Test of multiple File Upload asdfadsfdsf Image Upload 1 https://openlab.bmcc.cuny.edu/mmp-350-fall-21/wp-content/uploads/sites/1879/2022/09/Hands-on-Composite2.jpg caption for file 1 by Chris Image Upload 2 https://openlab.bmcc.cuny.edu/mmp-350-fall-21/wp-content/uploads/sites/1879/2022/09/FreeBird2.jpg caption for file 2 by Chris
Author: Christopher Stein
Image Post Test TEST 2
Test of multiple File Upload TEST 2 Image Upload 1 https://openlab.bmcc.cuny.edu/mmp-350-fall-21/wp-content/uploads/sites/1879/2022/09/DoubleExposure-Tutorial.jpg Image Upload 2 https://openlab.bmcc.cuny.edu/mmp-350-fall-21/wp-content/uploads/sites/1879/2022/09/FreeBird1.jpg
Image Post Test TEst Chris
Test of multiple File Upload TEst Chris Image Upload 1 https://openlab.bmcc.cuny.edu/mmp-350-fall-21/wp-content/uploads/sites/1879/2022/09/Hands-on-Composite.jpg Image Upload 2 https://openlab.bmcc.cuny.edu/mmp-350-fall-21/wp-content/uploads/sites/1879/2022/09/FreeBird.jpg
Test embedded Form with multiple images
This is a test for Gravity Form with multiple images
Final Presentation
When you present your group projects, I would like to to have two main parts. Part 1: The Project Here you will do a screenshare of your project on Netlify and talk about the project. This is like your brief: Describe your project What were your goals? Who is the target audience and what are… Continue reading Final Presentation
Week 17: 12/20 Final
Final Projects are due today and will be presented in class. Live Sessions JOIN LIVE SESSION Session 1: Groups Monday, December 20 at 7:30p–9:10p We will go over your final projects on Monday. I will give a little time to get things ready at the start and then we will do presentations. After that there… Continue reading Week 17: 12/20 Final
Credits and Copyright
When you use content that someone else made, you should give credit to the creator. This is true whether it’s an image, text or other media. Some content comes with specific copyright that REQUIRES you to give credit. One example is the Creative Commons Attribution license. This license requires that you attribute the original author… Continue reading Credits and Copyright
Git Merge Conflicts
When you’re doing a Git Merge, sometimes you have made changes to the same line of code that someone else also changed. When you try to merge your files you will get an error message that will look something like this: When this happens, Git will create a special version of the files that had… Continue reading Git Merge Conflicts
Git Cherry Pick
Cherry picking in git is a relatively advance way to bring in the code from a single commit into your current working branch. Why might you want to do this? Well, a good example in our class is that I forgot to add some code to the .eleventy.js file in the eleventy-basic repository template I… Continue reading Git Cherry Pick
Week 16: 12/13
This is the class class before finals. Wednesday is optional. Final projects will be due next week on Monday, December 20. Live Sessions JOIN LIVE SESSION Session 1: Groups Monday, December 13 at 7:30p–9:10p We will do group work on Monday. I will talk about the final presentations a bit. I may show some things… Continue reading Week 16: 12/13
Git Credentials
When you’re working with Git and doing things like making commits, Git tracks who it is that made the commit. In order to do that Git needs to know your username and email. If you haven’t set that up you will see an error when you try to make a commit. Something like this in… Continue reading Git Credentials
Showing Groups of Pages in 11ty
There are a few ways that you can generate lists of pages (posts) in 11ty. This post looks at how to based on tags, custom front-matter variables, and listing all of the files in a folder. You can follow along with this by using the collections-example repository. Click on the link for the repo: https://github.com/profstein/collections-example… Continue reading Showing Groups of Pages in 11ty
Git and GitHub
Basics Dan Schiffman’s Coding Train Git and GitHub Introduction Video. He does this all on GitHub and focuses on concepts over code. Git Workflow Miro Board This board is a visualization of how git works and the daily workflow. https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lOnEtSE=/?invite_link_id=959586073517 Branching When working on group projects you should use a branching workflow. Working with Branches… Continue reading Git and GitHub
Week 15: 12/6 + 12/8
Live Sessions JOIN LIVE SESSION Session 1: Git/GitHub and Groups Monday, December 6 at 7:30p–9:10p We will start with looking at Git and Branching and then have time to work on version 1 of your projects. Topics for Class Session Working with Branches miro Branch Example GitHub Template Git and GitHub post Final Weeks group… Continue reading Week 15: 12/6 + 12/8
Dynamic UI with jQuery
This is a step-by-step guide to completing the Dynamic UI with jQuery part of the Dynamic Project. It also covers Setup [0] Setup Create GitHub Repo from Template Go to the Github Template Click the green Use this Template button. Go through the steps to finish creating your version of the repository. Clone Repo to… Continue reading Dynamic UI with jQuery
Submitting the Dynamic Site
Here is what you will need to do to submit your Eleventy site Push all of your files to your GitHub Repository. Deploy your site to Netlify Copy the URL. It should be something like https://yourproject.netlify.app Note: by default Netlify will give you a wierd project name that is a combination of words and letters… Continue reading Submitting the Dynamic Site
jQuery Examples
These are some CodePens that show examples of ways to use jQuery. Simple jQuery Accordion This is a relatively simple example I made. Clicking a heading expands or contracts the content underneath it. Filter Buttons This example shows how to filter content with buttons.
Week 14: 11/29 + 12/1
Live Sessions JOIN LIVE SESSION Session 1: jQuery and Groups Monday, November 29 at 7:30p–9:10p We will start with more JavaScript and then give time for your Progress Reports. Progress Report is due today Topics for Class Session JavaScript Page jQuery Basics jQuery Accordion Pen jQuery Filter Buttons Pen Final Weeks Progress Report (on Miro)… Continue reading Week 14: 11/29 + 12/1
jQuery Basics
jQuery is the most popular JavaScript Library. Using a library allows you to quickly write code that is compatible across a range of browsers. It should be noted that recently browsers and JavaScript have evolved to make it possible to do a lot of the things jQuery is good at without jQuery. You may see… Continue reading jQuery Basics
jQuery Setup
Loading jQuery Into a Page There are two ways to load jQuery: Download jQuery and put it in with your site’s JavaScript files. Load it from a CDN Loading from the CDN Most people choose to load it from a CDN. The jQuery CDN allows you to choose which version you want to use. Go… Continue reading jQuery Setup