Home » Application » Weekly Module 10: Cultural Aspects to Working with Families & Infants Applications Post (Scenarios)

Weekly Module 10: Cultural Aspects to Working with Families & Infants Applications Post (Scenarios)

Read the Feeding and Sleeping Scenarios. Pick 2 feeding & 2 sleeping scenarios then answer the following questions:

  1. Identify which 2 feeding & 2 sleeping scenarios you picked. Why?
  2. What is your reaction to the scenario? 
  3. What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs?
  4. How can the program support the family with this situation?
  5. What can you do to support the child?
  6. How can you handle this situation?
  7. Based on the Natural Rhythms vs Set-Schedules handout, does your Infant/ Family Case Study family use the child’s natural rhythms or a set schedule to determine feeding and sleeping times? How do you know?

Respond to 2 other posts!

Feeding & Eating Scenarios

Natural Rhythms vs Set Schedule


  1. Sleeping Scenario #1
    1.What is your reaction? I would be a little taken back because of the child’s safety
    2.What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? They have a nurturing home and don’t believe in allowing their child to sleep alone.
    3.How can the program support the family with this situation? Come together with the family to find ways to support the child with their sleeping habits and routines.
    4.What can you do to support the child? Give the child comfort when ready to sleep.
    5. How can you handle this situation? Allow her to sleep next to other children or closer to the teacher/caregiver so she can feel comfortable and safe enough to fall asleep.

    Sleeping Scenario #5
    1. What is your reaction? Marteen needs individualize care
    2. What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? That they have Martenn on a sleeping schedule at home.
    3. How can you support this family with this situation? Talk to the family and let them know we will allow Marteen to nap at his normal time, but continue to work with the family to come up with ideas to help Marteen adjust to his school schedule, but only if the family agrees and doesn’t feel like this is changing their home practices.
    4. What can you do to support the child? Allow Marteen to nap at his normal time
    5. How can you handle this situation? Make a separate space for Marteen where he can nap and not be woken up by others. Following his normal schedule at home.

    Feeding Scenario #2
    1. What is your reaction? I wonder why she is doing this? a little taken back, wondering is this is safe.
    2. What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? They may believe in practicing independency at a young age. They want Elijah to feed himself with no help early on.
    3. How can you support this family with this situation? Ask the proper question, so that I can understand their reasoning for feeding baby Elijah this way.
    4. What can you do to support the child? Allow the child to eat the way he is comfortable, but safe.
    5. How can you handle this situation? Come together to work with the family to come up with a safer way to feed baby Elijah.

    Feeding Scenario #3
    1. What is your reaction? I’m thinking this is okay
    2. What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? They allow Shakira to be free of choices and to eat when she wants. They don’t follow set schedules and individualize their child’s needs
    3. How can you support this family with this situation? Accept the way they do things at home
    4. What can you do to support the child? Allow Shakira to eat when she’s hungry.
    5. How can you handle this situation? Talk to Shakira and let her know when she is hungry, she can just tell me, and I’ll give her food.

    Based on the Natural Rhythms vs Set-Schedules handout, does your Infant/ Family Case Study family use the child’s natural rhythms or a set schedule to determine feeding and sleeping times? How do you know? My infant/family case study family I believe uses a Natural Rhythms schedule, Both the mom and grandmother allowed the baby to do what he wanted, when he wanted like, eating, playing and sleeping. They didn’t really have any set schedules.

  2. Identify which 2 feeding & 2 sleeping scenarios you picked. Why? (Scenario 1 sleeping), wanted to go in order.
    What is your reaction to the scenario? I can understand and place no judgment on family.
    What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? They might be deeply rooted in family and doing things together.
    How can the program support the family with this situation? Communicating that you understand situation, emphasize that everything will be done to ensure transition runs smoothly.
    What can you do to support the child? Offer a picture bear during napping.
    How can you handle this situation? Communicate with family then execute a plan.

    Identify which 2 feeding & 2 sleeping scenarios you picked. Why?(Scenario 2 sleeping) wanted to go in order
    What is your reaction to the scenario? Try and figure out why she is crying
    What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? Maybe they play music while the child sleeps
    How can the program support the family with this situation? Asking parents to thoroughly talk about sleeping routine at home
    What can you do to support the child? Play soft music for the child during nap
    How can you handle this situation? Communicate with family, try music.

