed beyond just children. In addition, Calm Strips are reusable and residue-free, allowing users to use them in most places by removing them from one object to another.

Calm Strips appeals to customers for many reasons, but one of the most appealing aspects is the price. A pack of five strips only costs $12.99, and this shows that the creators realize that the customers are likely to be parents or educators of neurodivergent individuals. Usually, educators have difficulty finding solutions to their students’ needs. Parents spend a lot of money on services and resources for their neuroatypical children, so having a product that doesn’t break the bank is beneficial. Another remarkable aspect is the designs of the strips; they’re all unisex and have lots of variety for no additional cost. Lastly, the product has a default estimated delivery of 3-4 days for only $3. Most people don’t like to pay more for quick shipping so having fast shipping for a reasonable price keeps customers returning.

week A assignment

Today the topic that will be discussed is a company’s social responsibility and ethical principles. Firstly, what are social responsibilities and ethical principles? Social responsibilities are when a person or in this case, a company is reviewed on how they keep up their community obligations and how they are making efforts that benefit our society in some way. Now, ethical principles are a kind of guideline for making conscious decisions that won’t leave a negative impact on others or ourselves. It is also something to follow to keep us on the right track at all times. The company that will examined today is Apple. I personally own 7 Apple devices, all I use very often and paid a lot of money for. 

Apple is a popular company that started in 1976. It was started by a man named Steve Jobs. Now, Apple has many social responsibilities since it is a multinational company. One of which is their code of conduct. Apple is said to make sure that their suppliers and their own company are held to the highest standards. They also have a social responsibility to reinforce diversity and growth within their company. Apple also has an important goal to create carbon-neutral products. This means they are working on producing products that don’t take away the earth’s resources in order to create them. That is an ambitious and socially responsible goal. Apple also raised around 600 million dollars and volunteered for around 1.6 million hours. Finally, one last social responsibility I want to mention is their responsibility to the public. They work to make people’s lives better. A quote on the Apple website says “…we work every day to put people first – by empowering them with accessible technology…” They give us a way to access everything at our fingertips. 

Apple believes that its success is tied to how they are perceived ethically. How they behave and conduct their business is very important in this day and age especially. On Apple’s website, they have a ethics and compliance section. This includes a quote “We do the right thing, even when it’s not easy”. At times it is hard to please everyone so the only thing we have left is simply to do what we think is best. Apple holds itself to a high standard. Meaning its employees and anyone associated are as well. With that Apple still works hard to ensure that all working conditions are safe. Also, the employees themselves are appreciated and treated with great morality. 

In conclusion, based on everything mentioned above I believe Apple holds itself very well when looking at social responsibilities and ethical principles. The examples I have listed are only a few of Apple’s actions when it comes to making sure they are following their social responsibilities and ethical principles. There are honestly too many to list. I personally don’t have any recommendations on Apple being more ethical or the organizations they should pursue. I wasn’t surprised by everything I researched however it is comforting to know a company I continuously bought from hold itself to a great standard.

Shein brand

Background Information

SHEIN is one of the Chinese fastest growing online fast-fashion retailers brands that goes by the philosophy that “everyone can enjoy the beauty of fashion” was founded in 2008. It sells clothes at alarmingly low prices and of very dubious quality. It’s easy to see why Shein was ranked the most-talked-about brand and is the most visited apparel site internationally. Those ultra-low prices seem like a dream come true; you can build an entire wardrobe for less than it costs to order takeout. SHEIN has also been accused of stealing designs from small independent labels and printing out low-quality copies for a fraction of the price. Also,  is as enigmatic as a brand can be. Its marketing is based on influencers and is especially appealing to young women on a budget.


Labor practice.

