You can write your post by going to the plus sign at the top of the site > type a title* and type the body of your post > choose the category “Discussion Board #” with the corresponding number for the Conversation on the right > publish.
*Please use the title format “[FirstName] [LastName] Conv __” (insert corresponding conversation number)
If you want to add a photo or video or other media, click on the “Add Media” button above the text box. You can then upload the file. Click on “Insert into Post” on the bottom right of the screen.
Before you publish your post, you will have to select a category. Please select ONE category. Do not make your post sticky– see below

Submit your comment on the post of a classmate by selecting the title of the post > scroll down to where you leave a reply > type the comment > post comment.
To submit your conversation response, click “Leave a comment” below the week’s post.
To post your replies to classmates, click on “Reply” below their post.
An enormous post is your original response to my prompt. It must be at least 200 words, and is worth 75 points. It’s recommended that you submit your primary post a few days prior to the due date to allow classmates to respond.
A reply to classmate is your response to a classmate’s post. Your reply must be at least 50 words and demonstrate engagement with a classmate, it is worth 25 points.
All conversations are due by 11:59pm by the end of the week in which they are assigned. For example, conversation 1, assigned in week 1, is due by the end of week 1.
All conversations should reflect some reasoned thought on your part. Think of them as mini-essays that help you make a clear, focused point. That also means they should be spell-checked and organized.
All posts should be courteous.
Feel free to post as many replies to classmates as you like. After you complete the 1 required reply to classmates (at least 50 words), your other posts can be as short, or as long, as you want.
You will receive full credit (100 points) for each post (1 enormous post and 1 reply to classmate) if you fulfill all of the above requirements. I will deduct points if your posts are: too short, show little thought and familiarity with assigned content, or engage in personal attacks/ other breaches of common etiquette.
No late replies to classmates will be accepted. If you submit your enormous post after the due date, the highest score you can receive is a 70.
One thought on “HOW TO POST & WHAT TO POST”
Discuss the following questions:
1. What messages/ themes did Beyonce want to express through the song and video?
In this song, Beyoncé expressly pays homage to her race.
2. Are those messages/ themes similar to your initial reaction to the song and video?
Since this song was released in 2016, it has always been an icon for me. I greatly respect and admire people who stand up for their race and fight for their voice.
3. How did Matsoukas help Beyonce convey those messages/ themes?
Melina Matsoukas presents powerful images of African-American history. In the video, the protagonists are not represented as enslaved people. In reality, Matkosouka sought to show the historical impact that this culture has experienced.
4. Find at least 2 examples of emotive language or rhetorical devices? What role do they play in the song?
Beyonce uses the following rhetorical devices to remember in this song that achieving economic independence and liberty is important. Her race is not a slave. Black people also have rights and can get as far as they want.
“I’m so reckless when I rock my Givenchy dress.” In this sentence, Beyonce uses alliteration, the occurrence of the same sound.
“I see it, I want it. I stunt, yellow bone it. I dream it. I work hard.” She uses Anaphora since she repeats a word at the beginning of successive phrases
5. Why do you think the song and video became controversial?
If you don’t pay proper attention to this video and song, it can be misinterpreted because it can be seen as a revelation to the police or authorities, but what Beyonce wanted to do was send a message that African-American women are strong and capable.