The movie “Parasite” is about a poor family who has the opportunity to work for a rich family doing house work. However, only one person was hired so they begin working for the rich family’s with different alias’s. They use …
Alex Castillo
Topic: Sports Safety
Intro: (hook, intro to topic, thesis statement)
Premise 1: Sports are an important part of society. It has been for many years now. However, should this be enough reason for risking the lives of the athletes who …
The fallacy I chose is personal incredulity. This fallacy is when someone claims something isn’t true simply because they do not understand it. A good example of this is in a video between Professor Dave and a flat-earth enthusiast.
The …
In the TED talk by Barry Schwartz, he claims that having too many choices is worse than having few choices. One of the ways he explains his idea is that he says “The absence of some metaphorical fishbowl is a …
I chose an article from called “Who Joins Cults, and Why”. I chose this article because it intrigued me what type of people join cults and why. I previously believed people who joined cults were mentally ill or in …
The story I chose for this conversation is the story of Hunter Biden’s lawsuit against IRS whistleblowers. In the story written by the Washington Examiner, they talk about IRS agents Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler and their reasoning for their …
In Beyoncé’s “Formation”, she expresses many themes. One of them was police brutality. As shown in a scene in the music video, a boy dressed in all black is seen dancing in from of many officers dressed in riot gear. …
I agree strongly with Dr. Richard Paul’s view on critical thinking. He stated critical thinking was the “art of analyzing and evaluating thinking with a view to improving it”. This is precisely what I envisioned critical thinking to be. However, …