Writing as Activism

Writing, like any other form of activism, is a viable form of BIPOC in the present-day United States and helps broadcast the voices of the oppressed. The book “Gorilla, My Love” by Toni Cade Bambara in 1971 exemplifies how writing can tackle racism, sexism, and social injustice. Through the characters’ stories and struggles, Bambara can bring attention to the plight of Black Americans in a time of racial tension and social unrest. She can provide a voice to the silenced and marginalized persons. In the same way, writing can continue to be a powerful tool for BIPOC to share their stories and experiences to bring awareness about their struggles and advocate for change in the present-day United States. In addition, writing can be a powerful and eternal means of liberation since it helps us connect with our unique perspective and express ourselves in meaningful and empowering ways. Writing allows everyone to find their own stories and express it to the world, which allows people to acquire general skills of becoming responsible to own happiness. Writing serves as a tool for liberation by allowing us to challenge oppressive forces, speak truth to power, and create meaning for ourselves in a world where we often feel powerless. 

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