Fast fashion is famous for its use of sweatshops, which apply workers to disgraceful working conditions and long hours for pitiful pay, along with child labor. According to a recent report, fast-fashion retailer Fashion Nova—one of Shein’s competitors—was using underpaid labor in Los Angeles factories as recently as 2019. A few sewers have been paid very little as $2.77 per hour, well below the federal minimum wage. Regretfully, Shein’s labor practices remain a secret. Shein claims on its website that it supports “equal compensation for all,” with “wages and benefits above the industry benchmark,” but no depth information is provided. And, while there have been countless rumors shared on social media about Shein employing child labor, these claims have never been proven. Besides the flood of users that the company says it “never engages in a child or forced labor” as in comments threads of Shein haul videos about these false stories. Furthermore, according to its website, “We regularly evaluate and address human trafficking and slavery risks in product supply chains through in-house inspectors tasked with investigating internal or third-party reports of this nature.” Shein fails to offer supply chain visibility, which requires firms to report information about what is going on within the supply chain to both stakeholders and consumers. It would involve leaking information about its factories’ working conditions, as well as employees’ wage rates and privileges.


While Shein does not reveal details about its carbon footprint or use of hazardous chemicals, we can learn a little more about the company’s environmental impact than we can about its labor practices. Although Shein’s website promotes small batch production of new products to “ensure no raw materials are wasted,” the company acknowledges the large-scale production of common products. Shein produces millions of pieces per year, making any claims of small-scale production appear useless. The company also claims to use recycled materials anytime possible, technology that consumes less energy, and a reuse program to encourage a more circular industry. Again, these practices appear to just be excellent, but the lack of actual transparency raises the issue of what those remarks mean. Shein, for example, tries to claim that when it comes to material selection, it “does its best to source recycled fabric, such as recycled polyester.”


Is it Ethical?

While SHEIN verifies some of its supply chains, it does not disclose the percentage. It also fails to reveal policies in place to assist providers and workers in dealing with the effects of COVID-19. 

A percentage of fast fashion retailers failed to prevent their employees from the virus’s effects, which range in size from wage loss to health risks. SHEIN has also been charged with stealing designs from individuals and small businesses on numerous occasions. Felicity Hayward, a plus-size model, and brand ambassador accused SHEIN of stealing her brand’s t-shirt design in 2017. Furthermore, SHEIN was then accused of stealing a garment pattern from an independent designer in August 2020. Last year, it was also chastised for selling a £2 Nazi swastika necklace before quickly removing it.

Meanwhile, the brand has issued a general response to the claims, declaring that it is dedicated to providing ‘value, secure, and inexpensive.’ SHEIN, on the other hand, has been lauded via its online store Just five days before this heinous error, it had been chastised for selling Islamic prayer rugs as stylish rugs. SHEIN, on the other hand, has been lauded for being the UK’s most size open and accepting brand and for providing cheap clothing to those who need it.

To conclude, Shein’s Marketing Strategy has added a new dimension to the world of the retailing industry. Analysts have been taken aback by how they have estimated themselves. The market’s dynamics have shifted due to its exponential growth, product variety, and avowed celebration of body positivity. Shein is undoubtedly a fairly unknown company outside of the US market; however, the company is focusing on the Middle East and Africa for long-term growth. Big brands the gratifying knowledge on the Shein gateways and the kickoff timers for the season sale discount coupons. They always felt like they were getting things for a cheaper price, and the exchanges were quick. 


Week A Aissignment

The definition of social responsibility is based on the idea that people are responsible for fulfilling their metro duties, and that their actions should benefit society. In this sense, there should be a balance between financial development and government support for society and the environment.

The study of suitable business rules and processes on highly conflicting issues such as corporate governance, insider trading, bribery, discrimination, corporate social responsibility, and legal responsibilities is referred to as company ethics. A collection of moral standards that guide a person’s actions is referred to as “ethics.” Morality is influenced by social conventions, cultural practices, and religious influences. Ethics refers to a collection of beliefs about what is correct, incorrect, just, and unjust in human action. It also contains the positive and negative aspects of life. The government establishes legal standards. Ethical norms are based on human perceptions of right and wrong. It is possible for something to be legal and yet being unethical.

