Home » Readings » Weekly Module 8: Talking with Families Readings Post

Weekly Module 8: Talking with Families Readings Post

In this module you will:

  • Identify techniques to use to talk to families 
  • Apply the “touch points” strategies to sensitive discussions with families
  • Brainstorm how to discuss sensitive issues with families

After reading Gudrais (2012), answer the following questions:

  1. Summarize the main idea, key details, and what you learned from the article in 4-6 sentences in your own words. Use key terms and vocabulary from the text.
  2. What quote(s) was most meaningful to you? (identify the page number) Why?
  3. How does this reading connect to your personal experience?
  4. In your own words, what is the TouchPoints approach when working with infants/ toddlers and families?
  5. How do you imagine families feel when staff bring up issues using the TouchPoints approach?
  6. How will this reading help you become a better infant/ toddler professional?

Respond to 2 other posts!

Complete the mid-semester survey on Blackboard (in the Assignments section, at the top of the page — its 2.5 points)!



  1. 1.Summarize the main idea, key details, and what you learned from the article in 4-6 sentences in your own words. Use key terms and vocabulary from the text.
    This article speaks to how to support parents through a program called “Touchpoint”. Touchpoint was founded by T. Berry Brazelton and his idea was to empower and support parents by teaching them how to communicate in ways to help them become successful as parents. Brazelton didn’t want to just pour information about childhood development to parents, he wanted to deliver the information in ways they can understand and support themselves and their children at home and at school and he wanted teachers to help parents through that process.

    2.What quote(s) was most meaningful to you? (identify the page number) Why?
    “There is no impermeable wall between home life and school” (pg4). This quote is meaningful to me because as a parent I want my children’s teachers to feel comfortable in asking me questions about my children no matter if it’s about school or our personal life and as a teacher I would like to feel comfortable in doing the same.

    3.How does this reading connect to your personal experience?
    When my daughter’s teachers reach out to me to not only to support my daughter but to help support me it speaks volumes to me and makes me feel connected. As a parent I dealt with many obstacles with supporting my daughter through math. She’s always had some struggles with her math, but her teachers found ways to support me in helping her not only at school but at home as well. Like finding at home resources I can work on with her and even now Professor Jen has recently done the same for me, showing a prime example how educators should support their students and families.

    4.In your own words, what is the TouchPoints approach when working with infants/ toddlers and families?
    Being concern in every aspect of my child’s life makes me parents feel comfortable. I know for teachers this may be hard, like for Carolyn Christopher, she would shy away when having to ask questions about a child’s home life in fear of prying but after Touchpoints she now feels comfortable reaching out, communicating and finding ways to support parents with their children. That to me that is what I got from the article about “Touchpoints”. Touchpoints approach is to guide communication relationship and guide teachers and parents through supportive partnerships.

    5.How do you imagine families feel when staff bring up issues using the TouchPoints approach?
    I feel through “Touchpoints” families will feel comfortable and safe in communicating with teachers about their children.

    6.How will this reading help you become a better infant/ toddler professional?
    This reading will help me become a better infant/toddler professional because I now know how to make parents feel valued. Knowing when and how to communicate with parents regarding their child in school and also at home will help me build better relationships with families and become a better educator to children.

  2. 1.Summary: The article discusses several touch points and how they can be beneficial for educators, parents, and children. Brazelton mission is to empower teachers with the fundamentals of touch points to successfully work with children so they can pass the information to parents. He discusses ways to deal with regression and focusses on touch points to create genuine connection between parents and providers.

    2.What quote(s) was most meaningful to you? (identify the page number) Why? ” Touch points posits that caring for a child means taking an interest in all aspects of that child life, and not stopping at the edge of one’s official responsibilities.” Page 30 This quote resonates with me because as parent myself the importance of knowing a child beyond the classroom shows that a teacher really cares.

    3.How does this reading connect to your personal experience? At my children school the teachers are also from and live in our community. I’m grateful and blessed to even have my youngest teacher live in the same building as myself. My relationship with my sons teacher is amazing and we communicate about things school related, and things outside of school. Even through this difficult time she has made a way for all of the children to stay in touch.

    4.In your own words, what is the TouchPoints approach when working with infants/ toddlers and families? 1.Choosing word carefully. Considering parents feelings and remaining calm. 2. Welcoming mistakes. 3. Prevent abuse by understanding parents experience. 4. Encouraging parents strength. 5. Emphasizing with parents.

