2/1 + 2/3

In a typical week there would be activities to do before class on Monday. This week we will do these in class. If you see this before our first class on Monday and want to get started, great.

If you are not able to do some or any of this, don’t worry. We will go over this in the first session as well.

Before Class: LEARN


  1. Create the Accounts you will need for class These are the ones you must do this week:
  2. Join our Discord Server
    1. Instructions for joining in this Discussion Board
    2. You must first join our class before you can see this link
  3. Create an entry in the class directory
    1. You must have joined the OpenLab and our Course before you can do this properly.
  4. Set up your Development Environment
    1. Dev Environment Info and Instructions



The Join link is the same for all live sessions. There is a registration form and a waiting room to help avoid bombing. View Live Sessions below for more info

After Class: REPORT


Each week there will be a form to fill out where you will give an update on your learning for the week. This is what would be an assignment in typical classes

Live Sessions

Session 1: Course Introduction

Monday, Feb. 1st at 7:30p–9:10p

During our first session we will review the course and the topics covered, this course site, what you’ll need to do your work and be successful, get to know each other.

Links for Monday Session

Session 2: Getting Started

Wednesday, Feb. 3rd at 7:30p–9:10p

In this session we will find out what JAMStack is, take a quick look at what we will cover in the first four weeks of the class and get into some Web Design.

Links for Wednesday Session


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