    Identify which 2 feeding & 2 sleeping scenarios you picked. Why?( Scenario 1) caught my eye
    What is your reaction to the scenario? Concerned that the milk may go through to fast through the nipple.
    What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? They like to give their baby cereal.
    How can the program support the family with this situation? Keep a clear honest line of communication.
    What can you do to support the child? Let them know if I come across any challenges feeding their baby cereal and ask if we could work out a plan together. Offer alternatives other than cereal and cutting bottles.
    How can you handle this situation? Speak with the family and listen to why they are doing this.

    Identify which 2 feeding & 2 sleeping scenarios you picked. Why? (Scenario 2 feeding) I like the name Elijah.
    What is your reaction to the scenario? After taking this class I know this takes away from bonding with the baby.
    What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? They may foster independence.
    How can the program support the family with this situation? Say something nice but encourage other ways to foster independence.
    What can you do to support the child? Continue to feed child by bottle unless instructed otherwise, communicate with family and give insights respectfully.
    How can you handle this situation? Smile, and communicate with family to offer other ways to work on other skills like grasping and cues.

    Based on the Natural Rhythms vs Set-Schedules handout, does your Infant/ Family Case Study family use the child’s natural rhythms or a set schedule to determine feeding and sleeping times? How do you know? Natural Rhythms. Child is still young and was sleep un expected when I got there.

  3. Identify which 2 feeding & 2 sleeping scenarios you picked. Why? Sleeping scenario #1
    What is your reaction to the scenario? I would be confused on what to do at first
    What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? This family is very caring and doesn’t believe in their daughter sleeping alone
    How can the program support the family with this situation? Have meetings with them to talk about ways to grant their wishes of their daughter not sleeping alone,
    What can you do to support the child? I would lay with her or have her closer to the other kids to ensure she doesn’t feel alone
    How can you handle this situation?laying with her has her feel comfort from me as her caregiver.

    Identify which 2 feeding & 2 sleeping scenarios you picked. Why? Sleeping scenario #5
    What is your reaction to the scenario? The baby needs more care
    What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? They have a set sleeping schedule for marteen
    How can the program support the family with this situation? Tell the family that I will accommodate this into Marten’s sleeping schedule at school.
    What can you do to support the child? Ensure that she goes to sleep at the given time away from other kids.
    How can you handle this situation? Making sure that she goes to sleep at 11 because of direction from her parents and

    Identify which 2 feeding & 2 sleeping scenarios you picked? Feeding scenario #3
    What is your reaction to the scenario? Im feeling that this is well
    What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? They just feed her whenever she’s hungry or ask for food. They never force her.
    How can the program support the family with this situation? Let them know that shakira should eat whenever she’s hungry.
    What can you do to support the child? Whenever she asks for food make sure that’s provided for her.
    How can you handle this situation? Eventually shakira would develop an eating schedule from school.

    Identify which 2 feeding & 2 sleeping scenarios you picked. Feeding scenario #5
    What is your reaction to the scenario? Lilly will need attention at lunch time
    What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? They don’t believe in lilly feeding herself the mother prefers to feed her to prevent mess.
    How can the program support the family with this situation? Ensure that one of the teachers will feed her.
    What can you do to support the child? Help lilly eat
    How can you handle this situation? At lunch time making sure she has a bib on and feeding her
    Based on the Natural Rhythms vs Set-Schedules handout, does your Infant/ Family Case Study family use the child’s natural rhythms or a set schedule to determine feeding and sleeping times? How do you know? Based on the information I have gotten she is very attached to her baby and she knows when her baby is sleepy and that’s how she determines his sleeping times she sees gestures that he would do when he’s sleepy.

