Amanda Hines – Press Release

Amanda Hines                                                FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 3/18/2022

Southern Telecom Inc.



Late Beloved Superstar, Elvis Presley, Meets Consumer Electronics!

Southern Telecom Inc. Near Closing on Brand Licensing Deal for Elvis Presley


NYC, New York: This week, Southern Telecom Inc., a manufacturing company specializing in Consumer Electronics, whose partner relationships include Polaroid, Brookstone and Disney has set forth in solidifying their deal with Authentic Brands Group, Elvis’s brand manager. They’re manufactured goods are to include audio products & musical instruments in an exclusive two-year deal.

Brand manager, ABG and Southern Telecom have stated “this will be the next Bohemian Rhapsody” as the highly anticipated Elvis Presley movie is set to be released in June 2022. Elvis Presley being such a widely known name amongst all generations and ages– the deal is expected to renew for 6 additional years.

About Southern Telecom, Inc.; Southern Telecom Inc, is a manufacturing company based in Brooklyn, New York, founded 25 years ago. Southern Telecom has worked with some of the largest brands you know and love and has placements in Saks Fifth Avenue, Urban Outfitters, TJ Maxx and more. Their products not limited to audio, but also include beauty, health and wellness, home tech, and sporting goods.

Image from: Elvis (2022) (


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