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Weekly Module 9: What is Culture? Applications Post 2 (Video)

After watching the video on Individualist and Collectivist Cultures, answer the following questions:

  1. Do you think you were raised in a family/ culture that was individualist or collectivist? How do you know? Give specific examples.
  2. Do you think your Infant/ Family Case Study is a collectivist or individualist family? How do you know? Give specific examples.
  3. How can group programs support families and infants who are from collectivist cultures?  What can staff do? List specific practices and ways staff can support families.

Respond to 2 other posts!

Individualists and Collectivists


  1. My family and culture are a mixture of both individualist and collectivist. For example though we focus on the needs of ourselves we also value other needs before our own. Were very private and loyal to others. Coming from a Haitian culture we have a strong sense of pride. We foster independence along with being self reliant but we also always make sacrifices for our children. I’m almost certain my parents didn’t ask my 3 siblings if they wanted to come to America ultimately she thought that coming to America would be a good decision for herself and her family. My parents still until this day will make sacrifices for their children whether that’s giving them a place to stay or supporting them financially. My parents tell me stories about how when they first came to the US they had to work in factory jobs just so we could attend private school and we could get the best education. Though we can always depend on my parents we were also taught to be self reliant and that shows through our education, and the jobs we hold.

    I believe my Infant/Family case study is also individualist and collectivist. For example though its just the mom, dad, and child living in the household their family also live just houses down. Because we also share the same culture I get a sense of pride from them.

    Ways group programs can support families and infants who are collectivist cultures is to host facilitated parent groups so that families can come together and have discussions. Teachers, staff, families will all have the opportunity to interact and engage with each other.

  2. 1. Do you think you were raised in a family/ culture that was individualist or collectivist? How do you know? Give specific examples. I think I was raised as an individualist; my family members are very much concerned about their own needs and I think that’s how my parents were. Growing up they left things up to me and my sisters to figure out on our own. Like what school we were going to for junior high school and high school. Also, my mom always pushed me and my sisters to be independent because she said she was the same. She was very strict on letting us find our journey in life at a very young age, she felt it will better prepare us for the future.

    2.Do you think your Infant/ Family Case Study is a collectivist or individualist family? How do you know? Give specific examples. I think my Infant Study Family was collectivist. Breanna (the mom) had a lot of support from her family members. For example, even when Breanna’s mom had to work, she would wake up in the middle of the night to watch her baby and wait until he fell back to sleep. She showed she valued her daughter’s need before her own. Breanna’s sister was also a great help, even wanting to go out she would sacrifice her needs to stay with her nephew so that Breanna can get sleep.

    3.How can group programs support families and infants who are from collectivist cultures? What can staff do? List specific practices and ways staff can support families. Group programs can work together and building partnerships to help support families of a collectivist background. Program groups can also have families come together for meetings and have breakfast time where families who come from an individualist background can work together. I believe these groups can help each other.

  3. 1). I also believe that I was raised in a family/culture of a mix of a little bit of both individualist and collectivist however more so individualist . My mother always told me the importance of helping others and always working very hard to be independent, even though she was always there to help me when I needed her, she always taught me the importance of saving money and always having backup plans in life. My mother is a single mother and seeing her bring money to the table and be like a mom and dad to me has always pushed me in life, no matter if it was for school, money or anything that I do I always thrive for more and always want to be successful and make her proud because of my mother. My mother is my world and seeing her be so independent and get everything done on her own makes me just want to do everything that I can to let her know who she raised. These important lessons and from me watching my mother and also wanting to be independent and never have to need anyone now that I am older, those tips have been helping me tremendously.

    2). As far as I know my Infant/Family case study is collectivist. Because around the families house the family made me feel very welcomed and was very helpful.

    3). Group programs can support families and infants who are from collectivist cultures by gathering all the families around and just talk and get to know each other. I believe it is good to be a little bit of both however everyone is different, but getting together can help both sides.

  4. 1: Do you think you were raised in a family/ culture that was individualist or collectivist? How do you know? Give specific examples.
    I think I was raised in a family / culture that was individualist and collectivist. I say this because both my parents were different but always supported me and my decisions. My mother was all about helping others and how it’s important to think about other people and not only yourself. My dad would always tell me always do what I have to do. Don’t worry about anyone else and to just make sure I’m successful in life because thinking about other people will distract me from goals eve though he is also a collectivist. Most of the time they would help other people even if they needed help more. However they were both really independent and never depended on anyone. I was little when my parents separated and my dad was the one who worked while my mom was home taking care of me and my sisters. But once they broke up, my mom started working, we moved, and she provided us with everything showing us that we don’t need someone to do things. If I had to pick one though, then I was raised in a family that was individualist.
    2: Do you think your Infant/ Family Case Study is a collectivist or individualist family? How do you know? Give specific examples.
    I believe my infant/ family case study is a individualist family. The mom does everything herself and doesn’t depend on anyone to help her out because of her past and how she was raised. The mothers family supports her but she cannot depend on them nor the father. For example if the mother had to go to the bathroom and the baby was up, the father would just keep sleeping not caring so She does whatever she needs to.
    3: How can group programs support families and infants who are from collectivist cultures? What can staff do? List specific practices and ways staff can support families. Some ways group programs can support families and infants who are from collectivist culture is by having a little get together with the families and build trust between one another. Make sure families trust you and have a relationship with you so they can feel comfortable. The programs can keep in contact with the families. Even though I was raised in a family that was individualist, I believe it’s always good to have people around that wanna help or can just relate to one another. It’s nice to feel your not alone in the world.

