After watching the video TAPS Partnerships with Families: Part 1, answer the following questions:
- What did you learn from the video? Use key terms and vocabulary from the video.
- How do partnerships between staff and families benefit children?
- How will this video help you be a better infant/ toddler professional?
- How does this video relate to the Halgunseth (2009) reading? Make specific connections, identifying the page number.
Respond to 2 other posts!
What did I learn from the video? – I learned that when you build relationships you gain the trust of the family and the child and learn information about the child so that you can help with their educational success
Partnerships- Partnerships between staff and families benefit children because it can help build strong relationships based on trust. It helps the child to belong in the environment. You are able to get as much information from the family so you can understand a bit about the child and get an idea of what the child is like. It enables the educators to provide curriculum which is meaningful to the family and the child’s needs.
Infant/Toddler Professional- This video will help me to be a better infant/toddler professional because it has taught me how important it is to build binds with families and try to get as much information about a child as you can so that you are able to work and respond to the child’s needs and paint a picture of what the child is like.
Relates to Halgunseth (2009)- This video relates to Halgunseth (2009) because both believes that parents should be more present in their child’s education rather than just being involved and showing up for a social gatherings (page 56) of reading (3:02) of video.
Aalayah — Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Trust is an important component of partnerships with families! How do we build bonds with families? We are going to talk about curriculum for infants very soon!
Great job it is definitely important to form bonds with families being an infant/toddler professional
Hey Aalyah, I totally agree with you in all aspects also how it helps us become better infant/toddlers professionals by getting to know the child’s needs more and where they come from.
Aalyah, your point on partnership was relevant as you have supported it with what you saw in the video. I like how you pointed out the things that will make you a better infant professional – getting to know about the child from his/her family is the key.
agree with #2 by having good bonds, the staff/teacher can learn about the children that are under their care and help create closer bonds.
Aalyah I agree with #2 having good bonds are always so important.
1. I learned how building a partnership is not a friendship but a professional relationship that involves both the parent and educator to trust and respect one another. I also learned how important family involvement and hoe an educator sought advice from a parent from an out door play area and the parent suggested all the parents come together to help build it with the children and the children would have a lot to say on what their parents have done and that experience had connected the educator to the parents.
2.Helps the child to belong in the environment, also being able to have good partnerships, interactions, and relationships with the other families.
3.I would do my best to get advice from parents and see what we can do to help better the children in their education, try to get them into certain activities along with the children to make them feel more comfortable and trusting.
4.One way this video relates to the Halgunseth article is by the program- family partnerships where teachers include families in decision making to help the children’s education and another way is having mutual trust between the family and the program which would help the families commitment to the partnership.
Hi, I agree that it is about having mutual trust between the family and the program.
Hey Tiana, I love how you explained the connection between the video and the reading. I agree with you that educators and families main focus should be on improving the child’s educational needs and the trust.
I agree with your thoughts about how this will make us all become better infant/toddler professional.
Tiana, I strongly agree with you on point 4, as trust is an important factor in a relationship especially if it helps the child’s development in any way.
1) . From this video I learned the importance of families and educators building a relationship in order to make the child’s education much more successful. And also not only creating just a relationship but making sure it’s a healthy relationship.
2). When family and educators build a trustworthy relationship the children really benefit from it as well. When families and educators create a healthy bond it makes the child feel much safer in the teachers hands,also it benefits the child education tremendously and their learning outcomes. It makes the child feel as if they belong and as an educator it will also benefit us because it gives us a better picture of where the child comes from and brings us closer and we understand more about the child’s needs and preference through that relationship with the child’s parent and the communication we are able to make parents happy and give the best service that we can.
3). This video will help me to be a better infant/toddler professional because not only did it teach me the importance of building a relationship with the child but also their families and the benefits that it has on the child. As a future educator I want to be able to give my full potential in achieving everything that is best for the child. Having close relationships with the families will help me better on achieving my goal because I am able to work together with the families on helping fulfill the child’s needs and as a result makes everyone happy with my service.
