After reading the short story “Gorilla my love” by Toni Cade Bambara is prevalent that children do take the words you tell them to heart and as an adult your words have more weight when speaking to a child. I think it she should established before hand when speaking to a child about something serious and let them know what you mean what your about to tell them. because its very common for children to misunderstand something along the lines of what happened in the story. though a parent should not always be brutal and tell their exactly how the world is they should guide them and let them learn from their experiences because the best way to learn is from experience
Category Archives: Bambara
Within the short story of gorilla my love is evident that that the author uses the story as a form of activism which is different from the methods of activism that are used in today’s society. regardless of the changing of our society and technology art is a form of self expression which is not only a common form activism it is also used today in our society. As society progresses ideals and messages will always be hard to understand without first person context but with art it helps an author portray their messages the different means of creativity as we see with music poems actual art and so much more all these forms preserved throughout time and show to different generations allowing authors to control aspects that simple speech cannot convey. A common example of this is shown through renaissance art from the 15th century. even though this event occurred 6 centuries ago through the physical art we can and understand the change that went about in society within literature technology and philosophy without even having set foot in the that time period nor a word spoken.
I think parents should be honest with their kids instead of sugarcoating everything. Kids eventually have to see the real world and they’ll be hit like a train with life. Kids shouldn’t learn only the nice things, because that’s not real. Life is harsh, and kids should be prepared for it. That’s how we create a stronger society, and stay alive. Kids should of course know how little words mean sometimes, so they aren’t lured into the wrong crowd. Not teaching that is like setting them up for failure, its a choice.
In my opinion. I feel that writing is not as useful as it was before. This is only because of changes in society. Nowadays, people are more focused on the big picture. For example, covid. People aren’t worried about covid as much because they do not have as many signs in their faces telling them about the statistics. Before, the hospitalizations had everyone scared. The same goes for discrimination, and some people have the nerve to say BLM isn’t happening anymore. If you remember, there were riots over what happened to George Floyd. And they were violent, but they sent a message and got more attention because they were all over. Now, if you simply were to write about it versus making a video, it wouldn’t have as much of an Impact.
To children, their parents and loved ones are their whole world. They know of nothing else. The words that are spoken by those around them are taken as fact because they do not have reason to think otherwise. The things that are said to children in the early years of their lives will potentially shape them into who they become as adults. Parents should not tease and lie to their children without reason. This could result in trust issues when moving into later years of their lives. There are obviously some occasions where small lies might be unavoidable if a subject is too mature for a child or if a parent wishes to spare the child’s feelings.
Children are like sponges in early years of their lives. They will hold on to every word that an adult around them says. Children can learn upwards of three-thousand new words per year, so it is important for parents to teach them how important these words are, and how to best use them moving forward in life. Words can inflict joy, pain, or anger and have lasting impacts on people they are spoken to. Children are no different than adults in this respect, and should be taught by the adults around them that words hold weight.
Writing as Activism
“The job of the writer is to make revolution irresistible.”
Profound words have always been an important source of inspiration for marginalized groups. Toni Cade Bambara was one of many writers who used her gift for words to inspire change in her community. Today, words can, and do, still have the same influence on the world. Writing may come in many different forms such as poetry, song, film, and television. With the invention of modern media, writing is no longer limited to traditional publishing. Music and other forms of entertainment are constantly being used to empower those who have often been left behind by society. Writing is also present in informational, and often inspirational, posts on platforms such as Instagram and Twitter. Writing is needed for protests and speeches. As long as there is a need for activism, there is a need for writing. Wether it is 1971 or 2022, words will always find a way to touch the hearts of those who most need it.
Gorilla My Love- Parents
Writing as an Activism
In “Gorilla, My Love” by Toni Cade Bambara is about a girl named Hazel who is told stuff by older people and she believes what the older people say to her. Even though the adults don’t really mean what they say, it might be a lie so it won’t hurt them. How careful should parents and elders in families speak around young children or should parents or elders always tell the truth to the children even though how brutal it may be. As a mother of three boys, in my opinion I think it is better to always tell them the truth no matter how brutal it may be. In the story Hazel Uncle Hunca Bubba told her “I was the cutest thing that ever walked the earth” (p.19). The uncle also told her “ you were going to marry me when I grew up” (p.19)
Hazel got mad behind that because she believed him that he was going to marry her when she grew up. Hazel gave those words some weight and meaning. She didn’t take the saying “ I was just teasin”(p.19) well. I would prefer the children to know what is really going on in the world because eventually the children are going to be out in the real world. I want the children to be prepared for the world. Hazel’s mom is right about “Hazel— which is my real name and what she remembers to call me when she bein serious–when you got somethin on your mind, speak up and let the chips fall where they may.” (p.18). I believe in that too, I want my kids to be able to speak their mind and not to hold it in. My middle child takes every word and says it very literally. Kids in my opinion are sensitive nowadays. I Believe in telling them the truth so they won’t feel that they have been lied to and know that you have been honest to them.
Author Toni Cade Bambara wrote a story called ” Gorilla My Love” in 1971. This is a story about a young girl named Hazel who was raised to speak her truth and always be true to herself. Many children around the world are raised with those same values but is it right. Parents should be very careful about the things they say to their children because children easily pick up on things and mimic or even exaggerate things. Parents should always tell their children the truth because one day they will grow up to see the world for what it is. Although it should be to extent, children should be told only what they need to know because you still want them to be a child. In the story the character Hazel stood up for herself because she felt she needed to stand up for what’s right and that was what her parents taught her. According to “Gorilla My Love” My Daddy had the suspect it was me cause Big Brood got a big mouth. But I explained right quick what the whole thing was about, and I figured it was even-steven. Cause if you say Gorilla, My Love, you supposed to mean it. […] I mean even gangsters in the movies say My word is my bond. So don’t nobody get away with nothing far as I’m concerned.” Hazel takes everything her parents taught her literally and will do anything even setting a movie theatre on fire to stand her ground. So, although Hazel parents tried to teach her the right things, with children you have to be extremely careful and explain what you want them to follow in life.