Employees with a sense of social responsibility can use the corporate resources at their disposal to do good. Formal corporate social responsibility programs can improve employee morale and increase workplace satisfaction. However, because of morals and emotions, certain decisions are easier to make. Nobody is truly prepared for anything in life, the only thing you can do is be strong enough to deal with situations as they happen.


Over the years Jordan has been one of the best and consistent brands throughout the years. I think I can speak for all of us when I say, Jordan’s cannot go out of style. Since I was young I’ve loved this brand and sneakers and throughout the years it’s just been getting better and better. Jordan is ethical because they a couple eco-friendly materials including recycled materials. They understand that their responsibility is to please the people and understand that they are what keeps them going. I’ve aways knew Jordan was one of those brands that just couldn’t go out of style, even though it’s not a designer brand or anything . Jordan has donated over 100-200 million over the last 10-15 years. Some of my recommendations is to make their sneakers more affordable, use better materials,  Jordan understands that their business is meant to please the public and inspire. Jordan’s goal throughout the years is t continue to develop and get ready for the next generation. Nowadays fashion and clothing has expanded so Jordan understands they have to do the same to keep up with us. Whether it’s sneakers to play sports in or a put on a nice outfit with, Jordan understands and fits every scenario. From toddlers to even older adults Jordan has took a huge toll on society and understands the responsibility and the ethical standpoint that they have on us, and the future generation. On the other hand of this brand they’ve even donated to fight injustice, social injustice, education and awareness. Which just goes to show how they understand and they’re with us. Jordan plans and actions now are just steps towards the future with new sports stars or new sneakers and clothes, everything is newly developed and is perfect for time to come .


Nowadays, I think I can speak for lots of people, we all love Jordan’s. They’re classics and they have been around since before some of us were born. As someone who is in love with sneakers and enjoys wearing them, I see what the hype is all about. Air Jordan’s mission for years were to create a shoe/style people could play sports in, enjoy, and even put a nice outfit on with.Although they are somewhat ethical because they use some eco-friendly materials including some recycled materials. Sneaker brands have taken over especially now with the new generation and the new style of fashion. As things keep developing Jordan keeps on doing the same things. Furthermore some recommendations I have for them is make the shoes more affordable, use better material, think about what the people are going to like rather than what you want to release. At the end of the day, the sneakers are meant to please the public and continue putting money into their pockets and products. However people are more worried about the hype nowadays and who wears what they sell, whether it’s a celebrity or someone they look up too. On the upside, Jordan is committed to always donating, whether its donation over 100-200 million over the last 10-15 years, or even donating to fighting against injustices, social justice, and even education and awareness. Since I was young I’ve always believed this was the best brand no matter if it was designer or not, it’s too much history behind it. Just seeing and hearing about how this was all inspired by a true basketball icon and how they actually do try to put out snakes people would enjoy and how they offer and donate so much just really made me appreciate and understand what the business is all about. Their ethics/social responsibility I believe is at the right point because they understand and know what it means to please the people and understand us.

Week 1

As someone who is always busy and on their feet, caffeine gets me through it. Starbucks is my go to. Starbucks is a widespread coffee chain that has made it their mission to ethically source and provide coffee and support it’s employees with good quality wages and healthcare. Starbucks pays more money than any other coffee purchaser to ensure that ethical supply chain management is occurring.

Starbucks includes beverages and baked goods for consumers. They also provide reusable cups to encourage consumers to be eco friendly. They are continuing to ethically source from farmers and suppliers. The foundation of the company itself relies on the high quality products that are provided for its consumers. It is an investment for the company supply chain. Both provide jobs for the workers and suppliers. Starbucks relies on the planet to provide its agricultural products. By using less energy and water they are conserving their usage of the planet. By being knowledgeable about the environment and their impact on the environment; creating innovative ways to protect the environment they are fulfilling their companies mission.

 I feel satisfied buying my daily drinks at Starbucks knowing they are taking the responsibility to continue finding renewable ways to restore energy and to reduce its companies waste. They also continue to create pathways and opportunities for young people through organizations which help spread the word of their overall mission. This also helps with building a stronger community within their mission, as Starbucks prides themselves through community. They provide safe and healthy choices for the community as well . With their outreach program they provide loans for farmers to protect them from economic hardship. They also respect individuals of all orientations. 

