Here is what you will need to do to submit your Eleventy site Push all of your files to your GitHub Repository. Deploy your site to Netlify Copy the URL. It should be something like Note: by default Netlify will give you a wierd project name that is a combination of words and letters… Continue reading Submitting the Dynamic Site
Tag: submit
Submitting the Eleventy Site
Here is what you will need to do to submit your Eleventy site Push all of your files to your GitHub Repository. Deploy your site to Netlify Copy the URL. It should be something like Note: by default Netlify will give you a wierd project name that is a combination of words and letters… Continue reading Submitting the Eleventy Site
Submitting the Responsive Site
Here is what you will need to do to submit your responsive site Publish the site with GitHub Pages View your published site in your browser. Copy the URL. It should be something like Go to Blackboard for our course Click on Assignments > Responsive Site Paste in your URL in the text area… Continue reading Submitting the Responsive Site
Submitting the Portfolio Brief
Instructions on how to submit your Portfolio Brief. Format Please submit your brief as a single PDF file. I suggest using Microsoft Word or Google docs to create it and then exporting as PDF. You will most likely use some other tool (Figma, XD, etc) to create your wireframes and site map. Export an image… Continue reading Submitting the Portfolio Brief