There are a few ways that you can generate lists of pages (posts) in 11ty. This post looks at how to based on tags, custom front-matter variables, and listing all of the files in a folder. You can follow along with this by using the collections-example repository. Click on the link for the repo:… Continue reading Showing Groups of Pages in 11ty
Category: Eleventy Site
Week 12: 11/15 + 11/17
This week we will start to look at the group project, form groups and look over what we’ve done (and are going to do). Before Class: LEARN DO THIS: Submit your 11ty Site Project on Blackboard. Apologies that the assignment wasn’t up earlier. It’s up now and I’ve changed the due date to today, Monday… Continue reading Week 12: 11/15 + 11/17
Week 11: 11/8 + 11/10
This week we will explore using Data, Nunjucks templates and Collections Before Class: LEARN DO THIS: Work on getting your Responsive Site moved to 11ty. Deploy your Netlify site on Netlify Update your Miro Progress board In Class: EXPLORE DO THIS: Join the Live Class Sessions The Join link is the same for all live… Continue reading Week 11: 11/8 + 11/10
Submitting the Eleventy Site
Here is what you will need to do to submit your Eleventy site Push all of your files to your GitHub Repository. Deploy your site to Netlify Copy the URL. It should be something like Note: by default Netlify will give you a wierd project name that is a combination of words and letters… Continue reading Submitting the Eleventy Site
Week 10: 11/1 + 11/3
This week we will wrap up the first version of your Eleventy projects Before Class: LEARN DO THIS: Work on getting your Responsive Site moved to 11ty. Update your Miro Progress board In Class: EXPLORE DO THIS: Join the Live Class Sessions The Join link is the same for all live sessions. There is a… Continue reading Week 10: 11/1 + 11/3
Deploy to Netlify
This post covers how to get your site in the web using Netlify’s servers. Terminology Some words you might not know Netlify: Netlify is a hosting platform specializing in hosting projects build with workflows like ours (static site generator and GitHub). They have a generous free pricing tier that is great for the kind of… Continue reading Deploy to Netlify
VSCode 11ty Setup
When we’re working with Eleventy there are some new file types that VS Code will not handle as you expect. Follow these steps to set up VS Code to work with them. Nunjucks This is the templating language we will use (11ty actually lets you use a number of them). Install the Nunjucks extension to… Continue reading VSCode 11ty Setup
Week 8: 10/18 + 10/20
This week we will dive into Eleventy Before Class: LEARN DO THIS: Make sure you have node installed on your computer. For windows and macOS there are steps in the dev environment instructions that cover this. Make sure you have access to your project files (brief document, html, css, js) DO BEFORE WEDNESDAY Do the Markdown… Continue reading Week 8: 10/18 + 10/20
Starter 11ty Site
This post goes through the steps to create a basic Eleventy (11ty) site from Prof Stein’s Eleventy Basic template.