Week 5: 3/1 + 3/3

Week 5

Before Class: Learn

Do this before Monday

This week we start on the LinkedIn Learning Course we will follow: Building Serverless Apps with JAMStack and Eleventy. Each week we will watch some of the videos and then work through issues and questions in class. I’ll preface course videos with Course Video. Sometimes I’ll link to a collection and others I’ll link to individual videos.

Prof Stein Videos: These two go over Forking, Cloning and Branching in Git and Github. It’s not mandatory, but they will help with working with the exercise files in the videos. We will go over this in class on Monday.

Building Serverless Apps with JAMStack and Eleventy

Course Files

All of the files for the site are in a GitHub Repository. The two Prof Stein videos above help you know how to do some things with Git and Github that will aid working with the videos. But don’t worry about it too much. They’re just files. They can always be downloaded and created again. Focus on using them and experimenting and learning.

View GitHub Repository

You should Fork and Clone this repository to download it to your computer.

Do this before Wednesday

Course Video: Creating a Node.js Eleventy Project

Live Sessions

Session 1: Git, GitHub and JAMStack Intro

Monday, March 1 at 7:30p–9:10p

Monday we will look at Git and GitHub as well as getting 11ty installed.

Links for Monday Session

Session 2: Creating an 11ty Project

Wednesday, Feb. 10 at 7:30p–9:10p

Wednesday we ill make sure you all have an Eleventy project created.

Links for Wednesday Session

After Class: Learning Journal


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