After watching the video Homeless Families with Infants & Toddlers, answer the following questions:
- What struck you in the video? Why?
- If Shari Houser starts the day care she talked about in the video, what can the program do to create a relationship-based model (Hint: Module 2 on Relationships, Baker & Manfretti/ Petit, 2004)? Identify specific practices.
- How are the situations these families face similar to the families you read about? Identify the article you read (author, year). Make specific connections, identifying the page number.
- How are the situations these families face different from the families you read about? Identify the article you read (author, year). Make specific connections, identifying the page number.
Respond to 2 other posts!
1. What stuck to me the most in the videos was there was no free child care programs for the the children that were not older enough for pre K, This stuck with me because they had to Rome the streets while the shelters are closed
2. The program can use the A look at Adult Child Attachment relationships shape a young child’s growing identity . through interaction with adult ,parents and caregivers
3. The situation are the same because the families are homeless like some of the families in The Children’s Place Association Supporting Families Impacted by HIV/AIDS (Jamilah R,Jor’dan and Roxsana Marie Lee)
4. The situation are different because the families from (Jamilah R. Jor’dan and Roxsana Marie Lee) are facing and medical issues and their children all ages had access to medical and schooling
Hey Shemella, it’s great that you mention that, there were no free childcare programs for the children that weren’t old enough to attend preK, which false them to be out in the streets. It’s a very unfortunate situation.
Hey Shemella good work, its good that you mentioned the medical issues that the families are going through.
Hey Shemella, I like how you explained number 4 I also agree with you on how the situations are different because of the limited resources, which makes certain situations and responses differently.
Agree with your answer to question #1, for the kids to roam the streets is not safe enough especially if it is a cold day, during the wintertime.
Shemella, I like how you connected the access to medical and schooling to your article. Also, it is asking for too much from the parents who are homeless with their young children to pay to live in programs/centre’s.
I like how you explained question number 4
Watching this video made me feel very grateful. It’s so unfortunate that families have to go through this. What struck me the most, was the overcrowded conditions that led families to have to sleep on the floor and the fact that children were only able to play for an hour.
If Shari opens her daycare, she can incorporate the family-based model. Building a relationship with the parents and supporting them to feel comfortable to leave their children at the daycare. I assume because the children are with their moms all day, they’ve formed strong emotional attachments, which may get in the way when children are being dropped off at daycare. The children will have to adapt to a new routine that they may not be used to, but with the help of the family-based model, Shari can help both children and mothers adapt to new routine by building a trusted relationship with the children and parents. Like Robin stated in the video, she wants to be able to leave her children in a place she knows they’re safe, so she can feel comfortable leaving to better herself and change the situation her and her children are in.
I see a lot of similarities with the families in the video that I watched and the families in the articles that I read. Some similar things that I notice were that some of the children in these articles lack some kind of support or care. Whether its’s food, guidance, love, mental health or education, these families have hardships that they are facing. These hardships are leading to other challenges matters and in the 2014 Jordan and Lee article he speaks on this matter. On page one he states, “Factors like these put the families at higher risk for poor nutrition, poor mental health, children’s delayed social development, and susceptibility to other diseases, amount other challenges”. These factors are affecting the overall development of a child’s ability to become successful in life.
Furthermore, while I see more similarities than differences, I read some other hardships the families in the readings had to face. For Instance, in the Robin K Fox article these families were facing adoption issues, while these families seem similar to the ones in the video because they don’t have a steady home, they also had to deal with language issues, trying to live in the U.S. without speaking English made it harder to communicate with others. To add on to the differences, in the Paula De Silva article, these families had to face issues because they came from a nontraditional house household such as, a gay or lesbian household. This article also explains how teachers and administrators of early childhood programs had minimal access to training about how to deal or support the children who came from such households. Where as Shari seem to have the training and experience of working with such a diverse group of children because of her background at the shelter.
Hey Erica I really liked how you mention using the family based module because every family needs to feel comfortable and know what kind of person they a leaving their children with.