4). This video truly does connect with the reading “Halgunseth (2009)” in many ways. One way this video connects to the reading is because both the video and the reading central objective is on the importance of being present in the child’s by creating a closer bond through parents involvement. The reading talks about parents involvement and the video talks about creating a relationship with the parents, however through parents involvement we are able to create relationships and bonds because when we have parents involved we are communicating with them on improving on fulfilling the child’s needs.
Hey Edisa, I like how you explained the connection between the video and the reading.
agree with #4 parent involvement and creating healthy bonds helps find ways to full fill the needs of the children.
i agree with #2 the relationship between family and educator affects the children
Hey Edisa, I like how you connected the video towards the reading
I agree Edisa being trustworthy is a big thing when creating a relationship.
What did you learn from the video?
– I learned the benefits that can happen when families actually have a relationship with a child’s education. it can be benefited by both the child and the parents in the future for better and healthier relationships.
How do partnerships between staff and families benefit children?
– A partnership between staff and families can benefit children because it can help them have a better mindset about their education. It will allow them to see that education is something important and they will know that it is a safe place. along with having better relationships with the people surrounding them.
How will this video help you be a better infant/ toddler professional?
– This video will help me be a better infant/ toddler professional because I know understand the importance of having a relationship with the families and the children. seeing this video and the importance behind it will push me to build a bond with the families to have a better educational learning classroom and future for the kids I will work with.
How does this video relate to the Halgunseth (2009) reading?
– This video is related to the reading because they both talk about the importance and the benefits of having a close bond/ relationship interaction with the parents in the child’s educational life.
Hey, Isis healthy and trusting relationships are important
Hey Isis, I like how you answered every question with GREAT details!
I agree with your answer on question 2. it’s important for everyone to feel safe
1. What did you learn from the video? Use key terms and vocabulary from the video. – From this video, I learnt about partnership between the program staff and the families and how that helps the child in his/her development. The two ladies working in daycare gave different examples of how they experience partnership with families and that it also helps the program staff know more about the child as well. They mentioned that trusting and having a respectful relationship between educators and families is a healthy way of getting families engaged. Having an open conversation with families, solving problems through shared decision making, serves quality service and builds a healthy and ongoing environment for children.
2. How do partnerships between staff and families benefit children? – Partnership between the staff and families benefit children in a lot of ways. It gives them a sense of belonging in a program as well as at home. In a partnership situation, the program staff gets information from the family which benefits the child’s curriculum in the program itself. It gives the program a clear picture of the child and enables educators to provide the curriculum meaningful to the needs of the child.
3. How will this video help you be a better infant/ toddler professional? – This video will help me to focus on making my curriculum based on the needs of the child and also engage parents in the child’s development and learning. The examples mentioned by the people in the video gives me different perspectives of how to deal with different situation and make the families feel welcomed and respected in my program.
4. How does this video relate to the Halgunseth (2009) reading? Make specific connections, identifying the page number. – This video relates to the Halgunseth (2009) reading as it talks about parent involvement and family engagement, partnership. Both the article and the video believe that educators and family should be respectful and trusting with one another. They should work together for their relationship as well as help the child in his/her development.
#4 – Sorry, I forgot to relate this video to a specific page number from the reading by Halgunseth (2009) – the point I made was from page 57 from the reading by Halgunseth (2009).
Hey Vavi!
I like when you say that this type of articles/video help us become better educators as we are more understanding of the importance of building relationships f communication with the parents. we get to know the child deeper and in this way, we can have a better approach and be able to provide quality care to them.
1. In this video i learned the importance of having close bonds between teachers and families. This includes having parents involvement in their children’s lives and trusting, respecting and have open & honest conversations.
2. Partnerships between staff and families benefit children in which parents and staff can find outcomes that they want to work together towards to help their child’s education. The children are able to thrive in an environment where they can feel comfortable and feel like they belong there. It gives a sense of security to both parents and children as well.