They also make conscious efforts to ensure anyone who stumbles upon their company sees their core values. They continue to take social responsibility by stapling their values and mission onto coffee cups, posters in the stores, and even have an entire section on their website about its responsibilities. Starbucks also displays an annual report showing their progress to their goal.

If I were to provide a recommendation to Starbucks I would say provide more training for new baristas. A critical part of their job is remembering the menu products. Another recommendation is providing higher wages for those who are more experienced and have been there for a much longer time.


Week 1

Ethnicity and social responsibility are more important than ever in today’s world. People are concerned about whether a company has a good reputation in all areas, such as environmental contributions, ethnic support, volunteerism, and so on.

Target is a massive general merchandise retailer with thousands of stores across the country. It sells a wide range of products through its stores, including groceries, household essentials, electronics, appliances, apparel, and so on. Despite the fact that they sell these products, they have a sustainability project called Target Forward about which they claim,“ bring solutions that better serve our communities and our environment that can be seen across our business”.

They were able to make sustainable products with this project, monitoring how much waste their merchandise produce, what chemicals they use in their products, where they get their materials, and so on. Target plans on shifting to a zero-carbon economy they have taken a couple of steps to ensure this as stated above their sustainable products, the use of chemicals and materials, and so on.

Targets goal is to become the market leader for sustainable, inclusive brands and experiences by 2030. With this concept, they would provide inexpensive clean and truthful products. They are dedicated to eradicating, reducing, and finding viable solutions for plastic in their products, with the goal of achieving zero waste to landfill in the United States by 2030. Target became the first U.S. retailer in 2017 to implement an extensive chemical management program across their entire supply chain and operation for every product that they sold. They also attempted to assist their suppliers in minimizing environmental harm when collecting materials.

“Target has projects and partnerships in place that, when complete, well we saw in our purchasing nearly 50% of are electricity from renewable sources”.

Not only does Target look for ways to help the environment and reduce their carbon footprint, but they are also committed to fulfilling people’s and the community’s needs. They promote human rights throughout the organization by investing in employees who work in their value chain and protecting the community through safety precautions. Target has supplied more than $50 million to societies impacted by a natural disaster in 2021, and it has also invested more than $1 billion in the health and safety of its team members and communities during the COVID-19 pandemic. They also intend to work with suppliers who have policies and programs that promote gender equality.

Overall, even though target has an extensive history of supporting the environment and figuring out ways to produce more sustainable products and also supporting the community whether it’s investing money in them we’re trying to make a better environment for the people and their staff. I think that they should promote more of their work towards ethnic groups or ethnic communities.


A brand that I really like is VEJA a French company that produces fair trade ecological shoes in brazil. The word VEJA means to look: to look father than shoes, look how are they made. I’ve been using Veja shoes for a while and they’re comfortable and durable for the everyday.
The company was created in 2004 by two French people after a year-long journey dedicated to sustainable development. VEJA is a shoe brand based in Paris that is creating sneakers in a different way, mixing social projects, economic justice, and ecological materials.
Veja works in Brazil directly with cooperatives of organic cotton producers and in the Amazon with rubber tapperto fight against deforestation. The shoes are produced in a factory in the south of Brazil that offers good working conditions. In France, Veja works with an integration through work association, Atelier Sans Frontières, which handles storage and orders. Every year, the company test the chemical safety of their shoes to ensure that it has removed all hazardous chemicals from their production processes. In other words, it selects the most used hazardous chemicals in the fashion industry and test them on our shoes to make sure they don’t contain any of these harmful, toxic or polluting elements.
Veja has a project in which they become aware of CO2 emissions in which they decide to carry out a study on their CO2 emissions to further delve into the reality of themselves and manage to take their carbon footprint is the amount of CO2 (dioxide carbon) and other gases emitted into the air. There is a certain amount of carbon dioxide that occurs naturally in the atmosphere, however, activities themselves have increased these levels.