    • Solanny, I like how you experienced yourself well. It is thus important to build that connection between staff and the family in order to help each other. No body is perfect and thus people need to learn from one another.

  5. I was raised in a family that was collectivists. My dad especially he always thinks of others and is willing to pay for everyone no matter the cost he always has a warm heart. For example if he came with me to see a friend he would offer to go out to get some food and he will pay for it.
    I think my family case study is an individualist family base . because the mom is mainly with the baby lot so i feel like she has preferences with her baby only for her that nothing else matters since she so used of being its her baby its harder for her to worry about other things.
    Families that are collectivist may be more nice due to the fact that they have a better understanding of different circumstances and they handle it differently vs a family who are individualist. Staff can communicate with these families more since they are all about teamwork. The engagement will be much easier from families that are collectivist.

    • Sarah, it was really nice of your dad to do that. Not everyone thinks the same!! Also in point #2, the mother was right on her behalf as anyone would do the same. I hear her but I also feel that she should give herself a chance to do other things as well.

  6. 1).Just like some of my classmates, I believe I was raised in a family with culture mixed with some individualist, and some collectivist. But I think my family was more leaned to the individualist . Even though my mom always taught us that helping others around us and caring for other was part of being a good human being, and a good citizen, friend, daughter, cousin, niece and everything else, she also taught me the importance of having values and respect for others. To be a hard worker and to pursue my dreams without going above anybody. My mom has always been there for me, at all times, no matter the circumstances. The importance of having always a plan be, be patient and always give what is in my heart, despite what other might give to me in life. To give without expecting anything in return. On the other hand, my dad is a very strong-willed man. H e has a very strong character and has always encourage me to live my life with the most discipline possible. More than caring for others and helping others, he is more driven to worry about his own wellness and, once he is in a “safe zone” then he would care about the rest. which is not bad. I just believe that both ways, my mm’s and my dad’s are positive and will lead to to achieve great things in life.
    2. Honestly, I am not so sure. But from what I got to see the first time we made contact, they seem to be more collective. I would never see one of them by themselves, they are always together helping each other with the stroller and the baby.
    3. Creating events where these familias are encouraged to socialize with others and interact between them. I think it is great when both types of families (Individualists and Collectivist) aget to interact and learn from each other.

  7. 1. Do you think you were raised in a family/ culture that was individualist or collectivist? How do you know? Give specific examples. – I was raised in a collectivist family. My grandfather and father go out of their way to do things for others. They always think of others before themselves which shows that they value others needs before their own. Same is with my mother as well. She goes out of her way to do things for others. One example was that she invited her friends home on her own birthday even though she knew that she had no help and she had to do everything on her own. She did not want her to get upset so she took up all the work when it should have been her feeling good and relaxed on one of her days.

    2. Do you think your Infant/ Family Case Study is a collectivist or individualist family? How do you know? Give specific examples. – My family case study is an individualist family base as I see the parents of the kid mostly spending all of their time at home just sitting around. Earlier they used to go out, socialize but since they have had a kid, they hardly have time for anything. Moreover, they loose all their time at time and when someone asks to go out, they deny otherwise. I know this because my uncle is friends with them and the time he has asked them to go out , they have always denied. Instead, they choose to stay home and spend time with one another.

    3. How can group programs support families and infants who are from collectivist cultures? What can staff do? List specific practices and ways staff can support families. – By having small get togethers so that families can know each other well and form a bond and a level of trust with one another. The staff and the teachers can tell families stories about themselves which will help them know them better and build the kind of framework that one needs.

  8. 1. Do you think you were raised in a family/ culture that was individualist or collectivist? How do you know? Give specific examples.
    I would have to say I am more in between in being raised by family that are individualist and collectivist. My parents are people who are the kind of people who are more in the individualist group, wanting things done on their own, care more about their own needs. While also being raised by my grandparents since they worked a lot, they would most likely be collectivists because they would always put others before them, wanting to help and care for others even if they weren’t family but a family friend. My grandparents taught me to yes, care for myself but others as well and if I ever need help then just ask. My parents on the other hand wanted me and my sibling to do everything on our own, it was a little hard for us because I get they wanted us to be independent but for certain situations that I would need help in they would turn me away and tell me to figure it out.

