The logical fallacy I’ve chosen to discuss this week is “Appeal to nature”. This is when someone will argue that anything natural is automatically healthier and the better option as opposed to something that is not natural or does not contain 100% organic ingredients. One example is when companies greenwash their products to make them seem more healthy, just by putting a green leaf on the box or exaggerating the health benefits it may provide. Another example of this is the use of MSG in food- Many people believe that as a man-made flavor enhancer, it is unhealthy and should be avoided. This can be true within the realm of processed foods, but MSG is actually naturally occurring in many vegetables and cheeses.
I chose a cartoon to explain this fallacy further. It shows one friend attempting to take cover from a tornado, while the other friend believes he should expose his body to the tornado because people have been exposed to natural disasters for thousands of years. The friend tried to protect him, but he was too adamant in his appeal to nature. They, unfortunately, ended up dead. RIP Billy.