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These touching base posts will allow us to continue the community we created in our face-to-face ECE 209-L class. Share as much as you feel comfortable sharing. I will offer extra credit for completing these posts. You will receive:

  • 1/2 point of extra credit for responding to this post
  • 1/4 point for responding to 2 other posts (1/2 point for responding to 2 responses).

Questions for this touching base post:

  1. How are you doing?
  2. What conditions are feeling challenging now?
  3. What is contributing to the stress?
  4. How are you managing the situations?


  1. 1). How are you doing? I am doing good so far, just trying to complete the work that is left for this semester.
    2). What conditions are feeling challenging now? The end of semester is approaching and so many big final assignments are coming up. at times it can be very stressful when you have 4-5 assigned paper in the same dates and each of them has to be at least 5 pages. However I am sure we will get through this semester successfully.
    3). What is contributing to the stress? The situation that we are in (quarantine) and with everything being closed and not able to have access to the outside is even more stressful and adds on to the school stress.
    4). How are you managing the situations? The school situation a very helpful time that I do that I have mentioned before which many of you might know is using a check list to keep tract of my assignments everyday. Every week I write a new one for example I write all the assignments that I have to do Monday morning and then by Sunday of the end of that week I finish that do list as I complete the tasks or assignments I cross of things until I complete everything. Then the next Monday morning I start a new list with different tasks and so on. I suggest/recommend everyone to use a check list I have been using it for years It has helped me keep organized and never miss an assignment.

  2. How are you doing? Okay for the most part.

    What conditions are feeling challenging now? Trying to maintain my sanity and complete assignments while I’m still mourning.

    What is contributing to the stress? The amount of work I have to complete as well as making sure my children complete their work as well and don’t fall behind.

    How are you managing the situations? Telling myself failure is not an option, working out, listening to music and prayer.

    • Hey Deborah, I am glad you are doing okay. It really is stressful to in these last weeks when final assignments come and and also you having to take care of your children and also make sure they complete their with this situation you probably don’t have alone time to just relax and or complete your assignments. However we got this we will get through it :).

  3. How are you doing?
    – I’m doing good, I’m starting to catch up on my work for my classes and I don’t feel as stressed anymore.
    What conditions are feeling challenging now?
    – my sleep schedule to actually get my attendance for class. If I was going to sleep at a decent time I would have a better attendance grade for my classes.
    What is contributing to the stress?
    – My family can be contributing to my stress they are actually one of the reasons that I don’t get to go to sleep on time.
    How are you managing the situations
    -I am making the best out of the time that I am getting. when I am up doing nothing at a crazy time either in the morning or in the night I am doing my school work until I actually get tired myself.

  4. I am doing a little better. I am a bit relieved as the semester is almost over. Also, I am liking the weather these days, so I usually go to my backyard for some stretching and get some air. My sleep schedule is a little messed up. Sometimes I go to bed really early, but on other days, I just don’t feel sleepy at all. Also, I am a bit stressed about finals. I have couple of papers and projects to do. To relieve stress, I usually like to music or write and scribble in my journal. Besides that, everything is going well so far.

  5. How are you doing? I’ve been stressed about a lot lately.
    What conditions are feeling challenging now? Trying to get all my work done on time especially since the semester is almost done.
    What is contributing to the stress? I can’t go for a walk and clear my mind. All of these assignments that I have to do are due at the same time and I don’t really have time to do anything.
    How are you managing the situations? I’ve been trying to get some rest but it’s kind of impossible with the work I have to make up.

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