3. This video will help me become a better infant/toddler professional in that i want parents to feel the need to take action in their children education and actually talk with me and we both work together to find the best way their child can thrive in school and how i consider their beliefs as important to me and i want them to feel like they can do so much more for their children.
4. This video relates to the article reading in which both talk about family involvement in the children’s education. The parents should feel the need to do something about it and not just be informed about their child’s education. Also, having a close bond with staff and family alike helps the children thrive in a new environment that they are placed in.
your response to #1 is very important. It’s good to have everyone trust you and give and get back respect. it can affect children in many ways
I agree with your #3 that parents should feel the need to take action
number 3 is so rightt !!! the parents need to know that this is their childs future they need to take part of that by being engaged
Yes Daisy I agree this video does teach about having those special bonds with teachers and parents.
I agree Daisy having close bonds between families and teachers are very important
Hi Daisy!
I agree when you say that the existence of a bond between parents and educators help improve the child’s live and sense of trust. When a child knows and is able to feel trusted, the child is more likely to have a better development and success.
1.I have learned from watching this video is that partnerships/relationship base on trust between parent and childcare provider is family engagements.
2. Partnerships between staff and families benefit children, they work together with the one goal to give children the care they deserve
3. This video helps me become a better infant/toddler professional, by it being a reference I can look back on and it also shows that children learn better when there is a partnership between childcare workers and parents.
4. This video relates to Halgunseth (2009) reading on pg 58 when he talks about including families in decision making in their child’s education and programs.
1. In this video I learned that it is important to build relationship in the child and the family because when you build a good relationship with the family and child you have both of their trust and that is a good thing.
2. Partnerships between staff and families benefit children because partnership allows children to see important people in their lives working well together. It benefits the staff and families because then trust will be gained and that is important.
3. This will help me become a better infant/toddler teacher because it gave me more knowledge on partnership and why it is important and now that I know more about partnership I can always have great partnership with families and staff because it is beneficial to the child in the long run.
4.How does this video relate to the Halgunseth (2009) reading? This video relates to the Halgunseth (2009) reading because they both spoke about family involvement and they both also spoke about how having a great bond with the families will always be beneficial to the child in the long run.
1. I learned that the partnership between families and educators are important for a child’s education. It essentially helps because through these partnerships that are built with each child’s parent, educators can now get a better understanding of how to individually support each child and their needs.
2.Partnerships help children feel like they belong in the environment, it also creates better relationship with the children when they see the trust and healthy relationships their educator and parents have created.
3.This video helped me understand the importance of building a trustful, honest and healthy relationships with parents and as an educator, it showed me ways to build these partnerships.
4.How does this video relate to the Halgunseth (2009) reading? Make specific connections, identifying the page
5.Like in Halgunseth reading, this video explains the importance of partnerships and how honest relationships supports children in their childhood education (56). Also, both the reading and article speaks to how parents should not just be involved by showing up to trips or meeting but being engage with their education such as, involving parents to help build a garden.
great straight to the point answers i agree!!
1. I learned that relationships are beneficial and based on trust. Also I realized how partnership is similar to family engagement . The partnership between the teacher and parent helps the teacher get a better understanding of the children.
2. Partnerships between staff and families benefit children
3. This video will help me be a better infant//toddler professional by making sure to observe kids and ask questions to the parent as to why they do certain things so I can have a better understanding of why they do it. I would make sure to communicate with the parents.
4. This video relates to the Halgunseth (2009) reading because they both talk about how it is important to communicate with one another by engaging and how having a relationship helps the children do better.
Yes Solanny, I too think observations are important, and asking families question. I believe asking questions can help a teacher get clarity and get a better understanding of why the child did or said something.
I learned that paying attention to the children is very important because some things they do in the classroom may be something personal and it’s important to catch that.
Partnerships between families benefit children because we are able to detect any problems a child is having as soon as its shown. Lack of communication will make this hard to do.