    5.How do you imagine families feel when staff bring up issues using the TouchPoints approach? I believe they will feel respected, apart of the decision making when it comes to their child, and ultimately feel like the staff cares deeply for their child.

    6.How will this reading help you become a better infant/ toddler professional? This reading will help me reassure parents who feel guilty about leaving their children all day at the daycare while they are working. I really like that the article showed how an educator can simply point out to the parent, how the child turns their head when they hear the parent’s voice.

  3. 1. Summary: The reading explains how a program called “touchpoint” supports not just the children but the parents also. They help parents by teaching them certain things, always being available to talk about anything. Touchpoint makes the parents feel valued. It explains how they help out parents and how they communicate with them.
    2. Quote:“Besides, he notes, in most cases the best way to save a child from poor parenting is not to remove the child from the home-a drastic measure to be used only in cases where the child’s safety is in danger- but rather, to improve parenting by sharing up the parent’s skills.” (page 4) This quote was most meaningful to me because a lot of kids get taken away from their families and it is proven that kids do better when they are with their parent then any other family so I understand why they would want to keep children with their parents unless they are in danger. It’s clear that they also want to help the parent be better.
    3. This reading doesn’t really connect to my personal experience.
    4. The Touchpoints approach when working with infants/toddlers and families is kind of having a relationship with the parents and the child. This approach is to support the parents and let them know there not alone and it’s ok to be having problems.
    5. I believe that the families feel safe and okay when the staff brings up issues using the TouchPoints approach because they do it in a way that they are not judging the parents or saying anything to disrespect them.
    6. This reading will help me become a better infant/toddler professional because I know now that I have to not only think about the kids, but the parents also because they could be going through something and I can ask them if there is anything I can do or just have a relationship with them. Most parents just feel alone and not confident in the things they do. So I will always support the parents.

  4. I agree Solanny, most parents feel alone and don’t feel confident enough to talk to teachers. I think when teachers engage and ask questions parents feel as if they care and would be more open to discussing issues they may be facing.

  5. 1. Brazelton wanted to help parents understand how they can help themselves and their children through Touchpoint. Touchpoint helps parents learn how to communicate to their children and to others to help them be confident and successful in parenting.
    2. “Thus participants learn the Touchpoint principles not by reading about them, but by experiencing them.” (pg 6). This quote is meaningful because everything we learn as humans is through experimenting. So Brazelton knows that they have to make them experience communication and how it helps parents become better at parenting.
    3. If I were a parent I feel like this reading would connect to me help me as a parent but as a future teacher I think this Touchpoint helps me understand parents what they go through, and how I could help them when I become a teacher.
    4. Touchpoints approach when working with infants/toddlers and families is being able to communicate with them create that bond so that whatever trouble they have as a family or parent or child I can contribute a solution. Being careful with the word selection that I use to speak to the family to never judge them. Let the family know that we are here to support them.
    5. I think they will feed respected and heard. They will feel cared for and safe.
    6. It will help me become a better infant/toddler professional because I learned how to speak to parents, watch what I say to not make them uncomfortable, how to support them, and help them.

  6. This article is about how parents should be supported by something called “touch point”. Touch point is a way to have parents learn to communicate better because with their child in schools communication is key. It was funded by Berry Brazelton and his goal was to have parents support their kids at home and school and wanted teachers to help parents through it.

    “In general , the touchpoints approach makes parents feel valued- that the people who care for their children are listening to them and taking their viewpoints into account(30). This means that their voice matters and we want to be able to show that by listening and being supportive at all times.

    I don’t have any kids but based on how i would handle situations with parents i feel like the touch point approach is good because some parents actually want that relationship and it’s our job to enforce it.
    The touch point approach is another way of saying touch base your showing that the conversation 1 on1 is important to you and the parent.It shows your support and respect for the parent and child. It’s being able to come to the parent about anything whether it’s about the hid or it’s personal this builds tighter bonds and that’s what we want to accomplish.

    The parents may feel overwhelmed if it’s only problems being talked about because people need happiness in their lives. Also it’s a good thing because it shows your true concern about any issues. The parents may feel good that your showing this support towards them about their child

    This will help me become a better teacher because I know techniques to communicate with parents in the most heartwarming way to ensure that they feel supported in all aspects when their child is in school.

  7. #4-The touch point approach is another way of saying touch base your showing that the conversation 1 on1 is important to you and the parent.It shows your support and respect for the parent and child. It’s being able to come to the parent about anything whether it’s about the child or it’s personal this builds tighter bonds and that’s what we want to accomplish.

