
The overarching learning objective of the class is for you to be able to create well-designed, responsive, dynamic web sites and do it with the tools and processes that professional web designers use.

It makes sense that in order to learn that and show what you’ve learned, you’ll make web sites. In this class we make two and they are the class projects.

Links to more information on each project will be added as the class moves forward.

Portfolio Project

This is an individual project where you make your portfolio. You will be able to decide the content and focus of the portfolio (it doesn’t have to be about web design or getting a job). We are not concerned with the content as much as we are about creating a site that does a good job of showing the content to the audience you’ve chosen.

The project will be how you show the following competencies:

  1. Create a Plan for a Web Site
  2. Create a Responsive Site
  3. Design a Site that is usable, understandable and engaging.
  4. Implement a web site using Eleventy

We will have mini projects for parts of this along the way:

Final Project

This is a group project. You and the members of your group will determine what content will be on the site. We will talk more about this as the class goes on, but the goal of the final project is to create a site showing all five competencies and do it while working in a group.