This will help me become a better teacher because i know different strategies to communicate and build better relationships and i know ow crucial that is
This relates to the reading because it talked about family involvement .Parents need to be more involved and engaged with their child’s education. Showing up to gathering will show the parents engagement and how much they care
I agree Sarah paying attention to children is very important
1. What I learned from the video is that these relationships built with families are all built through trust. When teachers and parents create relationship they help each other out and it helps the child grow and better understand things.
2. Partnerships between staff and families benefit children because they get help from both sides. It will no longer be just from the teacher side at school but also from the parent side at home.
3. This helps me become a better infant professional because it reinforces the fact that their needs to be a bond between parents and teachers to help the children both at school like at home.
4. This video related to Halgunseth (2009) because they spoke about creating bonds with families and how it is always important for there to be communication between both sides.
Hi Hana, I agree bonds help builds trust and communication is key to any relationship.
I learned that partnerships are essential in early childhood education. It’s important for families and educators to have a strong relationship. The outcome of partnership is trusting and respecting one another.
Partnerships with families require parents engagement. By having open and honest conversations with families, teachers are able to optimize trust and can deliver quality care for the child. Sharing information with families help teachers get a better understanding and clarity on how to care for the child.
This will help me be a better teacher because I plan to build strong partnerships with every family. Making sure that I keep an open and honest dialogue between all families will help me care better for the children.
The discussion in the video and the article relate to each other because they both discuss the importance of family engagement and partnerships.Halgunseth (2009) pg 57
I have reviewed this module
1. The most important thing that I learned from watching this video is that when we pay close attention to children, we are able to identify possible situations that might be happening in their life, and this way we can address them and help the child finding a solution.
2.When parents and teachers have a relationship with communication, it mainly benefits children in which parents and staff can find outcomes that they want to work together towards to help their child’s education. Children are able to succeed when they can feel comfortable, and most importantly when they can feel welcomed in that place.
3.This video will help me to be a better infant/toddler professional in a way that know I know the importance of building relationships of communication with families, and try to get to know the child as much as possible so that I’m able to help and meet the child’s needs.
4.The video and the article are related in a way that both talk about family involvement in the children’s education process. Parents must engage in everything related to their child’s processes, specially at school, when they are not together.When there is a bond between the parents and staff, it truly benefits the children as he has the support not only from the staff, but also from their parents.
I re-reviewed this module
From the video I learned that families and teachers forming a relationship in order to make the childs schooling smoother and developing that trust with the family also with the child to make sure they feel comfortable with you.
When families and teachers build that trustworthy relationship it makes the child feel safer in the teachers care. Building that relationship a teacher learns more about the childs needs and likes/dislikes.
This video will help me to be a better infant/toddler teacher because you want to build a great bond with the family and build that trust to let the family know the child is ok with you
The video connects with the reading “Halgunseth” in a few ways. In the video and the reading both show the importance of being present in the childs schooling by creating a closer bond through parents involvement and communication with the parents.
1) . What did you learn from the video? Use key terms and vocabulary from the video.
-I learned from this video about the importance of families and educators building a relationship in order to make the child’s education much more successful. And not only about creating just a relationship but maintaining that relationship.
2. How do partnerships between staff and families benefit children?
Partnerships help the child feel like they belong in an environment, as well as leading to exchanging interactions, and relationships with the other families.Partnerships between staff and families also benefit children because they work together with the one goal to give children the care they need.
3. How will this video help you be a better infant/ toddler professional?
This video will help me to be a better infant/toddler teacher because you want to build a great bond with the family and build that trust. I also now know the importance of building relationships of communication with families, and that the effort of trying to get to know the child as much as possible is important because I’m able to meet the child’s needs and develop a strong, positive relationship with the child and their family.
4. How does this video relate to the Halgunseth (2009) reading?
– This relates to the Halgunseth (2009) reading because the video and the reading explain the importance and why it’s beneficial having a close bond/ relationship interaction with the parents in the child’s educational life.