Category Archives: Retention

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Week G

Week G Assignment 

The most demotivating part of harpers job is her boss not taking notice of how much she is going through and not being comfortable enough to communicate her struggles with him.  Harper loves the company she works for and has put four years of her life into working there so she would like to continue to work for them but with how her workload has increased since her old boss left, leaving for a new opportunity might be her only option.  In a situation like this having a sit down with her new boss could help tremendously.

If I were an HR manager I would remind him how important it is to communicate with your employees and how they should always feel comfortable bringing up problems they have when it comes to him.  Healthy communication is paramount in the workplace because it will lead to work being accomplished with better quality and if there are ever any misunderstandings they can be cleared up as fast as possible.  I would also make sure that he knows never to overburden his employees because if a worker has too much pressure on them their quality of work will not be the same and ethically the right thing to do is make sure your employees are comfortable

 Harper is an extremely hard worker and likes working for the company, losing her would be highly detrimental to the company.  The key to success for most companies is having employees who love their job and harper has lost that love for her job.  The best action to take would be to have a conversation with harper and find out what can be done so that she can enjoy working at the company again.


  • What do you think is the most demotivating part of Harper’s job?
  • If you were an HR manager meeting with Harper’s supervisor, David, what advice would you give to help them re-engage Harper?
  • What would be the downside of losing Harper as an employee

The Most demotivating part of Harper’s job is that her boss is not noticing what she is going through. and after when her boss left she was very upset because they really got well. Harper’s Love company where she works and she gets a huge experience there.

If I were HR, i would like to advise them to arrange the weekly meetings and that will build the level of employees and it will be good well to do good with employees. In the offices, we need to create a good culture for everyone where all employees would communicate with each other.

Losing Harper as an employee was a huge loss for the company. While she spent a good time and had a crucial experience with their customers. Every company needs a customer on the base of employees. She handled the overload work even though she get a lot of workload. she can manage the work. In the Company, when they hire new employees then definitely they need to train them according to their product.


  1. What do you think is the most demotivating part of Harper’s job?
  2. If you were an HR manager meeting with Harper’s supervisor, David, what advice would you give to help them re-engage Harper?
  3. What would be the downside of losing Harper as an employee?

I could tell Harper was an accomplished and hardworking person after reading the article “A Case of Disengagement.” Things changed after she had a new supervisor, David, and the most demotivating part of Harper’s employment, in my opinion, is that she is not being recognized for her contributions while doing extra work, plus she only told her true feelings to her friends but not to her supervisor.

If I were an HR manager working with David, the advice I would give to assist them in re-engaging Harper is that they need greater communication; they shouldn’t overburden their staff; they should pay her for the extra job she does. Encourage your coworkers to emphasize work-life balance and healthy workloads. According to the article “8 EFFECTIVE EMPLOYEE RETENTION STRATEGIES”, working less often equates to less stress, which means you’ll be so much more productive.

Losing a great employee like Harper will hurt. It costs the company organization in recruitment, hiring, institutional knowledge, and customer relationships. It also creates emotional and personal challenges within teams as well. Provide opportunities to improve both inside and outside of work for good talent who wants to develop and harness their skills at every opportunity. Recognize and appreciate employee accomplishments and progress when they do.


The most demotivating part of Harpers job is how she feels like a machine rather than a valued person in her role. Her previous boss was engaging, involved and aware of the people he managed and what their workloads were, now Harper feels overworked and unseen. If I were HR at Marketable Inc., I would encourage David to facilitate weekly team meetings and team building efforts outside of the office as well prioritizing filling the vacant role to better manage workloads. Harper has been with the company for 4 years and was happy in her role for most of her time there, losing her as an employee would worsen the workload on her colleague and have the team question the company’s morale.

