This is going to be live document of sorts, updated now and again with books to look into further relating to design and making! The list will have the title and the ISBN for ease of search on most if not all online book stores as well as your local library.
BMCC has some of these books available; links to the library are with the titles.
Places to Purchase: Alibris, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-a-Million, eBay, & Powell’s
You can also see if older editions/used copies are sold here: Abe Books, Better Worlds Books, Book Outlet, Bookshop, Thriftbooks, Second Sale, Goodwill Books, Goodwill
General Design & Making:
The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Edition
Don Norman
ISBN-10: 9780465050659
ISBN-13: 978-0465050659
A Book About Design: Complicated Doesn’t Make It Good
Mark Goneya
ISBN-10: 0805075755
ISBN-13: 978-0805075755
Another Book About Design: Complicated Doesn’t Make It Bad
Mark Goneya
ISBN-10: 0805075763
ISBN-13: 978-0805075762
The Art of Digital Fabrication: STEAM Projects for the Makerspace and Art Studio
Erin E. Riley & Sylvia Libow Martinez
ISBN-10: 0997554339
ISBN-13: 978-0997554335
The Total Inventors Manual (Popular Science): Transform Your Idea into a Top-Selling Product
Sean Michael Ragan
ISBN-10: 1681881586
ISBN-13: 978-1681881584
Make: Tips and Tales from the Workshop: A Handy Reference for Makers
Gareth Branwyn
ISBN-13: 978-1680450798
ISBN-10: 1680450794
Available as an eBook at the BMCC Library!
The Big Book of Maker Camp Projects
Sandy Roberts
ISBN-13: 978-1260135497
ISBN-10: 1260135497
Photoshop CS4 Down & Dirty Tricks
Scott Kelby
ISBN-13: 978-0321563170
ISBN-10: 0321563174
(Note: despite its age it has some really good stuff– and provides the resources on his site for free!)
Photoshop Down & Dirty Tricks for Designers Vol. 1
Corey Barker
ISBN-13: 978-0321820495
ISBN-10: 0321820495
Photoshop Down & Dirty Tricks for Designers Vol. 2
Corey Barker
ISBN-13: 978-0133795646
ISBN-10: 0133795640
Adobe Photoshop CC Classroom in a Book (2019 Release)
Andrew Faulkner & Conrad Chavez
ISBN-13: 978-0135261781
ISBN-10: 0135261783
Illustrator CC Digital Classroom
Jennifer Smith
ISBN-13: 978-1118639719
ISBN-10: 1118639715
Adobe Illustrator CC Classroom in a Book
Brian Wood
ISBN-13: 978-0135262160
ISBN-10: 013526216X
Paper Engineering:
The Packaging Designer’s Book of Patterns
Lászlo Roth & George L. Wybenga
ISBN-13: 978-1118134153
ISBN-10: 9781118134153
The Elements of Pop-Up
James Diaz & David A. Carter
ISBN-10: 0689822243
ISBN-13: 978-0689822247
Creative Paper Cutting: 15 Paper Sculptures to Inspire and Delight
Cheong-ah Hwang
ISBN-10: 1861089201
ISBN-13: 978-1861089205
Cut and Fold Techniques for Pop-Up Designs
Paul Jackson
ISBN-10: 1780673272
ISBN-13: 978-1780673271
Available as an eBook at the BMCC Library!
Structural Packaging: Design your own Boxes and 3D Forms
Paul Jackson
ISBN-10: 1856697533
ISBN-13: 978-1856697538
Available as an eBook at the BMCC Library!
Karakuri: How to Make Mechanical Paper Models That Move
Keisuke Saka
ISBN-10: 0312566697
ISBN-13: 978-
Cricut for Beginners and Cricut Design Space
Rebecca Graham
ISBN-10: 1673277470
ISBN-13: 978-1673277470
CRICUT FOR BEGINNERS: Step By Step Guide To Start Cricut. Master Cricut Design Space to Easily Create Unique and Original Project.
