Two characteristics of the government existing in Sherman Alexis’s poem but not shown (the US Government) is tyrannical and selfish. Tyrannical because indigenous people’s lives were controlled in every aspect. Where they lived, how much money they had, what school they went to and more. Selfish because the land that was rightfully the natives were stripped for them only to be told where they could live and how much land they were able to have. Millions of acres reduced to small reservations. Bountiful resources now turned to drugs, alcohol and poor nutrition. Rather than sharing resources they keep as much to themselves as possible. The government shown in the poem, the tribal government, is one that is giving. They try to help their community with what they have. They are also traditional, tribe governments have been around in many indigenous cultures.
Monthly Archives: December 2022
Ichiyo and Feminism
In the short story “The Thirteenth Night” by Ichiyo, the feminism literary theory can be observed. The main character Oseki is subjected to remain in her abusive marriage because of the ridicule she will face from society, the effect it will have on her family, and her not being able to see her son if she leaves. She attempts to leave her abusive husband and gets guidance from her parents. Oseki’s mother is immediately supportive, her father thinks about the situation but worries about the outcome and tells her to go back home. In her time period, similar to ours, the patriarchal values leave women dependent on their husbands. Oseki could symbolize the many women who do not have freedom. She has to stay in her relationship to prevent other horrible things from happening to her. Women often remain in their situations due to a lack of opportunities and how they will be treated when they try to obtain better lives. Women did not have much power but navigated through education if they were of higher class. Some used deception and hidden secrets.
Final Reflection
From when I started, I was afraid of the English class because I was suffering from Writing essay , but Professor Perry tried to help me and made it easier for me to write it. writing an essay developed and it became something normal for me, not the way I used to look at it before.
I enjoyed reading the short stories. These were the stories that I liked the most, and I feel that I can talk about them a lot. I also liked the Open Lab. I enjoyed publishing my opinion and commenting on the opinions of my friends. For me, it was funny, and I learned a lot from people’s opinions.
One of the challenges I faced in ENG 201 is drama because it is the first time for me to do something like this and I had a difficult challenge, but it was a fun challenge and I tried as much as I could to do it as required and I worked and I hope to get what I deserve.
Also liked the film we watch and í enjoyed watching it for me I like to watch film more than reading because i think reading is more harder and sometimes seeing stuff make you understand what’s going on. Thank you very much Professor Perry , for making this class an understanding class for us ,this was my last ENG class, I wanted to be with you if it wasn’t not my last class.
Marriage proposals
In his play, Anton Chekhov has Ivan Lomov boasting and trying to show off his inheritance to Natalya before proposing to her. This is before they start to argue about who owns the oxen meadows next to the Stepanova’s birchwoods. Ivan letting Natalya know about the land he owns is a bit similar to people today buying big, shiny diamond rings and finding expensive places to propose at to let others and their partner know that you have valuables to offer. I think that Chekhov is saying that marriage proposals are usually just a way for people to show off and let others what they have even if it’s just your partner. In the end it’s all about boosting one’s egos and feeling like “The man”, demonstrating the performative aspect of marriage proposals, especially public ones.
Chekhov demonstrates this idea of “Symbolic gendering” by having Ivan ask Natalya’s father for her hand in marriage. I think that “The Marriage Proposal” is outdated with its execution; however, it still does a good job at demonstrating the gender roles of marriage proposals and how they should be. Instead of using land and livestock to convince your partner to marry you, men use rings, trips and specific places to show that they are “worthy” of a “Yes!”.
What does Thanksgiving mean ?
I don’t usually get excited about thanksgiving because I don’t have a big family, there’s 3 of us & we usually stay in watching tv and eating all day every year. Generally, the holidays make me feel sad and isolated, there are days where I feel “jolly” and thankful but not for too long. It’s usually a time of year where everyone is stressing over money, especially with black Friday being the day after thanksgiving. It’s ironic how we’ve dedicated a day to being grateful for what we have and the very next day we’re fighting others for toys and whatnot on sale. The articles that appear in “What Does Thanksgiving Mean to You?” by the New York Times are so relatable and are a good representation of how many oof us feel during the holidays.
To me, Thanksgiving is a time where I’m able to relax and get a break from both school and work. Those around me and in my neighborhood use this time to get together with close friends and family, create new memories and enjoy each other’s presence, something they’re not able to do too often. Even though my family and I don’t do much for thanksgiving we still make sure we make lots of food, sometimes we make turkey and other years we make traditional dishes like Pernil(Roasted pork), potato salad, rice and beans. We like to trade plates of food with neighbors, this is our way of showing thanks and still connecting with others when we don’t want to have big house parties. When I’m older I want to start getting together with my close friends and members outside of my intermediate family, this is something I have not have the pleasure of doing as a child.
Film analysis essay Openlab upload

After thinking whether the story of Frankenstein is monstrous or not. It super monstrous and unrighteous. The way his is judged because of skin color and appearance is wrong. It represents our society how we literally create barriers because of color LIKE WHAT that doesnt even make sense it’s plain stupid. Frankenstein is labeled as creation that should have never been made almost exactly how colored people were viewed years ago its truly disgusting and sad.
