Hey Bridget, using the blackout method you were able to create an even more ominous undertone to the poem. Really like how you were able to tell your own story through the poets words.
Hi Bridget, I enjoyed reading your poem the mood the poem sets reminds of a short movie I watched about someone who made promise to someone close to him and he remembers it as he drives off in the sunset
I really like the words you chose to remain in this erasure poem. It accurately describes august in a beautiful way and has a hint of sadness or longing towards the middle. A different and beautiful poem.
Hey Bridget, using the blackout method you were able to create an even more ominous undertone to the poem. Really like how you were able to tell your own story through the poets words.
Hi Bridget, I enjoyed reading your poem the mood the poem sets reminds of a short movie I watched about someone who made promise to someone close to him and he remembers it as he drives off in the sunset
I really like the words you chose to remain in this erasure poem. It accurately describes august in a beautiful way and has a hint of sadness or longing towards the middle. A different and beautiful poem.