Hey Erica, I love how you explained each of the points in a lot of details. And also I 100% agree with you that this video really helps me as well on really being gratefully as you mentioned for everything that we have. Because watching these videos reminds me that there is people who have basically nothing.
Hey Erica, it is unfortunate that families have to go through this.
Erica — Thanks for your insights! If Shari develops the program she would like to, using a family-based model of programming — she can capitalize on the strengths that people have. Did you read all the articles? You connected many to your post!
Hey Erica, I like how you explained the similarities and differences between the article you read and the video. it was very detailed.
1. What struck me the most about this video was what families who are homeless have to go through everyday in the shelter, mother’s and their youngest having to leave and be out on their own while the oldest are in the daycare.
2. Create a family base module so that the moms feel more comfortable leaving their children in the daycare . Create a bond with the children and parents so the children can be comfortable and the parents can leave their children knowing they are in good hands.
3. A lot of similarities, depending on the situation it would be hard for children to improve on their developmental outcomes because of not having a stable life.”When families are stable and basic needs are met, children are more likely to attend school and have improved developmental outcomes.” (Jordan & lee Pg. 2) Children need to be care for, played with, fed, health, and education.
4. They are different because in the article Ray et al, the families are caring for children with disabilities, looking for a good caregiver who will help not only the child but the parent as well to see how they can help their child face any issues that they might have and figure out what they can do to keep them going in a good routine.
Hey Tiana, I totally agree with you on everything especially the first one. Families out there who are less fortune really do go through hard times specially separating their kids. Good job :).
Hi Tiana, I agree with everything you posted you gave very great details!
Tiana — Thanks for your post! Developing trust with families will be key for Shari’s model to be successful! Family stability impacts developmental outcomes.
This video makes me think of all the times that we complain over unnecessary things like having the newest iPhone or any other technology. Even though we have a roof over our head, food, clothing etc. It really makes you be thankful of what you have because there are people who have it worse out there.
1). There were many shocking things in this video. How ever one thing that is not yet mentioned that stuck to me was how families and their children are left 12 hours on their own in the streets during the day time because the shelter is only licensed to work at night time. This is really sad to know how families are able to survive when its cold outside and having to carry children in the streets in order to shelter themselves to survive.
2). If Shari starts her daycare that she mentioned in the video, she can incorporate the family-based model by one of the most important thing would be creating a safe place as she mentions. These children don’t have that safe place that they can call home like we do, so this would be a very big first step to achieving a healthy outcome. Also creating a strong relationship bond, these children are used to being in their mothers hands mostly throughout their lives, because that is their safe place, and so creating this relationship with them in which they can feel safe and also have a trustful relationship other then their families would be a very important step for creating a bond with the children, families and incorporating a family-based model. I am pretty sure these families would not want anything more than leaving their children in a safe environment with caregiver who they can fully trust leaving their children with. For Shari it needs to be a priority to create a strong relationship with children but also most importantly the families, this will create a stronger bond with the children.
3).I saw many similarities that connect the readings and the videos that we have watched. Some of those similarities are that every child rather in the video or the readings they have a something in their live that is missing. For example in the video it was a safe place that they can call their home. And in the reading “Jamilah R,Jor’dan and Roxsana Marie Lee” (2014) it sorts of connects these two because the children lack a stable lifestyle they come across problems in their childhood lives that can also impact their lives later. For example when children grow up in toxic place it effects their developments which then effects them later in life.
4). The situations on the video and the situations on the reading “Jamilah R,Jor’dan and Roxsana Marie Lee” (2014) differ in a way of the resources that are available in the shelter (video) for the families vs families who have their own homes. In the shelter there are limited amount of resources for families in order to deal with any type of problems in which they come across vs at home families have much more options and our not limited to them. For example in the reading “Jamilah R,Jor’dan and Roxsana Marie Lee” (2014) it states on page 22 “children construct their own ideas and theories about their world through play” this demonstrates the important of play in children’s lives. However in the video above children have limited amount of play per day (an hour).