Good vs. Evil

Throughout the play “Mine Eyes Have Seen” as an audience your exposed to so much traumatizing events. The lynching of Chris’s father and not being offered justice. That easily influences the audience to anger, mad at how another human being can be morally wrong and held with any consequences. This is why the bible states
ISAIAH 1:17 Learn to do good;
Seek justice,
Reprove the ruthless,
Defend the orphan,
Plead for the widow.
Humanity must learn to reprove these injustice and reprove what is done ruthlessly.
This play doesn’t teach virtue or piety, what it does do is it shows the he lowest strata of human behavior. Killing a man is terrible because you kill his descendant and his kids. But i would agree that its necessary to have pieces of art like this because if the unrighteous isn’t exposed to us, how we know to what to stay away from.
Final Reflection
Over the course of this semester, I’ve realized a lot about myself as a writer and the type of student/person I am. If I could describe my writing style in one word, it would be “Authentic”. I like to write how I speak; I usually like to stay away from “big, pretentious” words when I write because of this. I would like whoever is reading my writing to feel as if they know me on a personal level and feel comfortable, not have to try to decipher what I’m saying. These past 15 weeks have not been easy, but I would like to think that I do my best, nonetheless. I’ve learned to be more patient with myself, I’m still young and learning as I go, so I shouldn’t be hard on myself because I choose to focus on what I personally feel is more important, not what others say is important.
My top two favorite writing pieces from this semester would have to be our poetry analysis essay and our “Where I’m from” assignment.” I really enjoyed learning about Natalie Diaz and getting the chance to analyze some of her poems, more specifically her “They don’t love you like I love you” piece. This poem of hers was about her mom’s advice to her about love and being careful with who you fall for which evoked some strong emotions in me. Our “Where I’m from” assignment allowed me to reflect on my upbringings and appreciate my surroundings more. I don’t always get a chance to just relax and look at what I have and the people around me with all the craziness in my everyday life.
I would say that my biggest challenge this semester has been trying to balance both my school and personal life all at once. I feel like there were times where my personal life would get in the way of my learning and no matter how aware I was of this; I rarely did anything about it. I’m sure that as college students many of us feel the same way. We have those moments where all we think about is our future and doing good in school, but then there are other times were we just want to live-in the moment and deal with the consequences later.
I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m not perfect and never will be, therefore I need to be nicer to myself considering everything I’ve been through. Many of us are stuck living our everyday lives for others, trying to impress and outdo the next person. I’m slowly trying to outgrow this mentality. I am allowed to make mistakes and not feel bad about it, take mental health breaks and decide when I want to finish MY goals, “Because this is my first life.”
Final Reflection
Fall 2022 semester, a semester for the ages that I will never forget. After taking almost a two-year break dating back to Spring semester 2021. Coming into this semester I honestly had no idea what to expect, but it went better than expected. In day-to-day life this class helped manage my time so much better. The deadline leniency helped me manage my tight schedule. Never did I ever have so much on plate, while attending school looking back everything turned out alright. Thanks to Jesus Christ of course the only reason, I’ve made it this far. 100% made a lot of progress with my writing style, I used to hate writing, but this classed pushed me more towards enjoying it. What’s difficult for me is more putting my thoughts into words. For example, my research paper in the first couple hours into beginning I knew exactly what I wanted to write. Two things delayed me the tiresome research for evidence and putting all my ideas into sentences. Honestly, it difficult for me to see my writing style being that I’m accustomed to it. I feel it’s easier for an audience to observe and explain it to me. Something I look forward for Professor Perry to do.
My research paper, Respect Wolf’s Bane Terrain. I’m super proud YES it gave me so much headaches, but it turned out pretty good. Lots of headaches because I wanted to finish in one night. But I accepted my fate, I CANNOT finish an essay in one night just not my skill. I’ve always struggled writing an essay quickly, because I care and overthink everything. This is why I’m completely against the NYS state test. The test honestly doesn’t determine your true educational level not everyone can write an essay in 3 hours. FOR Elisjoe he needs a good 2-3 weeks to fully dedicate his time. Back to the point, Respect Wolf’s Bane Terrain I love because through the making of it I learned so much. I saw aspects of Isamu I didn’t discover when I first read the story. I can say I was in the zone, but more towards the end. Starting off the essay I struggled and finding evidence tired me out and had me imagining myself throwing tantrums. Yes, imagining because, then it means I have no self-control.
The biggest challenge were the modules where drama and plays were covered. Don’t mean to be a vibe-killer but drama just isn’t my preference. Prometheus Bound had me confused, I was like what are these people speaking about lol. The accent and the moral behind the story just didn’t add up for me. My least favorite topic this class. The time management is a concept I’m stilling learning, going to next semester I’m toward getting my assignments done weeks before the deadline. That’s my goal.
Overall, Professor Perry was a class act professor. I remember before the semester researching each professor on Rate My Professor lol, the comments shared sold me on her. I just told myself YES! This my type of class. They weren’t lying when they said a lot of writing but overall, my favorite professor. Catch me on Rate my professor I’ll be leaving 5-star review.