Think about your site visit, and answer the following the questions:
- What did you gain from your site visit?
- What struck you from your visit? Why?
- What was most meaningful about your visit? Why?
- How will your visit help you be a better infant-toddler professional?
Respond to 2 other posts!
What did you gain from your site visit? I learned different activities I can use to keep infants engaged. For example the tunnel play and the water play in high chair.
What struck you from your visit? Why? What struck me the most was how attached Omri was to what appeared to be his primary teacher. It reminds me of the stories my mom tells me about how attached I was to my babysitter and how when she would pick me up my baby sitter would always be holding me while the other children were playing.
What was most meaningful about your visit? Why? Learning about new ways to keep infants engaged. There is a stigma that you cant do much with infants so I am always looking for as much activities I can, so that I can keep infants engaged each day.
How will your visit help you be a better infant-toddler professional? My visit will help me be a better infant teacher by providing me with knowledge of activities I never knew would help infant learn such as the tunnel activity.
Hey Deborah, I like how you connected this with you personal life story that is a very good connection. Good Job :).
Deborah your response has also informed me that there are many ways we can keep infants engaged
Deb — Henri had developed trust in his teacher — I think we were seeing an attachment there!
Hey Deborah, I like how you added some of your personal life to the responses.
1). What did you gain from your site visit? From the site visit I learned many ways of keeping children involved and engaged with many different activities.
2). What struck you from your visit? Why? What struck me from the visit is when the child in the video the teacher notes that one of the children is left out in the tunnel activity, and he tends to cry. So the teacher responds by picking up the child and encouraging him to pass through the tunnel by urging the child to go through the tunnel. Even though the child still does not go through he feels way better and stops crying. This is very important and it shows that the teacher is fulfilling the child’s needs and wants by responding to the child when he cries and also comforting them by talking to them and calming them down in these types of situations.
3). What was most meaningful about your visit? Why? The way the teacher treats the students. For example the tunnel activity, one of the children is urged by the teacher to try and get the ball in the tunnel, and the child obliges, in return the teacher claps for the child happily. This stood out to me because it shows that teachers are working hard to get children engaged and in the process they motivate the children. In return the children are happy and everyone has a good time.
4).How will your visit help you be a better infant-toddler professional? The site visit helps me become cognizant of the several ideas on language and play activities, and therefore, as a teacher, I will be aware of all the toddlers in the classroom and look for ways to engage them.
Agree, responsiveness from the caregiver was demonstrated when she listened to the infants cry and this shows the importance of the 3 R’s in caregiving.
Edisa — The teacher was very responsive to the babies — to their emotions, activities & accomplishments!
Hey Edisa. I like how you learned a lot in your site visit and I hope you can use everything that shocked you and that you learned in the future.
Hey Edisa, I like you observation during the tunnel play activity. I too believe its important as teachers to support and attend to the child’s need.
1. What did you gain from your site visit?
From the site visit, I gained the importance of close observation of infants. When I did the observation I had to keep rewinding to a specific part and getting all the details and this showed me that I have to practice observation and learn to observe more closely.
2. What struck you from your visit? Why?
What struck me from the visit was how often the infants changed from one thing to another and the amount of patience the caregiver had and always kept in the same rhythm and pace of the infant.
3. What was most meaningful about your visit? Why?
The most meaningful thing about the visit was how the infant’s and caregiver were communicating. I saw how the caregiver and infant have a strong bond and connect with each other.
4. How will your visit help you be a better infant-toddler professional?
This visit will help me become a better infant/toddler professional because it showed me how I must stick to the pace of the infant and not rush it. When an infant has a hard time transitioning, being there for the infant, and showing to the infant that their time is important to me, it can help me have a connection and ultimately creating a bond with them.
Daisy — we are developing our muscle as observers — it takes time & practice to refine. The teacher did follow the lead of the babies & follow their pace — we saw infant curriculum in action!
Hey Daisy, I like how in your observation you were able to catch the communication between the caregiver and the infant. I also were able to catch that communication and bond between the teach and the child. I really enjoyed you responses Good Job :).
What did you gain from your site visit?
I learned how to be a better observer. It helped me notice why teachers do little things with the kids for developmental reasons.
What struck you from your visit? Why?
Something that struck me from my visit is when the teachers were transitioning. It stuck me because I thought it was going to be more difficult for the teacher to have her attention on both kids at once, but she seemed to make everything look so easy.
What was most meaningful about your visit? Why?
The most meaningful thing about my visit is the fact that the teachers were extremely responsive to the kids.
How will your visit help you be a better infant-toddler professional?
This will help me become a better infant- toddler professional because it is going to help me realize that I need to tend to all the needs of each child.
i reviewed this module
What I learned from the site visit was to keep children engaged with different activities while also learning
What struck me was the smooth transition between activities and how the teachers attentive
The most meaningful thing was the teachers were attentive and using a soft tone with the children
This will help me because you have to be attentive and patient dealing with kids
1.What did you gain from your site visit?
From the site visit, I learned about different ways of keeping children engaged with different activities while also developing their learning. I did have to keep rewinding to different parts while taking notes. This made me realize I have to pay attention to every detail when it comes to children.
2.What struck you from your visit? Why?
What struck me from the reading was how the caregivers was able to pay attention to more than one child and keep them all entertained.
3.What was most meaningful about your visit? Why?
The most meaningful thing was how the teachers were patient, open-minded and gentle with the children.
4.How will your visit help you be a better infant-toddler professional?
My visit will help me because I will take what I have observed and learned and apply to when I’m looking after children. I will be able to be aware to how a child is feeling and determine what a child wants or needs.
I agree based on the strategies teachers find useful to creating respectful and productive partnerships with families how would you work with Pilar? Jason’s family : For Pilar I would use empathy to understand where she is coming from. Then I would ask the mom well why do you think this is happening in the daycare? and what is her eating schedule like at home? I would also offer to maybe give Pilar her favorite toy so she could maybe stop crying so I could give her mom my full undivided attention.
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