I Agree with what you said, we are not grateful enough for the basic necessities that we have and these families don’t have, but to them just to have these basic necessities cover would help them recover so much of what they need to get back on their feet.
Hey Edina, it makes me more appreciative of all the things we take for granted
Hey Edisa I agree that people are too focused on having the latest Iphone or newest expensive item and not grateful for what they have such as food, clean drinking water, clothes and shelter. They don’t take to think about how they could help those who are less fortunate and what they can do to help them care for themselves and their families
Edisa — Thanks for sharing! Your idea of giving children and families space to call their own, when they have none, is very insightful!
Edisa, this was an eye opener! A great reminder to be grateful for what we do have.
I meant to say the reading “Parnell et el” (2018) I apologized I got them mixed up.
Hey Edisa, I made the same differences connection after reading that article. Families at least had a home vs the families in the video, they were stuck sleeping on floors due to the capacity of families that entered the shelter.
1. What struck me in the video was the number of homeless children (1.2 million), it made me surprised because I didn’t know that it is a large scale the amount of these kids in the streets.
2. If Shari Houser creates the daycare, it would be a relationship-based (family model) where the family of the child is involved in everything the child does, especially in their education-wise. Creating relationships with the staff but also with the parents as well. When there are positive, respectful and caring interactions within the adults the children are able to see that and imitate the good qualities and learn from it.
3. The situations in the video are similar to the families I read about “Jor’dan & Lee (2014)” because of both talk about struggling families with low income or none at all, and these programs try to help at their best abilities to help these families. They both show how they would want to make their situations better if only they had the resources to do so.
4. The situations in the video are different from the reading I read about, “Jor’dan & Lee (2014)”, in which this video shows how the shelter can do so much and could only keep it open for 12 hours from 7:00 pm to 7:00 am, and have only a few resources available to them. In the article I read, on page 52 it states, how the CP’s program has more resources to help the struggling families in their needs and provide assistance.
Daisy — Thanks for posting! All families want to make their situations better!
Daisy, I agree with you on point#1. It is sad to see such a big number of homeless children nationwide. Also, having a family based model will help children get support from their families in situations like these. Support does make one strong to deal with situations!!
Daisy I was surprised by the same thing! Its disheartened to know that much children are without homes.
Hi Daisy, I agree with your first point about the amount of children that are homeless.
It really is crazy that so many children are homeless and dealing with so many problems.
What struck me the most about this video was seeing what families who are homeless have to go through everyday in the shelter, and
the fact that mothers and the youngest children having to leave and be on their own while the oldest are in daycare. Also that children are left 12 hours on their own in the streets during the day time because the shelter is only licensed to work at night time. It’s sad because shelters should be able to work during both day and night so children and families have the best care
2. If Shari Houser creates the daycare, she can incorporate the family-based model which would mean building a relationship with the parents and supporting them to feel comfortable to leave their children at the daycare.
Creating this relationship with them in which they can feel safe and also have a trustful relationship other then their families would be a very important step for creating a bond with the children, families and incorporating a family-based model.
3. The situations in the video are similar to the families read about in “Jor’dan & Lee (2014)” because of both talk about struggling families with low income or none at all, and these programs try to help at their best abilities to help these families. They both show how they would want to make their situations better if they only they had the resources to do so.
4.The situations in the video differ from the reading because where page 52 it says that “the CP’s program has more resources to help the struggling families in their needs and provide assistance.” However the shelter can only do so much and could only keep it open for 12 hours from 7:00 pm to 7:00 am, in late hours of the night with little to no resources that they need to care for the children.
1. What struck you in the video? Why? – The thing that struck me the most in the video was that there are about 1.2 million homeless children nationwide. As I am aware of a lot of homeless adults trying to find shelter for themselves, some are living on the streets or in the trains but what struck me was that children so young too have to go through the same. At an early age, these homeless children have no support to be in a normal school like other normal ones.
