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Author Archives: Jen Longley

Weekly Module 15: Partnering with Families Applications Post (Video)

After watching the video TAPS Partnerships with Families, Part 5, post your answer to the following questions:

  1. How does the drop-off scene in the video demonstrate power sharing or empowering a family?
  2. What skills, qualities, and supports that Janani and Rukmini discuss do you feel are most important for infant/ toddler professionals to partner with families?
  3. Why would reflective practice, or thinking about a family and your interactions with the family, be important to partnering and empowering with families?
  4. What advice that Rukmini and Janani offer do your think is most important for developing partnerships with families?
  5. Anne mentions that when working with families of young children it is important to develop strong attachment relationships with families?  Do you agree? Why?

Respond to 2 other threads!

Complete your End-of-Semester Survey on Blackboard!


These touching base posts will allow us to continue the community we created in our face-to-face ECE 209-L class. Share as much as you feel comfortable sharing. I will offer extra credit for completing these posts. You will receive:

  • 1/2 point of extra credit for responding to this post
  • 1/4 point for responding to 2 other posts (1/2 point for responding to 2 responses).

Questions for this touching base post:

  1. How are your doing?
  2. What are your reflections about this semester?
  3. How have you grown this semester?
  4. What have you learned about yourself this semester?

Weekly Module 15: Partnering with Families Readings Post

In this module you will:

  • Evaluate the role of social power and social influence when working with families of infants and toddlers
  • Analyze situations to determine how to share power with families
  • Complete the End-of-Semester survey

After reading Allard & Hancok (2015), answer the following questions:

  1. Summarize the main idea, key details, and what you learned from the reading in 4-6 sentences in your own words.  Use key terms and vocabulary from the text.
  2. What quote(s) was most meaningful to you? (identify the page number) Why?
  3. How does this reading connect to your personal experience?
  4. Why is it important to be aware of social power and social influence when working with families of infants and toddlers?
  5. What impact could culture have on social power and social influence?
  6. Which vignette from the article do you think most demonstrated the staff empowering the family? Why?
  7. How will this reading help you be a better infant-toddler professional?

Respond to 2 other posts!

Complete your End-of-Semester Survey on Blackboard!


Weekly Module 14: Applications Post 2 (Site Visit Recap)

Think about your site visit, and answer the following the questions:

  1. What did you gain from your site visit?
  2. What struck you from your visit? Why?
  3. What was most meaningful about your visit? Why?
  4. How will your visit help you be a better infant-toddler professional?

Respond to 2 other posts!

Weekly Module 14: When Conflicts Arise Applications Post 1 (Video)

After watching the video TAPS Partnerships with Families: Part 3, answer the following questions:

  1. What is the main cause of differences and tensions with families?
  2. What can infant/ toddler professionals do about these tensions?
  3. Why do families make “unreasonable requests” of staff and programs?
  4. How can staff work with families when those requests are made?
  5. What can be done when tensions between families and staff become conflicts?
  6. How does this video relate to the Gillespie (2006) reading? Make specific connections, identifying the page number.

Respond to 2 other posts!

Weekly Module 14: When Conflicts Arise Readings Post

In this module you will:

  • Analyze strategies to use to create partnerships with families
  • Identify strategies to use when faced with differences and tensions with families
  • Explore what to do when tensions with families become conflicts

After reading Gillespie (2006), answer the following questions:

  1. Summarize the main idea, key details, and what you learned from the readings in 4 – 6 sentences in your own words.  Use key terms and vocabulary from the text.
  2. What quote(s) was most meaningful to you? (identify the page number) Why?
  3. How does this reading connect to your personal experience?
  4. Which of the strategies teachers find useful to creating respectful and productive partnerships with families do you feel is most important? Why?
  5. Based on the strategies teachers find useful to creating respectful and productive partnerships with families how would you work with Pilar? Jason’s family
  6. How will this reading help you become a better infant/ toddler professional?

Respond to 2 other posts!


Touching Base Post (Extra Credit)

These touching base posts will allow us to continue the community we created in our face-to-face ECE 209-L class. Share as much as you feel comfortable sharing. I will offer extra credit for completing these posts. You will receive:

  • 1/2 point of extra credit for responding to this post
  • 1/4 point for responding to 2 other posts (1/2 point for responding to 2 responses).

Questions for this touching base post:

  1. How are you doing?
  2. How do you take care of yourself during stressful times, like this?  
  3. What are ways you can provide comfort and restoration to yourself when things are difficult?

Weekly Module 13: Rituals and Routines with Families Applications Post (Video)

After watching the TAPS Partnerships with Families: Part 2 answer the following the questions:

  1. Summarize what you learned from watching the TAPS Partnerships with Families: Part 2 video.
  2. What practice discussed do you think is most important for welcoming families? Why?
  3. Janani said families are the expert on their child.  What can programs do to support families as experts on their child?
  4. Why are arrivals and departures important to welcoming families?
  5. How does this video relate to the Goldsmith & Theilheimer (2015) reading? Make specific connections, identifying the page number.
  6. How does this video relate to the second reading you picked (Block, 2014 or Peterson, 2012)?  Make specific connections, identifying the page number.

Respond to 2 other posts!

Weekly Module 13: Rituals & Routines with Families Readings Post

In this module you will:

  • Identify rituals and practices to help infants and families transition into a program
  • Analyze the importance of phase-in and separation for infants, toddlers, and families
  • Critique principles centers use during phase-in

After reading Goldsmith & Theilhiemer (2015) AND Block (2014) or Gillispie & Peterson (2014) answer the following questions:

  1. What was the second reading you chose? 
  2. Summarize the main idea, key details, and what you learned from the readings in 4-6 sentences in your own words. Use key terms and vocabulary from the text.
  3. What quote(s) was most meaningful to you? (identify the page number) Why?
  4. How do these readings connect to your personal experience?
  5. How do infants, families, and staff benefit from phase-in? 
  6. Which guiding principle infant centers consider when infants enter their program do you think is most important? Why?
  7. How will these reading make you a better infant-toddler professional?
  8. How does the Goldsmith & Theilheimer (2015) article connect to the other reading you did (Block, 2014 or Gillespie & Peterson, 2012)?  Identify specific connections.

Respond to 2 other posts

Goldsmith & Theilheimer (2015)

Block (2014)

Gillispie & Peterson (2012)


These touching base posts will allow us to continue the community we created in our face-to-face ECE 209-L class. Share as much as you feel comfortable sharing. I will offer extra credit for completing these posts. You will receive:

  • 1/2 point of extra credit for responding to this post
  • 1/4 point for responding to 2 other posts (1/2 point for responding to 2 responses).

Questions for this touching base post:

  1. How are you doing?
  2. What conditions are feeling challenging now?
  3. What is contributing to the stress?
  4. How are you managing the situations?