  8. 1. From reading this article it speaks on how parents are supported by a program called “touchpoint”. It supports parent to communicate better by teaching them certain things and being able to speak on anything. It also helps them to be more confident in their parenting.

    2.”Children who are born prematurely-with the complications that often entails-and those with developmental delays are at greater risk for being abused”. This quote is meaningful to me because having family members, especially the older generation that do not know much about children disabilities seem to have less patience when it comes to disabled children. I have seen parents and grandparents lose it on children because they couldn’t follow a simple direction and that is something that I feel any child should never have to go through.

    3. As a parent I can relate because with my sons teacher we communicate on a daily basis. His teacher helps me to better understand my son and helps me figure out ways that can help him since he is delayed in speech. She would help me to figure out ways to best to communicate with my son and figure out what exactly I should do to capture his attention.

    4. Touchpoint approach when working with infant/toddlers and families helps to communicate and create relationships with the parents and child.

    5. Families will feel comfortable being able to speak with the teacher about their child.

    6. It will help me build a better relationship with my students parents, making them feel comfortable, and support them and their child as much as possible.

  9. 1. The reading goes into depth to explain how a program that uses “touch point” supports parents. Basically, touch point is a program founded by Berry Brazelton to help parents to communicate to their children. The program helps parents feel more valued and gives them the option to support their child.
    2. A quote that stood out to me was on page 30. “…the people who care for their children are listening to them and taking their viewpoints into account.” The reason this quote stood out to me because it shows how the parents opinions and thoughts are valued and respected.
    3.The reading does not connect to my personal experience.
    4.- Being able to communicate with parents and create a bond.
    – Use your words wisely
    – welcoming mistakes
    – Encourage parents strengths
    5. With using the touch point approach to bring up issues, parents can feel respected and feel like their opinions matters.
    6.This article will help me become a better teacher because I learned how to properly speak to parents and make them comfortable all the while forming a bond.

  10. 1,The article is about a strategy called “Touchpoint” that helps parents to communicate in the best way possible. Brazelton purpose was to teach in a way that is easy to understand, where parents can educate themselves and their children at home. and also at school where teachers were also part of the help for the parents,
    2. One of the quotes that stood out the most for me was ” This compassionate supportive approach, may even help prevent child abuse by alleviating parental stress”. P32 I strongly agree that when parents create that relationship with their child where the little ones feel comfortable expressing their feelings and thoughts its a great way to prevent any possible unfortunate situation that could happen to the child.
    3.The reading does not really connect to my personal experience.But after reading the article I can definitely learn possible strategies to help parents in the future have a better way to communicate with their children in a successful way.
    4.The Touchpoint approach when working with infants/toddlers and families as a way of relationship with both the parents and the little one. This approach main purpose is to help parents communicate in a successful way and support them.
    5. I think families would feel that they are being taking into account as they are being heard and supported.
    6.This article even that doesn’t really connect to my personal experience, I believe It will help me become a better infant/toddler professional because I learned strategies in how to speak to parents, be careful with my choice of words when I speak to them, and also way to help them in their journey as parents.

    • Hey Juliana, I love the quote that you choose. I definitely agree with your response to the quote because it is very important for parents to create a relationship with their child to the point where it makes the child feel comfortable to share anything. Good Job :).

  11. 1). The article focuses on a program called “touchpoint” that supports children and parents. Touchpoint helps teach the importance of communication to parents and help them become better at parenting and much more confident.
    2). The quote that is most meaningful to me is “If parents are treated as partners rather than adversaries by a preschool teacher, he says, they may come to expect the same kind of relationship with teachers later, eventually affecting a broad change in school culture and parent- teacher dynamics(Page 3)”. This quote stood out to me because it is very important for teachers to treat parents with respect. And try to create a bond with families because not only does it build a better and healthier space for the children but also it can help parents and teachers to better fulfill the child needs.
    3). Even though I don’t have any children of my own, I can understand the importance of parents wanting to be involved in their child school and wanting to be updated about their child’s education. I believe that it is really important as a future educator to be in contact with the child’s parents and keep them involved and updated about everything that relates to the child’s education and needs.
    4). TouchPoints approach when working with infants/ toddlers and families is supporting families and being there for them if they are facing any life problems in their daily lives. When working with children you will see both children and families almost every single day of the year and therefore both you and the families will have their bad days, where they are going through something. And so it is very important to let them know and talk to them by supporting them and making them feel better.
    5). I believe that families will feel much more comfortable and safe.
    6). This reading helps me become a better infant/ toddler professional because it taught me the importance of communication and staying in touch with families and doing what’s best for the child.