  4. Sleeping scenario 2
    This scenario caught my attention.
    Reaction- I would be shocked at the fact that the Child keeps continuously crying even after singing and rocking them to sleep.
    Family’s culture- I thought that maybe when the Child is sleeping someone is always there by the child, or maybe the Child is used to noise because music is probably being played to calm her down.
    Program support- The program can reach out to the family so they can discuss ways and techniques that can be done at home to help the Child be able to sleep better.
    Supporting the child- You can play soft music or lullabies during the child’s nap time.
    Handling the situation – Contact the family, express concerns and try to come up with solutions, or try soft music

    Sleeping Scenario 3
    I chose this because I was shocked after reading it.
    Reaction- That is not the right thing to do.
    Families culture- It seems like it is within the family’s culture to let the Child cry it out
    Program support- Inform families about different ways to help the Child transition to sleeping in the crib
    Supporting the child- when putting the child to sleep I would maybe bring in the child’s favorite toy so they don’t feel alone and scared
    Handling the situation – Inform the family about how losing the Child cry themselves to sleep can make the Child feel neglected , come up with ways to help the transition to sleeping in a crib be easier for the Child

    Feeding Scenario 2
    I chose this because I thought it was interesting
    Reaction- I don’t think that don’t this is the best idea because it takes away from the bonding time you could be spending with your Child.
    Family Culture – The family may want the Child to grow and be more independent and learn things on their own.
    Program Support- Acknowledge the families efforts and offers ways to foster independence
    Supporting the child- To help give the Child a sense of connection, I would continue bottle feeding the Child myself until told otherwise by the parent
    Handling the situation – reach out to the families about different way to foster independence

    Feeding scenario 4
    I was intrigued
    Reaction- I wondered why the Child could not sit still
    Family Culture- the family let’s the child be free to walk around while eating.
    Program Support- Reach out to the parents and ask them how the Child acting when eating, if they allow it, or if the Child has any sorts of disabilities they know of
    Supporting the child- try to come up with ways where you can get the Child to sit and stay still while eating.
    Handling the Situation- speak to the family, let them know about the child’s habits and ask them if the Child has any disabilities like ADHD.

    Natural Rhythms- there’s no set sleeping or eating schedule

    • Hey Aalyah, I also picked Scenario 2 for the feeding scenarios. I thought this one was a little tricky because we know this isn’t safe but we want to respect the family practices as well. I like that you would keep bottle feeding the baby, I thought maybe finding another way working with the family would be good for the baby as well.

    • I agree with sleeping scenario #3 where you state that the child may feel neglected because sometimes children are put to sleep on their own after sleeping for so long with their parents and they don’t realize the psychological effect it can have on the child.

    • Hey Aalyah, I definitely agree with you in scenario number three it is very shocking to see that familes do that, just letting their children cry to sleep. I believe that when the child cries they needs are not being meet and they need our support, in this scenario the child is either scared or they need someone to be there until they fall asleep. This is truly sad I agree with how you would handled this situation and it is truly the right thing to do. Good Job :).

  5. 1: I chose sleeping scenarios #2, 3 and feeding scenarios #3, 4.
    -For sleeping scenario #2 my reaction to this situation is that most likely the 7-month-old daughter has older siblings. This scenario says that culture and belief to them mean that their infant has learned to sleep in a room full of noises and if there is no noise the baby will have hard time adjusting to a quiet room. The program can help support the family with this situation by asking the family if there is a piece of certain music they tend to play for the infant to sleep with or what types of circumstances does the baby sleep in. I can keep holding the baby and talking to the baby or sing to the baby the whole time. Or find the type of music the baby is used to listening to the bed. I think in this situation I would try to find the best type of solution to let the infant have their nap and not miss it.
    – For Scenario #3 my reaction would be that why does this family let a baby cry to sleep. This scenario shows their culture and belief that they would like their son to become independent of them. The programs can support this family by asking why do they want to train their 7-month-old to fall asleep on their own and finding ways to slowly change from family bed to own crib. To support the child we can slowly help the families by introducing the crib and making sure that the infant feels comfortable enough to sleep in it. In this situation, I would talk to the parent and their concerns and how I can help them.
    -For feeding scenario #3 my reaction would be that the child eats tiny bites. This scenario says about the family’s culture and beliefs that Shakira is not forced to drink every hour(s) or so and the infant is given food only when she wants it. In this situation, I can support the family situation by feeding the infant when she is hungry but also ask the family if there is a reason why they feed the infant only when she is hungry. I can support the child by making sure she is being fed when she is hungry. I can handle the situation by making sure the baby does not miss her meals and speaking with the family of what can we do to help the infant.
    -For feeding scenario #4 my reaction would be that she does not like being in one spot and that she likes to move around. This scenario shows me about their culture and beliefs that they let the girl do her thing and don’t stop her. I can help this family in this situation by asking the family if the girl feels comfortable eating all over the place and what they do at home when she eats and if anyone else in the family tends to do the same thing as well. I can support the child by letting her eat as she is doing her thing and making sure I clean after her when she leaves crumbs. I can handle this situation by letting the girl eat and clean after her.
    7: Based on the natural rhythms vs set schedules handout my infant/family case study uses natural rhythms to determine feeding and sleep times. Because when I interviewed the family I worked with the mother told me that what they do each day depends on what time her daughter wakes up and eats when she feels hungry.

