Showing Groups of Pages in 11ty

There are a few ways that you can generate lists of pages (posts) in 11ty. This post looks at how to based on tags, custom front-matter variables, and listing all of the files in a folder. You can follow along with this by using the collections-example repository. Click on the link for the repo:… Continue reading Showing Groups of Pages in 11ty

Dynamic UI with jQuery

This is a step-by-step guide to completing the Dynamic UI with jQuery part of the Dynamic Project. It also covers Setup [0] Setup Create GitHub Repo from Template Go to the Github Template Click the green Use this Template button. Go through the steps to finish creating your version of the repository. Clone Repo to… Continue reading Dynamic UI with jQuery

Week 7: 10/13

This week we will finish the Responsive Site and get started on being ready for Eleventy. The Responsive site will be submitted on Thursday, October 14 There is no class on Monday, October 11 due to a holiday. Before Class: LEARN DO THIS: Work on your project. Roughly in this order wireframes complete create HTML… Continue reading Week 7: 10/13