    2. Do you think your Infant/ Family Case Study is a collectivist or individualist family? How do you know? Give specific examples.
    I would say my infant family case study is also in between a collectivists and individualist family because the mom is more of figuring everything out on their own while the dad wants to help others before he helps himself.

    3. How can group programs support families and infants who are from collectivist cultures? What can staff do? List specific practices and ways staff can support families.
    Create groups that would allow families to come together and speak on their experiences on different things and try to hep each other out.

  9. Do you think you were raised in a family/ culture that was individualist or collectivist? How do you know? Give specific examples. I was raised in a individualist family. I say this because my mother always wanted me to be independent. For an example, My mother always wanted me to learn everything on my own but sometimes she would help me. Another reason why I know i was born in a individualist family because nothing was ever spoon fed to me.
    Do you think your Infant/ Family Case Study is a collectivist or individualist family? How do you know? Give specific examples. I think the infant is a individualist family because the baby was doing things on their own without help from the mother.
    How can group programs support families and infants who are from collectivist cultures? What can staff do? List specific practices and ways staff can support families. I think that staffs can work together and set up group meetings.

  10. 1. I think I was raised in a family that was collectivist because I remember I would always place my family’s needs before mine. I remember even as a young child my mother and father would always help out their families and friends that needed a hand and usually the people we would help us in return when we needed it. When I started to learn how to cook, my mother would always teach me how to make food for the whole family and when friends came over. Even now when I cook I will cook for the whole family, to me it feels weird to make food just for myself it makes me feel like I am greedy.
    2. I think my infant’s family case study is a collectivist family because she likes to have her family and her close friends nearby and have them present in her child’s life. Also as a single parent, her mother kept by her side and helped her daughter in her times when she got pregnant and even up to now.
    3. Group programs can support families and infants from a collectivist culture by doing things with the infant together. Staff can always be present with the child and be of guidance and show that they are willing to do what the child would like together and not left alone to do it. Also encouraging other children from collectivist culture to work together and not break that culture they have within.

  11. 1. I will have to say that my family dynamic / culture is both collective and individualized. I myself puts my families needs before mine but I do and never have been afraid to voice my opinions. My mother always taught us the importance of family and how you should always be there for each other and value each other while we are all still here. Although I am collective I also value my freedom to be able to try new things and push myself, which my mom has also taught me. For example, when I was around 10 years old I decided I wanted to dance, then when I turned 14 I started dancing competitively and also started traveling for competitions at first my mom was against me traveling and staying over night in hotel but when she saw how much it meant to me she decided to let me follow that. A year later at 15 I decided to model and got signed to one if the topic agencies in the world. Despite all the negative comments my mom was receiving from some of my relatives my mom and immediate family supported my decision all the way, and I’ve been modeling for one of the top agencies ever since.
    2. My case family I would say is more individualized because after my interview with the parent, the mother was speaking of her pushing and supporting her child to the best of his abilities and to try new things.
    3. Different groups can be created to allow different families to come together and share their beliefs on whether or not it is better to be collective or individualized.

  12. 1. I was raised in a collectivist family with a little individulaist mixed in, I know this because my mom would buy me and my siblings new
    clothes before herself she always made sure we had what we needed before herself. I say mixed with individualist because my mom always
    told me work hard for things you want dont depend on nobody else

    2. My infant case study family is collectivist the mom is always caring for the son first and making sure he’s good

    3. Group programs can help kids from collectivist familes by having a few of the family’s traditions in the classroom, Staff
    can make sure the child is comfortable after the family leaves or have a child bring something from home

  13. I also believe that I was raised in a family/culture of a mix of a little bit of both individualist and collectivist however more so individualist . My mother always talked about the importance of working very hard to be independent, so I don’t have to be dependent on anyone, along with how to properly save and spend money and making plans so in any case if I need a backup if something fails,I have one. Whereas my dad was the one who talked about the importance of helping people.
    My mother and father used to both bring money in to support my sibling and I, however now it’s just my mom since my dad lives elsewhere with his siblings. Regardless of that fact, both my parents have always pushed me in life, whether it be school, or anything that I do. Both my parents are very different from each other, so sometimes they’ll switch roles. My dad will be the one to help me when I need since my mother often can’t because she’s so pre-occupied with work and supporting us. My mom AND dad have both been through a lot, but seeing them both be independent in their own way and accomplish everything they need to on their own inspires me to be the best I can be and give back to them what they gave me.

    2. My Infant/Family case study is collectivist. The members of the family were friendly and made me feel welcomed.

    3. Several ways group programs can support families and infants who are collectivist by hosting facilitated parent groups so that families can come together and participate in discussions. Teachers, staff, families will all have the opportunity to interact and engage with each other. And say for those who are more individualized can share their beliefs on whether or not it is better to be collective or individualized.

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