  6. Sleeping Scenario #1: I chose this scenario because many people face this.
    1.What is your reaction? I believe this is completely normal most people have their child sleep in the same bed as them.
    2.What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? This scenario says that the family likes to do things together or in most scenarios like these where the baby sleeps with the family it is because the child is afraid to sleep alone.
    3.How can the program support the family with this situation? The program can support the family by talking to the family and letting them know that we will do anything we can to help their child be as comfortable as possible.
    4.What can you do to support the child? I would speak to the family to let them know that they have nothing to worry about, the child will get used to sleeping alone, and that I will do my best to fulfill the child’s needs.
    5. How can you handle this situation? Like I mentioned I would talk with the family to ensure to them that their child will be just fine and that they have nothing to worry about. I will keep in touch with them in order to make them feel as comfortable as possible.

    Sleeping Scenario #2: I picked this scenario because I have a family member, who faces this exact situation/scenario.
    1.What is your reaction? I would call the family to recheck if I might be missing anything in my notes. And them again about the child’s preferences on her sleeping schedule and also her routine at home.
    2.What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? I believe this is happening because Shonda is used to hearing lots of noises while she sleeps in her home with her family.This scenario says that her family probably is used to playing music or being loud when their children sleep. Some children are used to sleeping with loud noises, it doesn’t really faze them or bother their sleep.
    3.How can the program support the family with this situation? The program can support by talking to the family and figuring something out to help support Shonda and the family.
    4.What can you do to support the child? I would try to support Shonda by playing music while she sleeps.
    5. How can you handle this situation? I would communicate with the family about the child’s sleeping schedule and the routines. And try to play music while Shonda sleeps.

    Feeding Scenario #1: I chose this scenario because it seemed very interesting. I never heard of anyone who puts cereal on the bottle for their child.
    1.What is your reaction? I would be a little concerned that the cereal might go out of the bottle fast because of the wide nipple in the bottle and godforsaken gets stuck in the child’s throat. I have heard of people cutting the bottle’s nipple to make the opening wider for the milk to go through for older children, however I never heard of who actually put cereal on the bottle for their children.
    2.What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? This scenario says that the child might have a hard time eating or a picky eater and so the family decides to put the cereal in the bottle and this way the child might not be able to “notice”.
    3.How can the program support the family with this situation? The program can help support the family by communicating with parents in order to support them by teaching the child how to properly eat their food.
    4.What can you do to support the child? I would take the time to teach the child and learn other ways to feed the child.
    5. How can you handle this situation? I would speak to the family to let them know that it might be unsafe and ask them if we can work something out together in order for both me and the family to help the child and both be on the same page. However not do anything that the family might not agree with.

    Feeding Scenario #3: I chose this scenario because I heard of it and it is very common.
    1.What is your reaction? I believe it is okay when the child eats while they play and walk around however, I don’t agree with the child not having an actual eating schedule.
    2.What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? Some families don’t eat together and they like to follow their child’s preferences.
    3.How can the program support the family with this situation? The program can help with this situation by giving Shakira the allowance to eat whenever she is hungry.
    4.What can you do to support the child? I would support the child by making sure she is feed and never left hungry.
    5. How can you handle this situation? I would respect the family’s way of eating, and try to make Shakira as comfortable as possible and let her know that when she is hungry let either me or my coworkers know, in order for us to fully fulfill Shakiras needs and also most importantly make her feel like she is at home.

