The Film Moonlight depicts a young black man named Chiron growing up in a poor neighborhood in Miami. He struggles with his sexuality of being gay at a young age, with homophobic bullying. Other issues that added to his being …
Conversation 8 (Last one!)
Chaffee’s moral positions include the principles of autonomy, nonmaleficence. The principle of autonomy emphasizes respecting individuals’ right to make their own choices. In the script, Juan respects Azu’s autonomy by not pressuring him into revealing personal issues and focusing on …
In “Moonlight,” a significant moral dilemma arises when Chiron, the protagonist, grapples with his sexuality and experiences bullying and discrimination for being different. One key moment involves Chiron’s relationship with his childhood friend, Kevin, and the societal pressure to conform …
In the film “Parasite,” a significant moral quandary emerges when the Kim family, having cunningly infiltrated the opulent household of the Park family through various subterfuges, finds themselves entangled in a precarious situation during a birthday celebration. The former housekeeper, …
Select, describe and analyze a moral dilemma from the movie:
- Select and describe a moral dilemma from the movie. Next, explain the possible outcomes of this dilemma via the 7 moral positions.
- Describe the decision that you would make in this