Daily Archives: October 12, 2022

How is her marriage affected by socioecomic status? What do you think Oseki learns  from her run in with Roku? What is the significance of their  meeting through the lens of Marcist theory ?  

Oseki was persuaded to marry her husband only to please their family. After her son was born he changed for the worst, so he started treating her badly and humiliating her all the time. He felt that she was his property and he could do whatever he wanted with her.  Back at the time men felt superior to women. I think he was tired of being in a relationship with an uneducated woman, or someone that he thought was not good enought for him. 

The protagonist stayed in an unhappy relationship only for her family, her brother had a good job thanks to her husband and her parents also got benefits from their marriage.  

What is the significance of their  meeting through the lens of Marcist theory ? 

When she ran into Roku, She realized that many people are struggling every day to survive, she was not the only one. Even though  Roku worked hard every day, he could not  pay for a decent place to live, so he was born poor and after many years he stayed the same way. But her brother got a good job only because he had a connection ( her husband) otherwise he never would have gotten that kind of job. 

 Think about the setting of “The Thirteenth Night” particularly in terms of historical era. Given what you know of the era, and more specifically, what you learned about Higuchi Ichiyo’s life story, what or who could the female character represent? What role(s) did women play in society at the time, what kind(s) of power did they have, and how did they navigate their way through the systems of power?      

She was born in the Meiji era, Back at that time women didn’t have rights. They belong to their fathers or their husbands. They didn’t have the right to decide the person they would marry. Their marriages were like a transaction between families. Even Though her mother didn’t let her finish their studies, she made it and became a well known writter. Back at that time women were educated only to be good wives  or good mothers  but she knew that women were more than that. She used her writings to tell real stories. She was a strong woman who supported her family after his father’s death. For me she was an empowered woman.    

Marxism in the thirteenth night.

In the thirteenth night the Oseki who came from a low-class family and married Harada Osamu who belongs to the high class. Oseki’s relationship with her husband changed after she had her son Taro. Oseki’s husband started to abuse her verbally, calling her boring, worthless, etc. I think Oseki felt obliged to remain in the abusive marriage because she was economically stable, and probably did not want her son to grow up without a father. Oseki was thinking to leave her husband and when she found out that the man pulling the rickshaw was her old school classmate, she was so excited, she was asking him many questions perhaps she was hoping that her classmate progressed and was economically stable to start a relation, but he was poor and did not have a place to live. She chose to stay in the abusive relation for the rest of her life.

Feminism in Ichiyo

In the thirteenth night, during the Meiji era, women were allowed to go to school just to learn how to read and write. I believe only very few women had the opportunity to school for higher education like Ichiyo did. Women were probably be forced to get marry at a young age to have children and to stay home to cook for their husbands, clean the house and take care of the children. Women had to obey their husbands. I do not think women were allowed to work like women do now. I believe men and women are equal and should be treated equal. Although we are in 2022 but feminism still exist in some parts of the world. should be completely eradicated!

Chopin and Race

I believe that the authors race does matter when their narrative deals with racial issues in some instances. Usually, the opinions of POC are ignored by other races but their own, people are more inclined to believe a person and listen to what they have to say when they can relate to them. Chopin’s critique just helped grab the attention of those who look like her, something black people that lived in that time period probably had difficulty doing. In addition, when a person writes about the racial injustices they’ve endured, that entices people who relate to them to listen and speak on their experiences to continue to spread these ideas. When determining whether the authors race has any importance depends on the issues that’s being brought to light or the audience you’re reaching for.

Since this story was written in 1892 it can be assumed that this story was written by Chopin for her white counterparts. Not many white Americans were writing stories that regarded racial differences in these days because they either still agreed with certain ideas or were scared to be outcasted. Because of this Chopin’s race played a big role in the reason why Desiree’s baby was such a success.

Bambara My Word Is My Bond!

In your opinion, how carefully should parents and elders in families speak around young children? Should they only tell the truth, no matter how brutal, or should they shield kids by saying only the “nice things”? Should adults mean what they say, ie, “my word is my bond,” when dealing with children? Or should they allow children to see how little words can mean, how unstable life can be? Should adults avoid “just teasin” kids?

When it comes to children they should always be handled with care. Sometime we as adults do not realize how much children pay attention to the things we say to them and around them. I am a strong believer in teaching children by reality and not fairy tale. Children are easly influenced by things that they hear and see.