TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD (6 possible points; 1 per week)
Students may earn extra points by filling out our TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD form once weekly for one (1) point each week, for a total of six (6) points total throughout the course of the semester.

This form is an easy way for students to receive extra credit in MAR 100: Introduction to Marketing, and it’s super simple. Just “Tell Me Something Good” that happened to you this week. This could be simple: you got a great night’s sleep, or you found a coupon code online that saved you some money on whatever you needed to purchase, or your submission could be something much more substantial: you got a promotion, you’re expecting a child, you found a $20 bill on your way into work. Whatever it is, I want to hear about it and help you celebrate these wins, big or small.

Students are encouraged to submit a response to this form weekly, and in return they will receive one (1) extra credit point added on to their final grade. This form can be submitted in Weeks B, C, D, E, F, and G, for a total of six (6) additional points on a student’s final grade (that’s enough to bring you from a B- to a B+, all for bragging about what’s going well for you!).

Submissions may be shared in our weekly MAR 100: Introduction to Marketing class newsletter so please only share in this form what you’d be comfortable with your classmates knowing. Congratulations on whatever wins — big or small — you’re experiencing this week.

If you have any questions, please contact Professor Buckler at bbuckler@bmcc.cuny.edu.

5 thoughts on “Extra Credit Option: TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD

  1. Edward Quinn

    Here is something good!

    I had a free day in between meeting with coffee producers, and I headed down to the beach in a remote part of Panama to try to get some waves! I lucked out because not only was there some good swell, there was a photographer setup on the rocks taking photos of the empty waves — I chatted with him, became quick friends, and he just sent me a snapshot of some of the photos he took of my surf session! He is even editing the photos to a professional level and it was such a special surf session to surf a good wave alone, and get some photos to help remember the trip!

    Here is a snap shot he sent me of the photos from my session he is editing — I can’t wait to see how the finished photos turned out!

    I hope you are having a great week, Prof. B =)

  2. Ashley Rivera

    This week was an exciting and eventful week for me because, for starters, on March 9th, I turned 21 and was able to see some of my family, which made me happy. Other events that occurred this week included my brother-in- law’s birthday on March 8th and my nana’s (grandmother’s) birthday on March 6. Also, tomorrow (March 12th), I’ll be going to Grand Prix (a go-kart track), which I’m looking forward to.

  3. Horatiu Pui

    Here is something good that happened to me this week.

    Finally, I got moved to a higher position at work. I got a Job where I’m able to work in an office with a general manager as a coordinator. I’m so happy that I can’t still believe it. This fact motivates me even more to finish my studies and get my degree to become a real manager. I love my job even more now.

  4. Ashley Rivera

    This isn’t necessarily a good thing that happened to me, but on March 19, I went on a motorcycle ride with my sister, brother in law, and his brother. My sister thought it was a good idea that we went because it helped us relieve stress from school and/or work, and we all had a great time.

  5. Milena Massoud da Silva

    For the last couple of weeks me and my fiancé were looking for houses, unfortunately the market is very complicated and it has been hard to find something nice, but we finally found a nice house! I am very happy and would love to share this with my classmates. We have been so stressed but all the work is finally paying off!

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