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Author Archives: Jen Longley

Touching Base Post (Extra Credit)

These touching base posts will allow us to continue the community we created in our face-to-face ECE 209-L class. Share as much as you feel comfortable sharing. I will offer extra credit for completing these posts. You will receive:

  • 1/2 point of extra credit for responding to this post
  • 1/4 point for responding to 2 other posts (1/2 point for responding to 2 responses).

Questions for this touching base post:

  1. How are you doing?
  2. How did you spend Spring Break?  What did you do?
  3. What were some fun activities/ things you did?


Week 12: Babies Applications Post

In this module you will:

  • Identify the role culture plays in development
  • Compare the childrearing practices of families from 4 different cultures
  • Analyze how culture impacts infant routines

After watching the movie Babies, answer the following questions:

  1. What did you learn from the movie?
  2. What struck you from the movie? Why?
  3. What scene(s) from the movie was most memorable for you? Why?
  4. Why do you think we watched this movie?
  5. How will this movie help you be a better infant/ toddler professional?

Respond to 2 other posts!

Babies Movie Worksheet

Steps to Access the movie Babies



Weekly Module 11: Site Visit

You should use this week to conduct your Site Visit. Watch the video below. Use the resources on this post to help you write your Site Visit Paper. The suggested due date for your Site Visit Paper is 4/26.


Spring 2020 Guidelines for Site Visit & Site Visit Paper

Spring 2020 Site Visit Power Point

Spring 2020 Chart for Writing Site Visit Paper

Suggested readings to use for your Site Visit Paper (on ECE 209-Lecture in Course Reading & Materials):

  • Anderson (2018) in Curriculum in Infant Classrooms
  • Baker &_Manfedi/Petitt (2004) from ECE 209-Seminar
  • Cheshire (2007) in Relationships & Philosophy of Respect
  • Christie (2018) in Relationships & Philosophy of Respect
  • Darling-Kuria & Bohlander (2014) in Social-Emotional Development
  • Kovach & Da Vos Roseles (2011) in Language Development
  • Elliott & Gonzalez- Mena (2011) in Social-Emotional Development
  • Honig (2007) in Physical Development
  • Peterson (2012) in Cognitive Development
  • Pica (2010) in Physical Development
  • Wittmer (2012) in Social-Emotional Development

Weekly Module 10: Cultural Aspects to Working with Families & Infants Applications Post (Scenarios)

Read the Feeding and Sleeping Scenarios. Pick 2 feeding & 2 sleeping scenarios then answer the following questions:

  1. Identify which 2 feeding & 2 sleeping scenarios you picked. Why?
  2. What is your reaction to the scenario? 
  3. What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs?
  4. How can the program support the family with this situation?
  5. What can you do to support the child?
  6. How can you handle this situation?
  7. Based on the Natural Rhythms vs Set-Schedules handout, does your Infant/ Family Case Study family use the child’s natural rhythms or a set schedule to determine feeding and sleeping times? How do you know?

Respond to 2 other posts!

Feeding & Eating Scenarios

Natural Rhythms vs Set Schedule


These touching base posts will allow us to continue the community we created in our face-to-face ECE 209-L class. Share as much as you feel comfortable sharing. I will offer extra credit for completing these posts. You will receive:

  • 1/2 point of extra credit for responding to this post
  • 1/4 point for responding to 2 other posts (1/2 point for responding to 2 responses).

Questions for this touching base post:

  1. How are you doing?
  2. What are your plans for Spring Break?
  3. What are you looking forward to over Spring Break?

Weekly Module 10: Cultural Aspects to Working with Families & Infants Readings Post

In this module you will:

  • Evaluate child rearing practices and values in different cultures
  • Analyze cultural eating and sleeping situations
  • Identify the difference between following a child’s natural rhythms & establishing a set schedule

After reading Gonzalez-Mena & Bhavnagri (2000) AND Im, Parlakian, & Sanchez (2007) answers the following questions:

  1. Summarize the main idea, key details, and what you learned from the reading in 4-6 sentences in your own words. Use key terms and vocabulary from the text.
  2. What quote(s) from the readings were meaningful for you? (identify the authors, year & page number) Why?
  3. How do these readings relate to your personal experience?
  4. Why is self-knowledge (Im, Parlakian, & Sanchez, 2007) important for professionals working with infants, toddlers, and families?
  5. Why is culturally informed teaching (Im, Parlakian, & Sanchez, 2007) important for professionals working with infants, toddlers, and families?
  6. Which of the questions is most important to ask when families and program staff disagree about a policy or practice (Gonzalez-Mena & Bhavnagri, 2000)? Why?
  7. Why is reflective thinking (Gonzalez-Bhavnagri, 2000) important for professionals working with infants, toddlers, and families from various cultural backgrounds?
  8. How will these readings help you become a better infant-toddler professional?
  9. Did you test your ability to access the movie Babies from BMCC’s library video database (Steps to Access the movie Babies Movie)?  How did it work?

Respond to 2 other posts!

Im, Parlakian & Sanchez (2007)

Gonzalez-Mena & Bhavnagri (2000)

Steps to Access BMCC Video Database

Weekly Module 9: What is Culture? Applications Post 2 (Video)

After watching the video on Individualist and Collectivist Cultures, answer the following questions:

  1. Do you think you were raised in a family/ culture that was individualist or collectivist? How do you know? Give specific examples.
  2. Do you think your Infant/ Family Case Study is a collectivist or individualist family? How do you know? Give specific examples.
  3. How can group programs support families and infants who are from collectivist cultures?  What can staff do? List specific practices and ways staff can support families.

Respond to 2 other posts!

Individualists and Collectivists

Weekly Module 9: What is Culture? Applications Post 1 (Scenarios)

Read the Cultural Differences Scenarios. Pick 3 scenarios, then answer the following questions:

  1. Identify which 3 scenarios you chose.  Why did you pick them?
  2. What impact does the difference in cultural practices have on the child? Why?
  3. Is there another way to handle the situation?
  4. How does this connect to the Gonzalez-Mena (2008) reading? Make specific connections, identifying the page number.
  5. Did you test your ability to access the movie Babies from BMCC video database (Steps to Access the movie Babies)?  How did it work?

Respond to 2 other posts!


Weekly Module 9: What is Culture? Readings Post

In this module you will:

  • Identify practices that support cultural exchange & learning
  • Evaluate how cultural pluralism impacts your work with infants & toddlers
  • Analyze how to handle different scenarios

After reading Gonzalez-Mena (2008), answer the following questions:

  1. Summarize the main idea, key details, and what you learned from the reading in 4-6 sentences in your own words. Use key terms and vocabulary from the text.
  2. What quote(s) was most meaningful to you? (identify the page number) Why?
  3. How does this reading relate to your personal experience?
  4. How does cultural pluralism impact your work with families?
  5. What program practices support cultural exchange & learning between staff & families?
  6. How will this reading help you be a better infant-toddler professional?

Respond to 2 other posts!



These touching base posts will allow us to continue the community we created in our face-to-face ECE 209-L class. Share as much as you feel comfortable sharing. I will offer extra credit for completing these posts. You will receive:

  • 1/2 point of extra credit for responding to this post
  • 1/4 point for responding to 2 other posts (1/2 point for responding to 2 responses).

Questions for this touching base post:

  1. How are you?
  2. Where do you do your school work?
  3. How are your days unfolding? (What’s happening each day)?