Week C

Consumer Decision Making has a few steps involved to make the best decision you can make for your best interest. It consists of recognition, information, evaluation of alternatives, and purchase.

My current search is looking for an Italian Restaurant in Salt Lake City, Utah. A casual setting for a date or a brunch. Indoor seating and budgeting around $30-$70. 

The first step in this process is recognition. In this case it’s Italian Cuisine!

The second step in the process is searching for the information.  I started by searching on Safari for “ Italian Cuisine Salt Lake, Utah”. I then went onto a site called opentable.com. On this site you get about 20 recommended Italian Cuisine Restaurants with both ratings and reviews. You also get told how cheaper and how expensive the restaurants are. As well as being able to reserve online to those restaurants if you needed to do so.  

Osteria Amore is a restaurant with a fusion of Northern and Southern Italian flavor. They are exceptionally affordable and have excellent ratings and fit my standards. 

If an alternative was needed then I would choose Cafe Trio Downtown. It’s fit for both casual and a simple date or brunch . There is both indoor and outdoor seating which makes it perfect for any friendly lunch or dinner. 

Next, I looked at Stoneground Kitchen. Stoneground Kitchen has an exceptional rating with almost 1,000 reviews and the affordability around the chosen budget. 

Lastly, is the purchase. My final purchase will be Osteria Amore. It has a casual setting and affordable and delicious looking food on the menu.

Throughout this process I’ve concluded that being unfamiliar with an area such as Salt Lake City also was the same as the places I choose to eat here in my very own city. It also showed that being a consumer decision maker that you get the satisfaction at the end and enjoyment of those products.


3 thoughts on “Week C

  1. Fioriliana Cuadrado

    Hi Jesliann,
    I agree that by being a consumer decision-maker you get the full satisfaction of the product that you bought. It’s a really good way to figure out how to get the most of your purchase. I like how you said that the places to eat in Salt Lake CIty are similar to the ones in your very own city. This process was really useful in helping that realization.

  2. Jaqueline Cap-Waller

    Hi Jesliann,

    I love how you laid out the steps you chose. Your post was fun and easy to read. I agree that the steps to find a restaurant in Salt lake city was the same as the steps I too would use, here in my hometown. Also, I agree that using this process is satisfying and enjoyable when in search of something you need.

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