Melissa Maker
ISBN-10: 1650285876
ISBN-13: 978-1650285870
Cricut Design Space For Beginners: The Simple Step By Step Guide On How To Start To Do Extraordinary Cricut Projects
Marta Cutter
ISBN-13: 979-8600825666
3D Printing:
Design for 3D Printing: Scanning, Creating, Editing, Remixing, and Making in Three Dimensions
by Samuel N. Bernier, Bertier Luyt, & Tatiana Reinhard
ISBN-13: 978-1457187360
ISBN-10: 1457187361
Available as an eBook at the BMCC Library!
Getting Started with 3D Printing: A Hands-on Guide to the Hardware, Software, and Services Behind the New Manufacturing Revolution
Liza Wallach Kloski & Nick Kloski
ISBN-13: 978-1680450200
ISBN-10: 1680450204
3D Printers: A Beginner’s Guide
Oliver Bothmann
ISBN-10: 1565238710
ISBN-13: 978-1565238718
3D Printing Projects
DK Publishing
ISBN-10: 146546476X
ISBN-13: 978-1465464767
The 3D Printing Handbook: Technologies, design and applications
Ben Redwood, Filemon Schöffer, & Brian Garret
ISBN-10: 9082748509
ISBN-13: 978-9082748505
3D Modeling and Printing with Tinkercad: Create and Print Your Own 3D Models
James Floyd Kelly
ISBN-13: 978-0789754905
ISBN-10: 0789754908
3D Printing Failures: 2020 Edition: How to Diagnose and Repair ALL Desktop 3D Printing Issues
Sean Aranda & David Feeney
ISBN-13: 978-1710054590
ISBN-10: 171005459X
Physical Computing:
Learn Electronics with Arduino: An Illustrated Beginner’s Guide to Physical Computing
Jody Culkin & Eric Hagan
ISBN-13: 978-1680453744
ISBN-10: 1680453742
Available as an eBook at the BMCC Library!
Make: Electronics: Learning Through Discovery
Charles Platt
ISBN-13: 978-1680450262
ISBN-10: 9781680450262
Practical Electronics for Inventors
Paul Schertz & Simon Monk
ISBN-10: 1259587541
ISBN-13: 978-1259587542
Making Things Talk: Using Sensors, Networks, and Arduino to See, Hear, and Feel Your World
Tom Igoe
ISBN-10: 1680452150
ISBN-13: 978-1680452150
Making Things Move DIY Mechanisms for Inventors, Hobbyists, and Artists
Dustyn Roberts
ISBN-13: 978-0071741675
ISBN-10: 0071741674
ARRL Handbook 2020 Edition
American Radio Relay League
ISBN-10: 1625951078
ISBN-13: 978-1625951076
(Note: It is also available on the ARRL Site. There are also older editions online for cheap as well.)
Think Like a Programmer: An Introduction to Creative Problem Solving
V. Anton Spraul
ISBN-13: 978-1593274245
ISBN-10: 1593274246
Getting Started with p5.js: Making Interactive Graphics in JavaScript and Processing
Lauren McCarthy, Casey Reas, & Ben Fry
ISBN-13: 978-1457186776
ISBN-10: 1457186772
Available as an eBook at the BMCC Library!
Generative Design: Visualize, Program, and Create with JavaScript in p5.js
Benedikt Gross, Hartmut Bohnacker, Julia Laub, & Claudius Lazzeroni
ISBN-10: 1616897589
ISBN-13: 978-1616897581
Learning Processing: A Beginner’s Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction
Daniel Shiffman
ISBN-13: 978-0123944436
ISBN-10: 0123944430
Available as an eBook at the BMCC Library!
Getting Started with Processing: A Hands-On Introduction to Making Interactive Graphics
Casey Reas & Ben Fry
ISBN-13: 978-1457187087
ISBN-10: 1457187086
Coding Projects in Python (Computer Coding for Kids)
Craig Steele
ISBN-10: 1465461884
ISBN-13: 978-1465461889
Python Crash Course: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming
Eric Matthes
ISBN-10: 1593276036
ISBN-13: 978-1593276034
Python Playground: Geeky Projects for the Curious Programmer
Mahesh Venkitachalam
ISBN-13: 978-1593276041
ISBN-10: 1593276044