Monthly Archives: November 2022

Feminism in Ichiyo

Within the story of the “Thirteenth Night” we see that Oseki has a struggle with her husband which stems from his verbal abuse to her. Even though she tries to do right and take care of her husband it seems to have no effect or even make the situation worse which in turn cause her to flee from her home. this struggle helps us understand the role of a women during the time period as we that Oseki recognizes that if she runs away she will have no value in society. She even fears that if she leaves her child he will grow up to resent her. while confronting her parents about her husband her dad informs her that it is a women’s job to take care of her spouse and his home and she must bear the weight of of these problems because there were many other women experiencing these problems too. It also seen as special for a women to marry up in social class or someone wealthy

Feminism- Ichiyo

 In the story Oseki is forced to remain Harada’s wife and put up with his mistreatment because it is the only way to help her family. Oseki represents what women went through at that time to obtain some type of power since the priority of women was to obey the man. She and her marriage are also affected because of their different social status. Harada believes he is superior to her and categorizes her as a woman without knowledge. The difference between their social classes leads them to have different perspectives about life. Oseki’s little knowledge of upper-class activities does not allow her to function as Harada would like.


In my understanding race does matter when the narrative deals with issues of race because it is easier to understand the struggles when you yourself are living it. However, race does not matter when it comes to defending people’s rights. The truth is that racism affects us all in many different ways. I believe Chopin portrays this statement very well in her story, because despite being a white woman, she points out the truth about being a person of color and the reality of what they were going through.  

Marxism in the Thirteenth Night

In broad terms she learns that her struggle is not as bad as she thinks it is or it isn’t as bad as she thought it was. We see that she learns that someone who she really admires got the bad end of the stick and is through more of a struggle than she is, even though she was willing to run away from her life and leave her wealthy life and child behind due to her abuse. Compared to Roku’s life who lives in poverty with no family and no home and forced to work a job until he is tired. she reflects on her actions as she speaks with him seeing even though they came form the same place they both ended up on the other side of social structures.

Feminism in “The Thirteenth Night”

In this story, Oseki struggles to find happiness in her life.  Her parents praise her for how successful she is because of the amazing match she has made with her husband.  Like so many woman before and after her, her achievements in life are boiled down to how well she married and the children she produced.  She feels trapped in her unhappy marriage because of the social status her husband has been able to bring to her family.  Even so, she seeks a way out.  The only thing that stops her from leaving Isamu, is her son, whom she can not imagine being away from.  Oseki is forced to choose between happiness or her family.  Ultimately she chooses to be with her son and remain in her unloving marriage for the good of her family. 

Marxism in “The Thirteenth Night”

Two very different economic classes are shown in “The Thirteenth Night.”  These classes are represented by Isamu and Roku. Isamu and Roku seemingly live very different lives.  Roku’s marriage has failed and he is living in destitution without a family.  From an outside perspective, Isamu’s life looks much more successful.  Under the surface however, Isamu’s and Oseki’s marriage is failing just as Roku’s.  The story begins with Oseki’s parents explaining how happy they are of her marriage and the good it has done for her and the family.  Oseki’s run in with Roku shows her that it truly does not matter what social or economic class you belong to if you are not happy.  Roku and Oseki were happier when they were young, regardless of their families’ economic standing.  Now, separated by circumstance and living very different lives, they are both unhappy.  From this interaction, it is clear that financial success does not equal happiness. 

Mine Eyes Have Seen

What Mine Eyes Have Seen

In “Mine Eyes Have Seen”, the play does not teach piety and virtue. Instead, it teaches what Plato depicted as “hold the mirror up to the nature”. The play teaches amoral citizen behavior such as crime and racism. For instance, this family move to a new city where they were being harassed by white people, who did not want them there just because of the color of their skin.  In “Mine Eyes Have Seen”, Dan says “notices posted on the fence for us to leave town because niggers had no business having a decent home.”

In “Mine Eyes Have Seen”, the play also teaches crime and unpunishment. The house of this newcomer family was burned by the racist people and with that the family goals and plans were literally destroyed. Dan says, “To see them go up in the smoke of our burned home” referring to their plans. Their father was also killed and the person who committed the crime was never incarcerated. Chris says, “Must I go and fight for the nation that let my father’s murder go unpunished.”


        In Colombia we don’t celebrate thanksgiving. Six years ago when I came to America this was totally new for me. Everybody woke up early to watch the Macy’s parade. At night we got together and every family had to bring something to the table but we could only eat after every member of the family had arrived. Then we said a little thanksgiving prayer. It was really nice. 

          Now as a christian I can say that Thanksgiving is more than having a good time with your friends and family. This holiday is about giving thanks to God for all things he provided, also is a time to be thankful for all his blessings. 

       I think it is  also a time to reflect about what really matters in life because many times we are so worried about things that  we don’t have that we forget to appreciate what we have.   


From the moment a child talks it means that they have been listening to what you say. In my understanding, adults tend to complain a lot in front of kids not knowing that the first instinct of a child is to mirror the behavior of others. I believe that adults should be careful when talking about big issues in front of young children because they will pick up this negativity and, over time, become negatively programmed themselves. However, you should never shield kids from world events. I recommend adults to level with the kid in an age-appropriate and reassuring way because they are powerless to address anything in their life but have the right to understand that there are certain things that can affect them.