Alamin Miah

7 posts

Conversation 8

Chaffee’s moral positions include the principles of autonomy, nonmaleficence. The principle of autonomy emphasizes respecting individuals’ right to make their own choices. In the script, Juan respects Azu’s autonomy by not pressuring him into revealing personal issues and focusing on …

Conversation 5

Barry Schwartz, in his TED Talk “The Paradox of Choice,” concludes that having too many choices can lead to unhappiness. He presents premises such as decision paralysis, the escalation of expectations, and the concept of maximizers versus satisficers. The idea …

Conversation 3

In the first story, it discusses how Donald Trump, a former president, claims immunity from laws and presidential limits, potentially rewriting the rules of presidential power. The second story is about Jerrid Joseph Powell, accused of shooting three homeless men …

Conversation 7

A fallacy is a flaw in reasoning that invalidates an argument, making it logically unsound. Fallacies often appear persuasive but are based on faulty premises or erroneous reasoning. They can be categorized into formal and informal fallacies, depending on whether …

Conversation 4

                                                        Who join cult and why?

There no certain type of person who is more likely to join a cult.“About two-thirds of those studied have been normal young persons induced to join groups in periods of personal crisis”. Most of them …

 what is critical thinking? How do the two speakers define it? Why, according to the speakers, is it important? Do you agree? Why or why not?   what is critical thinking?

Critical thinking There are many definitions of critical thinking.Critical thinking is something we used often throughout the years, whether in school or at work or conversation. Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally, understanding logical connections between …