After reading the case study one can sympathize with Harper’s sentiment. Having shared a similar situation, I can say for sure the most demotivating part is not being recognized for the level of work she does. The fact that Harper took on most of her old manager’s work and can handle it shows her value as an employee. If I were the HR manager, I would ask David if he has recognized the work Harper does. First to see if David is an observant manager and recognizes the grasp Harper has on her old manager’s work as well as to why she is doing the managers work instead of David. Secondly, to see what plans he may have for Harper so that I can determine if she should take her old manager’s position or move her to a different team with more growth opportunities. As for how to re-engage Harper I would recommend recognition of her contribution to the team as well as some financial compensation for her. I would also speak with David about work-life balance and how the work is distributed since Harper took on most of the responsibilities. Harper being able to manage the work of her previous manager shows she is a valuable employee. Losing her would cause more work for the team and burden them all. That would increase stress and disinterest in the other employees which will ultimately result in losing more of the team.

I know that through practice I have learned and agree to a majority of the eight strategies we read about. I’ve seen the impact that recognition and open communication can make in the team. Not just with management but it builds camaraderie amongst all involved. The other thing I would add is to listen to your team and be their speaker in situations where they might not be heard. Most of us have heard the saying “the customer is always right.” Most of the time this isn’t true, but in the cases where the employee was wrong, management must learn to communicate without choosing a side and defuse the situation. For trust amongst the team is built in communication and difficult situations. At least that’s what I have learned through my experience.


  • What do you think is the most demotivating part of Harper’s job? Harper Jones is overworked, under appreciated, and seemingly, on an island of one at her marketing coordinator position with Marketable. Personally, if I had to chose but one “demotivating factor” in Harper’s world of work, I think that the most demotivating part of Harper’s job is the lack of open communication with her supervisor, David. Previously, Harper was able to communicate and commune with her previous supervisor Jose, and now, her new supervisor, David, oversees her entire team of 6 other employees and, unfortunately, he “seems unavailable.” So, not only is Harper overworked, but she isn’t able to check in with her boss to communicate how she (he?) is feeling in terms of the workload, let alone “break bread” and commune as humans need to do! That sucks! I hope I am always able to communicate with a future boss, and I hope if I’m the big boss person I can always try to maintain extremely open, frank, and if need be, brutally honest, lines of communication with my employees and teammates! This is so vital, as it forms the basis of good teamwork, from which other factors like recognition, incentives, and checking in with each other on workload in turn flow from open communication!
  • If you were an HR manager meeting with Harper’s supervisor, David, what advice would you give to help them re-engage Harper? If I was an HR manager meeting with Harper’s supervisor, David, I would advise that David begin checking in–sincerely–with his staff! This could be taking each member for coffee (might I recommend moonraker coffee roasters 😉 ), a meal, or just an informal check in where David drops the airs and lets guard down so folks feel comfortable being honest with how they are doing / feeling / and operating at work. Moreover, I would also recommend David pull his face out of the desk to begin recognizing employees for their contributions! This could be a quarterly, monthly, bi-weekly type event — it could be in person, via email, the sky, as they say, is the limit! We all thrive on feedback, especially positive feedback, and this public recognition not only rewards hard work for the employee receiving it, it can inceptive others to roll those sleeves up and hustle harder, among other benefits. David could also look at other benefits, perhaps as simple as offering more money, but moreover maybe other benefits that would really help people, like a flexday off to get pesky errands out of the way (has anyone else had a check engine light on for months and not had time to bring a vehicle to a mechanic, or to get a proper haircut, lol?).
  • What would be the downside of losing Harper as an employee? The downside of loosing Harper as an employee is manyfold–for one, Harper has been with Marketable for 4 years, so she has presumably gained a lot of institutional knowledge that helps the work get done, and loosing her (him?) means that Marketable has to not only hire but also train a new employee which takes not only time and energy away from the workload, but cold hard cashish! Moreover, quitting employees are like a “morale virus” that attacks the host, and other employees are apt to begin quitting as well, compounding the problem! Further, loosing Harper could mean competitive advantage for a firm hiring her that can leverage her skills to compete more effectively for business and clients that Marketable is working with.

