
Teasing and using hypothetical or joking language is an incredibly complicated thing to grasp. Often, phrases are taken literally and responded to in a way they were not meant to. This is an intricate part of the english language and will be consistently heard in life. Shielding a child from jokes entirely will hurt them in the future, if they don’t develop with this crucial understanding. Joking doesn’t mean that life is unstable, it is simply a joke. It is important to work through misunderstandings as they occur, but shielding will hurt children more than protect them. There is, however, no need to pour every hard life reality and event on to a young kid. They don’t need to know intricacies of financial ruin, or every detail about drugs and sex or assault. Answering questions when asked, but not volunteering hurtful information is a way to go about this, and padding the answers slightly can also assist in teaching. Teasing kids is much different from showing them the entirety of reality, but in that case where harder subjects are questioned, denial will only lead to later hurt.

One thought on “Parents

  1. This reminds me of what I highlighted in my post! I pointed out how children are still grasping language as a whole and may not be advanced enough to understand the different syntax and other components. I agree that teasing and jokes can be beneficial to learn but I believe parents should take that extra step to explain to the child that it is in fact not meant to be taken seriously. This way it is a learning experience for the child but not a hurtful one.

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