When it comes about their employees Veja monitors health and safety issues by visiting all its final stage of production suppliers. It ensures payment of a living wage in most of its supply chain. It traces all its supply chain.

Fair trade is one of the three fundamental pillars on which VEJA is based. Cotton and rubber are purchased directly from producers in Brazil and Peru. they sign one-year contracts with them and set a price related to the market. It is one of the ways to ensure more equitable and dignified business transactions.

In general, VEJA as a brand it satisfies all my needs as a consumer of its product and convinces that it is an ethical and transparent company with the care of its employees, fair trade, and care for the environment with its shoes made of ecological materials. The only minimum thing I would like this brand to improve is that Veja uses both animal and vegan leather for its shoes even if they don’t uses exotic animals print I recommend them to fully start making their shoes vegan leather. it does not use fur, wool, down, exotic animal skin, exotic animal hair or angora. It uses leather so it’s a start…


Michael’s is the largest arts and crafts retail chain in America. It’s one of the first places I’ve shopped for craft supplies. Though it is a very convenient place to shop, I feel they can go a long way in terms of sustainability.

I’d like to mention a few of their practices I feel make a positive impact for the public overall. They have discounts for three categories; teachers, senior citizens as well as veterans. Michael’s has also partnered with Boys & Girls Club of America and Project Sunshine. Two charities that help children to expand their imagination and have a creative outlet.

In 2019 Michael’s signed the “Open to All” business pledge. This is basically a statement saying that an important goal of their business is to be able to service all types of people irrespective of a variety of factors such as race, religion, sexuality etc. This applies to staff and customers alike. 

To improve their ethical standpoint they could do some of the following. Michael’s wouldn’t be considered the worst employers but they could improve benefits to their employees like health insurance or wages; this would incentivize better performance on their part as well. 

Considering their shipping procedure, decrease the amount of plastic used during packing. Make more environmentally friendly products available to the public as a majority of their items are not and many crafts are not salvageable after the fact. They have mentioned starting an energy conservation plan in the past but there hasn’t been much of an update to that so showing that they follow through with potential plans would also have a positive effect.

Overall, I think Michael’s is a decent place to go that could be improved with a few changes here and there. The main issue I see is a lack of commitment to the environment which in this day and age is very important. 



Today’s companies and organizations are held to higher standards when thinking of ethics and social responsibility. As a society, we view companies that are more socially responsible and ethical as better businesses. Many people in today’s world would prefer to shop or use services from companies that practice good ethics. When thinking of a company that has good organizational Ethics I think of the company Patagonia.

Patagonia was founded in 1973 in California. Over the years Patagonia has practiced good ethics and also has built a robust social-responsibility program. This program oversees and manages how its business and practices impact its employees and community of supply chains. The goal of the social-responsibility program is to minimize harm but also create a positive environment for the people and lives its company reaches through its business.

In an industry such as clothing apparel, there tend to be a lot of ethical dilemmas and a lot of companies tend to be lax when facing social responsibility. Apparel workers tend to be underpaid and work in harsh conditions, and can sometimes even be child workers. Patagonia however, has partnered with other companies across the globe to manufacture their goods, and through their social-responsibility program, works closely with them to ensure these issues are not present or reflected on their brand.

Based on my understanding of the organization’s goals, I would recommend that to create a more ethical, socially responsible, and/or sustainable business, Patagonia, should continue to work closely with its partners to ensure good ethics. I would also recommend that they work with other brands and businesses to continue pushing for fairer working conditions and a cleaner environment. Other organizations should adopt a business code of ethics and should commit to protecting the environment as well as their workers and rights like Patagonia. I think adopting a program like Patagonia’s Social-responsibility program is a good way to pursue this.

In conclusion, Patagonia is an excellent example of a company that practices good organizational ethics and is socially responsible. All companies should strive to have good ethics and social responsibility. If all companies would commit to these practices like Patagonia, our world would be a better place.