Employee Retention

I think the most demotivating part of Harper’s job is that she is being overworked due to her prior supervisor leaving the company and Harper taking on some of his old tasks. Which is now hampering her work/life balance, and she feels her boss David does not acknowledge how hard she’s working and is unable to communicate with him efficiently. She wants to leave the company because she feels no one is attempting to fill her old supervisor’s position and she will have to continue with this workload.

If I were an HR manager meeting with David (Harper’s boss) I would explain to David he needs to ensure he creates a culture of open communication in the office. There’s no reason an employee should feel they can come to management with issues they are having pertaining to work. Also make it a priority to help employees feel valued, I am sure Harper would feel better if once in a while David acknowledges Harper’s hard work and rewards her. Because Harper is a key employee, losing her would be a downside for the company because it would mean limiting productivity, it’s a drain on the company’s staff, and would mean you would need to find someone to replace and train someone in Harper’s position.

Case Study

The most demotivating part of Harper’s job is too much work she is doing after Joe left (Professor Buckler, n.d.). Although they had a good connection with Joe, Harper loves her work, but the addition of responsibilities is overwhelming her. Since the company has not yet replaced Joe after he left, Harper is doing most of the roles he was taking; hence she is doing much overwhelming work, even having difficulty balancing work and life. Therefore, the most demotivating part of Harper’s job is the lack of company not replacing Joe and not recognizing the amount of work she is doing after Joe left.

            If I were an HR manager, I would advise David to create time and listen to Harper’s grievances. I will tell him the importance of Harper in the company; hence it is significant to re-engage her to ensure she does leave the company. I will advise David to use the fourth retention strategy where he should create a culture of open communication. Open communication will help Harper air her grievances regarding the need to replace Joe as soon as possible because most of the roles he left are overburdening her (Scalco, 2017). I will also advise David to look for ways to distribute tasks among the team to ensure no overburdening of one employee.

            Losing Harper as an employee will be costly because she has been instrumental in carrying out several tasks for the company. The downside of losing Harper is that her role will be vacant together with Joe’s role; hence, most tasks will stop. The company will be forced to be quick to respond to hiring, which might end up employing the wrong people due to hurry. Therefore, the company should try to retain Harper and replace Joe to ease Harper’s burden.

Scalco, D. (2017, June 19). 8 effective employee retention strategies. Zippia For Employers.

A Case of Disengagement

  • What do you think is the most demotivating part of Harper’s job?
  • If you were an HR manager meeting with Harper’s supervisor, David, what advice would you give to help them re-engage Harper?
  • What would be the downside of losing Harper as an employee?

After reviewing Harper’s situation, it seems warranted why she would feel as such. The workload that she was familiar with has been altered in such an immediate or unexpected fashion that she hasn’t fully adjusted/adapted. Not to mention that Jose’s presence doesn’t seem replaceable by David in any possibility.

Personally, if I was placed within a HR Manager position I would certainly desire to account for Harper’s difficulties adjusting; though I would have to keep in mind that David still has his set responsibilities (as well as managing a greater amount of individuals compared to Jose). I would likely seek that other employees under David could help out somewhat with Harper’s workload, if the option of hiring another person onto the staff is thrown out the window. It would be a major risk to lose Harper as an employee, seeing as there would be a larger amount of work that would have to be directed at other employees. This in turn could result in other employees deciding to leave said company due to the overabundance of work assigned onto their plate.

Case Study

The overwhelming work load that Harper has to deal with is the most demotivating part of her job. She enjoys the work but in moderation. By having so much to do she can’t balance her personal life and its causing her to no longer enjoy the work. As and HR manager I would recommend David try to make himself more available to his team so they can reach out if necessary. I would then advise him to review the workload that each teammate has and either delegate the tasks so that everyone has an equal workload. If everyone seems to be overwhelmed I would advise David to scheduled the projects in a manner that allows the team to target one goal at a time. A downside of losing Harper would be the tam will have one less person with extensive experience and knowledge of the company. Also if Harper leave the company a portion of the workload wouldn’t get completed and another employee may become just as overwhelmed.