Please Check our Plan Your Visit, Calendar or Instagram for schedule changes and announcements.
What is the Makerspace?
The BMCC Makerspace is opened to the entire BMCC community. It’s a space for bringing ideas to life – whether they be related to design, art, engineering, fashion etc. – with the help of 21st century tools such as 3D printing and laser cutting.
The space was built with collaboration in mind – professors and students from all departments are invited to use the space. Our goal is to foster a sense of community amongst “Makers” of all sorts.
Whether you have a project in mind or are just curious about the space and want to learn more, please come and visit us! Visit the calendar for open hours and contact Professor Anna Pinkas (apinkas@bmcc.cuny.edu) for more information.
Please visit our Workshop page for project ideas. Many of the Workshops have been created to be used virtually as well as in our physical space. We also have a Resource page full of helpful sites and a suggested reading to help facilitate your making journey.
Plan Your Visit:
Planning your visit is easy! You can walk-in, but if you need one-on-one assistance or consultation, it is better if you make a reservation. You are encouraged to email the Lab Manager in order to help them prepare what you need. For more detailed information, check out the FAQ and Plan Your Visit page.
Services Provided:
- Tours of the Space/Equipment for the curious or the project orientated to see the scope of our space.
- Self-Study Lab for those looking for a relatively quiet space to work undisturbed.
- Project Consultation for class projects or personal projects you might want to try to create in the space.
- Guided Equipment Usage: Want to use something in the space but not quite ready to use it on your own? Book time with Lab Manager for Onboarding and help!
- 3D Print/Laser/Vinyl Cut Reservations for students on the go–contact the Lab Manager and have your pieces made to pick up at a later date.
- Event/Class/Workshop Hosting for anyone who would like to utilize the tools for their class or a group for a project.
Where is the Makerspace?
The Makerspace is located in Room S608 in the 199 Chambers Street building. Take the escalator up to the 6th floor, where you will see the Media Arts Technology Office and the vending machines. Take the left hallway down until you see the brick wall with two wooden benches. In the recess on the left you will see the Makerspace door (It may be somewhat obscured by the white pillar).
If using the elevators, you take the left to the hallway and walk all the way down until you see the brick wall with two wooden benches. On the left you will see the Makerspace door.
Signing-in and Out:
There will be a clipboard on the grey desk, please sign in. You may be asked by the Lab Manager to do so as well. Under “Item” you can put in walk-in, tour, or consult in general, but if using a specific machine, name the machine. Self-study without equipment can just fill in lab or self-study.
Once you have signed in, you are free to self-study or use the equipment. If this is a reservation, then you may expect the Lab Manager to be prepared with whatever you requested.
Makers can expect a 15 minute warning before closing. This will allow you to save work or otherwise clean up.