2. If Shari Houser starts the day care she talked about in the video, what can the program do to create a relationship-based model (Hint: Module 2 on Relationships, Baker & Manfretti/ Petit, 2004)? Identify specific practices. – Some practices that the daycare can provide is having a relationship based model like the family model discussed in module 2 earlier. Having the family involved in what their child is doing and achieving is a good way of indulging the family and making them feel important. It also helps in the development of the child as the child feels more safe and comfortable around their family, especially the parents.
3. How are the situations these families face similar to the families you read about? Identify the article you read (author, year). Make specific connections, identifying the page number. – It is not the situations that are similar in both the readings for me but more of the strategies mentioned in the articles- to help create a safe environment for both the adults and children. In the article I read by Paula-da-Silva page 41, it was mentioned that the teachers should make children and the adults feel comfortable and open to talk about same-sex parents and in the video above, it talks about the strategies to create an environment like a daycare center for homeless children where like others, they feel safe and normal too. In both the articles, the adults and children felt embarrassed about their identity which made an impact and influenced the child’s development.
4. How are the situations these families face different from the families you read about? Identify the article you read (author, year). Make specific connections, identifying the page number.- The situations differ as both the problem are completely different. In the article by Paul-Da-Silva, page 40 it talked about problems in self identifying due to same sex parents and in the above video, it talks about families and children being homeless and how it is affected the parents and the child’s development (in terms of getting a normal life like other normal children). In the video, it talks about issues that are involved when the child is just getting an hour to play outside as they are living by the rules of the homeless centre, with the issues of having a long waitlist to enroll in homeless centre’s as well.
Hi Vaishnavi, Great job the same thing struck me because I believe that the children are too young to have too go through this .
Hi Vaishnavi, I love how detailed your responses are!!
What struck me about this video is the statistics of how many children are homeless in America alone. 1.2 million is very alarming and it makes me think what is the government doing to avoid this.
If Shari Houser starts the day care she can adopt the family based model. She would be able to provide a safe, and trust worthy daycare so that parents would be able to go back to school and work. She would also be able to stay in touch with them even after they are able to leave the shelter and transitioning to permanent housing.
The connection I make between the article and the video is that families come in many diverse circumstances. Sometimes families will just be composed of a single parent due to the separations of families that experience homelessness.
The difference between the article and video was the article focused more on the sexual orientation of the family and the video focused on children and families that have to deal with homelessness. Nonetheless, and regardless of any situations all families should be treated with respect.
Hi Deb!
I agree with you when you mentioned the number of homeless children in America, it is a very alarming number and we can only hope for the organization to take the proper actions in order to guarantee they are provided with coverage for their basic needs.
i agree the amount of kids homeless is so sad like i wish i can do something to help every single one of them ,,:(
Hey Deb, I totally agree that if Shari would to have a daycare that it would allow the parents to work and/or go back to school which would hopefully result in them being able to save up for their own place and get back up on their feet.
1.Something that struck me the most about this video was seeing how the children are left about 12 hours on their own for the simple fact that the shelter is only licensed to work at the daytime. This struck me the most because I find that so sad that the children are left on the street until the night I feel like that the shelter should be open 24/7.
2. If Shari starts her daycare that she mentioned in the videos she can incorporate the family-based-model. I say this because it gives parents the opportunity to build relationships and also give the support which will make the family and infant feel comfortable.
3. The situation these families faced are similar to the families I read about because in the story it said ”When families are stable and basic needs are met, children are more likely to attend school and have improved developmental outcomes.” (Jordan & Lee Page2). I agree with this quote because children are always suppose to have their basic needs met so that they can feel more safe and actually happier.
4. They are different because in the article Paula De Silva it focuses more on sexuality such as gay and lesbian. In this video it focuses more on family and children that are dealing with homelessness!
Hi Shania! Just like you for me its hard to believe that shelters have such crazy policies where they let families with children on the streets just because they can only operate during the day. I wish the goverment could create more organiations where their main going was actually help the less favorable people.
