The messages Beyonce expresses through the song when you dream something you need to work hard unitek own it.Beyonce music and videos often convey a range of messages and themes, and the specific messages she intended to express through a particular. Beyonce communicates a powerful message about the organized institutions that oppress and marginalize BlackYes , those messages are similar to the initial reaction to the song and the video. The Beyonce song said “I dream it, I work hard,I grind it, I own it”. I feel the same as this song if I deem something I must have to get and work haed for that. Also I thought covid 19 vaccine scares and dangerous like nicole. Something like her, I trust medicine and scientists but I can not trust vaccines. After a few months I finally took the vacation and everyone should take the vacation.Two examples of emotive language are when Vaccine Game Show asks any of you just the covid vacation don say no I don’t need the vacation and nicole said i can not trust vaccines. I think the song and video became controversial because the song tells the truth we need to work hard for our dream. The Vaccine Game Show gives money to take the vacation so people will be safe.