  12. 1. This article talks about “Touchpoint” which is a program/center that supports parents, children, teachers, pediatricians etc, any adult that interacts with families and children.
    They talk about the importance of communication between parents and service providers who they were bound to interact with involving their children and the importance of understanding the parents. Along with the use of touchpoint principles that some use in order to reassure the parents make them feel better about themselves.

    2. “Carolyn Christopher, who works with kindergartners, used to shy away from asking about children’s home lives, for fear of prying. She now feels comfortable asking such questions: “You realize that everything affects the child,”…..”(P4)
    This quote is meaningful to me because I was raised to never ask too many questions about someone’s personal life because that’s a form of being “nosy” and being that isn’t a good thing to people. So it’s already instilled in me to never pry too much however now reading this I know when theirs the well being of a child I guess prying isn’t a complete bad thing.

    3. This reading connects to my personal experience in a way that made me realize how my parents weren’t knowledgeable on the importance of a child’s surroundings, nor the importance of communication with the service providers around their childrens. However with this in mind I am able to use it not only with the families I’ll be interacting with but also my future kids and so on.

    4. The touchpoint approach when working with infants/toddlers and families is not being judgmental/harsh when it comes to parents/families, knowing how to approach a situation so that everyone feels respected, valued and heard, and making the parents know that you care for their children and them.

    5. I imagine families will feel comfortable, respected, cared for and will be more willing to open up, and ask for help. They also won’t feel like someone is just being “nosy”.

    6. This reading will help me be a better infant/professional by allowing me to make parents/families feel heard and valued. It will allow them to trust and not be afraid to approach me with any concerns they may have. Along with the way I approach parents/families based on their situation.

    • I agree with your quote and your response, I was also taught not to ask people about their personal life, but when working with families it is one of the ways we can learn about routines and what affects the child at home

  13. 1. The main ideas of the article Gudrais (2012), was how the program “TouchPoint” is very beneficial to families and teachers. This program was to help empower teachers with the ideas of the program and help the teacher to be able to have successful communications with family and children alike. This program was made to help the teacher to be able to communicate with parents so they can understand and comprehend what is being said. It also helps with putting families at ease.
    2. A quote that was meaningful to me is seen on page 4 when it states, “When one mother worried that her son didn’t even know her, Lucas pointed out how the child turned his head when he heard his mother’s voice. The mother’s face lit up; she was comforted, her confidence boosted when Lucas simply pointed out behavior she might not have understood on her own”, this helps me see that parents have a lot of worries since their child is in the care of another person, it is our job to make them feel sure that to the baby their parent/caregiver presence is just as important.
    3. This reading connects to my personal experience because as a young child my father would always ask my teacher of what I would do and tell them any concerns he had, and they always answered them and without hesitation would let my dad into the classroom and see the artworks I would do or projects I have done.
    4. The TouchPoint approach means when working with infants/toddlers that we must truly connect with families and this means getting to know the families in our care and always have the open approach so families can speak to us without feeling intimidated. Also, giving praise to the parents for the hard work they do outside the program.
    5. Families would feel comfortable and secure when the staff brings up issues using the TouchPoint approach because it gives the parents a sense of safe zone to them.
    6. This reading will help me become a better infant-toddler teacher because it shows me that it a better approach to families of the infants in care and it shows me the importance of letting families feel comfortable to ask questions and speak without hesitation.

  14. 1. The main Idea of the article Gudrais (2012), was how the program “TouchPoint” is to help parents have better communication skills and more confidence.
    2. A quote that was meaningful to me was “When one mother worried that her son didn’t even know her, Lucas pointed out how the child turned his head when he heard his mother’s voice. The mother’s face lit up; she was comforted, her confidence boosted when Lucas simply pointed out behavior she might not have understood on her own”. I found this quote meaningful because it shows that most parents care about the hands and the person that they give there child too.
    3. This reading does not personally connect to my personal experience.
    4. Touchpoints approach when working with infants/toddlers and families is strengthening your parents confidence, being respectful to everyone, and showing support towards others.
    5.Families would feel comfortable and safe while when staff bring up issues using the TouchPoints approach
    6. This reading will help me become a better infant-toddler teacher because I learned how to properly speak to parents in a professional matter while still feeling comfortable as possible.