1. What struck me the most was the attitude of the families they show on te video, even though the situation is so hard they are still trying the best to make the best out each day for their children, for them to not lose the hope that one day things might get better for them. Sometimes we face small problems like our phone broke or our shoes got stained but these people are facing problematics way more important than the superficial stuff we seem to give more importance everyday.
2. I strongly belive that one of the models they could use for the program could be ” The Family Model” were starting for the relationship children-parents they start building relationships based on respect so that chidren grow up becoming better persons.
3. On the article I chose ( (Jordan & lee Pg. 2)) families are alike in the sense that both situations are hard to handle, but with the adequate help there’s hope for them to move forward.
4. The families are different because on the article I chose the main problematic is that the children have HIV/AIDS and suffer the stigma of living their life with those aids plus the fact that they are homeless and have no medical care or money to cover their essential needs, and the families from the videos main problematic is the way that shelter operate is not adequate for the families that have children.
Hey Juli I agree people should really be more grateful for what they have and not be so superficial all the time, or think that the smallest inconvenience is the end of the world.
1. What struck me the most about the video is the amount of children that are homeless in the US alone, which is 1.2 million. Also how families and their children are left on their own for 12 hours at a time if not more because shelters are only licensed to work in the day. It makes me think how hard it is for them in the winter and how lucky I am to have the things that I do. I never knew that there are shelters that only open in the morning.
2. If all goes well and Shari does decided to open up the daycare she will be giving back to her community. She can not only incorporate the family-based-model we spoke about in module 2 she will be building relationships with the people and children of her community while getting the parents involved.
3. The situation of the families in the video are similar the reading “Jor’dan & Lee (2014)” because you learn that every family has a struggle,some families are homeless and some struggle with their income whether it be low or whether they have no income at all.You also learn that the environment a child is in, toxic or good, can affect them throughout their life and have a lasting affect on them.
4. Although the video and article are similar, they do focus on different things. For instance, the article “Jamilah R,Jor’dan and Roxsana Marie Lee” (2014) focuses more on sexual orientation and families who are facing adoption issues, while the video focuses in families who don’t have a stable home because they are living in and out of shelters.
Hey Aalyah, me and you were shocked at the same thing in question 1. Its really crazy moms stay with there’s babies for 12 hours a day with no place to go.
1. Something that struck me from this video was how little time children get to play and move around when they live in a shelter. Also the amount of children that are living in a shelter with there parents. It’s very sad knowing that you can’t do everything for your kids and you don’t even have a house for them. They don’t have everything they need. Life will always be hard and people struggle but every parent would want better for their kid and it’s sad because it’s like nothing is being done to make life easier for homeless people. So many children are homeless it’s shocking.
2. In order for a program to create a relationship based model, Shari would have to make the kids feel comfortable and safe by giving them the attention they need. Also make sure the parents trust her with the children. Soon, the children will get used to being away from the parent while there doing what needs to be done. They would have to create a bond with one another.
3. A connection I made between the article and the video was about the parents. How every family is different and struggles with things. They both show how people do what they can also to try and help kids.
4. A difference between the article and video was that the article was based on same-sex partners and how they feel unwelcome when the video talks about homelessness and how families have to deal with it.
1- After watching this video i feel extremely grateful for what i have these children are so innocent they dont understand what they are going through. It struck me that these poor young kids have to leave the shelter after the shelter is closed and the mom has to find somewhere to go in the meantime like what if its snowing and freezing cold where would they go for those 12 hours ? it makes me so sad.
2- If shari opens up the daycare it would be a great thing because in the video one of the mothers even said she would feel at ease and be able to go to school again and get out of the situation they are in. She can be the biggest support system knowing that these families just came from a shelter and need their child to be taken care of while she starts over her journey.
3- I see lots of similarities in the video i watched and based on 2014 Jordan and lee article he speaks on how certain things just effect the child later in life and sorta delays them.Based on the article ” Factors like these put the families at higher risk for poor nutrition, poor mental health , children’s delayed social development and susceptibility to other diseases , amount other challenges.”
