Author Archives: Milena Massoud da Silva

Assignment G

First of all, I personally enjoyed the movie and found quite interesting. I would categorize their  the way the Jones family lives as personal selling, because they are using their personal skills to sell those products, also being “face-to-face” with those “costumers”.

Comparing the Jones family with my favorite brands, I can see the Jones family easily becoming a digital influencer if the movie was from 2022. Digital influencers are being hired from various companies to convince people, (especially people between 15-30 years old) to buy their products, they are there to make them feel like they need their product in their lives, and this happened in the movie.

Talking about ethical behavior, I do not believe the movie portraited an ethical way of marketing, starting with lying and pretending to be family, cars, houses, jewelries… they did not belong to them, also, they were using fake names, making connections and relationships that were not real, using those people for their own benefits.

If I met those people I would probably believe in everything they were saying, because it all was very well planned and it looks very legit. Afterwards, I would feel very disappointed and used, I would want to report this kind of business to the authorities.

Another thing that I found interesting about this movie was how they portraited Larry, the neighbor , committing suicide towards the end of the movie, this was a critique of how marketing can make people compared their lives to others, generating depression.

Assignment E


After watching the episode proposed in the assignment, I decided to talk more about the kettle gryp. To be honest, I though their idea was very clever and their way of promoting their products to the “sharks” was fantastic. The prepared themselves to a excellent presentation, having all the information they would need in the top of their heads.

A Kettle Gryp is a gym accessory for hand weights that provides the possibility to use a dumbbell as a kettlebell by attaching a well constructed plastic gryp to the existing dumbbell’s handle, as a result having a real kettlebell. According to their website, they promise a full workout at a range of weights anywhere you can find a dumbbell, it is also a great addition to your home gym or travel bag. This product can reach many ages, it is also a product that can fit to a verity of people.

According to the entrepreneurs, after COVID, they started to make a lot of profit, because people have the easiness to workout in their homes. Also, it was build to make peoples lives easier, by having the possibility of doing many different workouts without changing anything of the product.

In my opinion, the best way of marketing this product would be on social media, through videos and also, celebrities showing how to use it.

Italian restaurant

When we see ourselves deciding where to eat, (as listed in the stages of the consumer decision-making process), we need to make sure to follow our needs, that is why I chose Osteria Amore restaurant.

Osteria Amore is a Italian restaurant located on 224 S 1300 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84102, popular for lunch, solo dining and diner, which it called my attention, also, the atmosphere is cozy, upscale and romantic, perfect for couples or small group of friends. They also offer take-outs and delivering.

Firstly, I started doing my research going on Google, because I have no knowledge of the city and recommendations. The first things I wanted to find out was the ones listed above, because they are important to fill my need as a consumer.

Scrolling my computer screen, I could notice other restaurants that I have found interesting, such as Stanza Italian Bistros & Wine Bar and Brio Italian Grille.

One thing I did realize about the Consumer decision-making process was to be aware of my needs and always make sure to follow all the steps, because being aware of all the aspects that makes someone buy a product makes us responsible consumers, which it turns out the last step, being satisfied with our product or service.

Assignment 2

According to some reading and research, businesses usually crash for a lot of reasons, one of them is because they are not in touch with customers through deep dialogue. I believe customers are fundamental for any business success, dialogue is the key, knowing what they are searching for, good services and quality are very important to keep selling your product, also, it is fundamental to be good at it and be unique, because nowadays there are tons of businesses offering the same product or service, but being ahead and making a difference is essential, one example of this situation is evaluate the market and come up with new ideas to make it convenient for clients.

Other reason of what makes a business crash is also lack of planning and research, it is crucial in every aspect of setting up and running a business, methodical and strategic planning, underpinned by extensive research, will enable you to determine, analyze, and monitor the viability and functioning of your business and the market in which it operates.

Another point to be made is running out of money. Whether financial issues are a result of understanding startup or running costs, an inability to obtain financing, low sales, unexpected tax bills, or unpaid customer invoices. The majority of new business owners have little understanding of cash flow, which is not at all surprising. Planning and can help to structure the finances of the company and manage cash flow affectively.


Assignment 1

Whole Foods

When I was thinking about an organization which i interact with it often, the first thing that crossed my mind was Whole Foods. I like their environment and how easy is to find variety of goods in that store, also, it is very convenient to find them wherever you go.

Something I found out about Whole foods was how they are trying to aware the costumes where their product come from, this is a social responsibility with their costumes. They also export their good from all different places, giving it such a unique perspective.

Another interesting fact about Whole foods is their Team Member Volunteer program, people can learn about the products suppliers source for sale, experience the culture and history of another community learned about the transformative power of microcredit and many other benefits.

One thing that I would like to point it out, is that Whole foods products are held to a sustainable standard not just by its ingredients, but the impact it has from sourcing to disposal. they have a strategy to prevent and divert food from entering a landfill, which includes donating millions of pounds of perishable and nonperishable foods to food banks and food rescue agencies across the US.

In conclusion, Whole Foods positioned itself to their costumers that they are worried and aware of sustainability, otherwise, if we think about all those varieties and exporting and importing those products, the  ships and transports them from far distances result in environmental pollution.



Assignment 1

Whole Foods

When I was thinking about an organization which i interact with it often, the first thing that crossed my mind was Whole Foods. I like their environment and how easy is to find variety of goods in that store, also, it is very convenient to find them wherever you go.

Something I found out about Whole foods was how they are trying to aware the costumes where their product come from, this is a social responsibility with their costumes. They also export their good from all different places, giving it such a unique perspective.

Another interesting fact about Whole foods is their Team Member Volunteer program, people can learn about the products suppliers source for sale, experience the culture and history of another community learned about the transformative power of microcredit and many other benefits.

One thing that I would like to point it out, is that Whole foods products are held to a sustainable standard not just by its ingredients, but the impact it has from sourcing to disposal. they have a strategy to prevent and divert food from entering a landfill, which includes donating millions of pounds of perishable and nonperishable foods to food banks and food rescue agencies across the US.

In conclusion, Whole Foods positioned itself to their costumers that they are worried and aware of sustainability, otherwise, if we think about all those varieties and exporting and importing those products, the  ships and transports them from far distances result in environmental pollution.