  15. 1. Summarize the main idea, key details, and what you learned from the article in 4-6 sentences in your own words. Use key terms and vocabulary from the text. – The article talks about how to support parents through a program like “TouchPoint” where assigned people visit families, observe and gather information about the child’s development and provide help to parents by teaching and educating them with appropriate ways on how to become a good parent. Brazelton’s purpose was to first get teachers familiar with the idea of correct way of child development which they will further pass and educate parents with the same.

    2. What quote(s) was most meaningful to you? (identify the page number) Why? – The quote that was most meaningful to me was on page 30 – “The TouchPoints approach makes parents feel valued-…taking their viewpoints into account”. Parents feel good when teachers work with them towards their their child’s development. They feel respected when teachers acknowledge and go by what parents have suggested them. Mostly teachers improvise their curriculum based on the child’s development both at home and in school. The TouchPoint approach gives parents a sense of belonging as they know that there is someone out there who cares and wants the best for their child in terms of checking in once in a while and considering the development important.

    3. How does this reading connect to your personal experience? – This reading does not connect to my personal experience as, as a child, I never went through any program this TouchPoint. Yes, my teachers did make a point of checking in with my parents and received feedback and visa versa, but I never went through this process as mentioned in this article.

    4. In your own words, what is the TouchPoints approach when working with infants/ toddlers and families? – The TouchPoint approach is communicating well and educating families on how to be a better parent to their infants. This approach helps families deal with their kids cognitively, physically and emotionally. Teachers do put in a lot in this approach for a better upbringing of a child and for families to better understand why the child reacts the way he/she does.

    5. How do you imagine families feel when staff bring up issues using the TouchPoints approach? – They feel comfortable and open in sharing about their kids. They have a sense of respect coming from the staff which makes them feel good and encouraged. This will make them open up even more and share issues that they can ask help from the staff.

    6. How will this reading help you become a better infant/ toddler professional? – I will know how to communicate well with parents and know how to make them feel respected and encouraged at the same time. Child’s development is our priority and for that it is important for me to have a good connection and bond with families.

  16. Summarize the main idea, key details, and what you learned from the article in 4-6 sentences in your own words. Use key terms and vocabulary from the text. This article was about how supported “Touch point” is because it give teachers and families a way to communicate.
    What quote(s) was most meaningful to you? (identify the page number) Why? The quote that meant the most to me was the quote that said “The touch base approach makes parents feel valued that the people who care for their children are listening to them and taking their viewpoints into account”(P4) This quote meant the most to me because it is always important to make families feel valued.
    How does this reading connect to your personal experience? This reading can connect back to my personal experience because working with children and also getting to know families is always important to communicate with the teacher
    In your own words, what is the TouchPoints approach when working with infants/ toddlers and families?
    How do you imagine families feel when staff bring up issues using the TouchPoints approach? I think families feel happy because they get to communicate and build bonds
    How will this reading help you become a better infant/ toddler professional? This reading will become a better infant/toddler teacher because It gave me ideas on how to communicate with the families.

  17. The article is about how parents should be supported. Parents learn to communicate better with the child schools. This was funded by Berry Brazelton and his goal was to have parents support their kids at home and school and also wanted teachers to help parents through it. I feel that parents are happy they can be involved in their kids school career and be kept in the loop.

  18. 1. The reading is about how a program using the “touch point” supports parents. Basically, touch point is a program founded by Berry Brazelton to help parents to communicate to their children. The program helps parents feel more valued and gives them the option to support their child.

    2. What quote(s) was most meaningful to you? (identify the page number) Why?
    “In general , the touchpoints approach makes parents feel valued- that the people who care for their children are listening to them and taking their viewpoints into account (30). This means that the parents’ voices are heard and their thoughts and opinions are valued and respected.

    3.How does this reading connect to your personal experience?
    This reading does not personally connect to my personal experience.

    4.In your own words, what is the TouchPoints approach when working with infants/ toddlers and families?
    When working with infants and toddlers, the Touchpoint approach helps to create relationships with the parents and child and create/strengthen communication.

    5.How do you imagine families feel when staff bring up issues using the TouchPoints approach?
    Families would feel comfortable and safe while when staff bring up issues using the TouchPoints approach.

    6.How will this reading help you become a better infant/ toddler professional?
    This reading will help me become a better infant-toddler teacher because I learned how to while being comfortable speak to parents in a proper and professional way and better form partnerships.

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