4-Despite being in a shelter some children have to face adoption a and issues with language Based on Fox 2012 on page 17 states ,”A review of multiple studies related to language and children who were adopted internationally found that these children appear to have more difficulties with language” . They have to learn a new language most of the time and tats alot let alone being with a family you don’t even know to adapt to their language.
i love how you put this together its so sad and makes me want to cry:(
I have reviewed this module
1.)What struck you in the video? Why?
– Something that struck me in the video was the fact that they said moms are with there little infants for 12 hours a day looking for a better life. this shocked me because I thought that since the older kids get to go to school I figured that babies would allowed to be able to go to the daycare.
2.)If Shari Houser starts the day care she talked about in the video, what can the program do to create a relationship-based model (Hint: Module 2 on Relationships, Baker & Manfretti/ Petit, 2004)? Identify specific practices.
– If Shari Houser starts the day care that she spoke about In the video, the program can create a relationship- based model so that the parents of the children can feel at easy when they drop them off. you want to leave parents with a mindset they know there child is safe and they are not putting them into harms way.
3.)How are the situations these families face similar to the families you read about? Identify the article you read (author, year). Make specific connections, identifying the page number.
– The video and the Article “Jor’dan & Lee (2014)” is related because they both spoke about the damage and harm that a child can have later on in life due to their past.
4.)How are the situations these families face different from the families you read about? Identify the article you read (author, year). Make specific connections, identifying the page number.
– In the article “Jor’dan & Lee (2014)” and the video above is different because the article explains the CP program has a lot more helpful resources for families that are suffering with needs, while on the other hand shelters are only open for 12 hours and after they close there’s not a lot of resources that can be available to them anymore.
Isis I agree it is very shocking that the shelter only opens for 12 hours a day and the families have to leave to parks because they have nowhere else to go.
1. What struck me the most about the video is how young some of the children are and how 1.2 million children are homeless at any given night, and mothers having to stay with the children for long hours of the day having no place to go and it’s so sad because no child should ever have to experience homelessness, and no family should ever have to go through that.
2. Shari can create a relationship between parent and child so that the mother feels comfortable leaving their child there, along with Shari supporting the parent in any way she can. So they can go back to school and/or find a job.
3. What similar is that every family has some sort of struggle that they go through.
4. These situations are different because in (Luckenbill and Zide 2017) Leshawn and his family aren’t homeless like the families in the video. Leshawn was diagnosed with diaphragmatic hernia so at a young age he was surrounded by people in the medical field.
I agree Amairany the amount of children that are homeless every year shook me to my core of how sad it is to know that many young children don’t have homes.
1- What struck me was that there were 36 children and 43 mothers in that shelter that were homeless and that was just a little bit because they can’t all stay in the same place.
2- If Shari were to open a daycare she could use a family-based program in that daycare to provide those families with security that their child is going to be safe while they work or while they are looking for a job. The children would be looked after and fed and played with so there will be a good relationship between caregivers and families.
3- In the reading Jor’dan & Lee (2014) they had the CP program that helped the families suffering from HIV/AIDS with all different kinds of help for food, shelter, schooling for the kids. Here with these families they are struggling and need help of all different kinds like food, shelter, jobs and luckily this shelter is able to help them with what they can.
4- The difference between the reading we read and the video is that the video the people in it are going through problems with not having food and shelter and a job. And in the reading it has more to do with their sexual orientation.
I re-reviewed this module
What shocked to me the most in the videos was there was no free child care programs at all for the the children that were younger than preschool age, This stuck with me because they had to be on the streets with their small child while the shelters were closed
The program can use the program a look at adult child attachment relationships through interaction with the child ,parents and teachers
The situations are the same because the families are homeless like most of the families and share similar stories
The situation are different because the families are facing medical issues and their children of different ages had the access to medical attention and school.
Module closed