    Based on the Natural Rhythms vs Set-Schedules handout, does your Infant/ Family Case Study family use the child’s natural rhythms or a set schedule to determine feeding and sleeping times? How do you know? The family is very strict on their schedules rather it is with their child or with their work, play time, family time everything has their own schedule. Everything was very organized and it seems that they loved to keep it that way.

  7. Sleeping Scenario #2
    1.What is your reaction to the scenario? surprised Shonda keeps crying
    2.What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? The child is most likely use to certain things at home so its hard for the child to deal with being in a different environment.
    3.How can the program support the family with this situation? speak with the family on different techniques to help the child
    4.What can you do to support the child? play soothing music
    5.How can you handle this situation? get in contact with family and come up with ideas to benefit the child

    Sleeping Scenario #3
    1.What is your reaction to the scenario? uncomfortable with the situation
    2.What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? believe the child should be more independent in putting themselves to sleep
    3.How can the program support the family with this situation? let them know of different ways to have the child fall asleep
    4.What can you do to support the child? try to see if their are any way i can soothe the child into sleeping at the program by first informing the parents
    5.How can you handle this situation? inform the child that they can feel alone and possibly uncomfortable.

    Feeding Scenario #2
    1What is your reaction to the scenario? I’m curious to know if this is actually safe
    What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? Want the child to be more independent
    How can the program support the family with this situation? talk to them and see if their is anything they would like me to do at the program to help the child be more independent
    What can you do to support the child? come up with ways to help the child be more independent
    How can you handle this situation? talk with other families about helping their child be more independent

    Feeding Scenario #3
    What is your reaction to the scenario? I do honestly think this is okay
    What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? They allow their child to have her own choice in when she wants to eat
    How can the program support the family with this situation? feed the baby when he/she wants to eat
    What can you do to support the child? feed her when she is hungry
    How can you handle this situation? speak to the child, ask her if she wants to eat at all.

    Based on the Natural Rhythms vs Set-Schedules handout, does your Infant/ Family Case Study family use the child’s natural rhythms or a set schedule to determine feeding and sleeping times? How do you know? They have a set schedule, they told me they feed her and put her to bed at a certain time.

  8. Sleeping Scenario #1
    1.What is your reaction? I Would tell the family that I would let her sleep in the crib or by herself and see if it worked out fine
    2.What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? The family may believe in their child not sleeping alone at a young age.
    3.How can the program support the family with this situation? Find ways to support the family and give them ideas to help the child transition
    4.What can you do to support the child? I can give the child comfort and support
    5. How can you handle this situation? Allow him or her to sleep next to a child.
    Sleeping Scenario #3
    1.What is your reaction? I Would tell the family that isn’t the right thing to do.
    2.What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? The family may believe in the child crying and falling asleep is the right thing to do
    3.How can the program support the family with this situation?Give the family better sleeping Techniques for the child.
    4.What can you do to support the child? I can rock the baby to sleep in my hand and then when hes sound asleep I would place him in the crib.
    5. How can you handle this situation? Allow him to sleep in the crib and if he starts to cry pick him up.
    Feeding Scenario #2
    1.What is your reaction? I Would look at the bottle to see if its okay and safe to use
    2.What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? I can say the culture beliefs are independence
    3.How can the program support the family with this situation? Give the family ideas
    4.What can you do to support the child? I can give try a safer way but comfortable way to try with the child.
    5. How can you handle this situation? Speak to the family and see if we can come up with different ideas
    Feeding Scenario #5

    1.What is your reaction? I Would tell the family that she has to practice independence here
    2.What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? The family may believe in their child not eating alone
    3.How can the program support the family with this situation? Find ways to support the family and give them ideas to help the child transition
    4.What can you do to support the child? I would let lilly eat on her own and explain why independence is important to the family
    5. How can you handle this situation? Speak to the parent.
    Based on the Natural Rhythms vs Set-Schedules handout, does your Infant/ Family Case Study family use the child’s natural rhythms or a set schedule to determine feeding and sleeping times? How do you know?Natural rhythms because all of these parents allow their child to do what they wanted.

  9. Sleeping Scenario 3 –
    What is your reaction to the scenario? – I was taken a back as I thought that this situation was disrespecting the baby and thus failing as a parent.

    What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? – This shows that the father wasn’t respecting the baby and is not following the three R’s which is important to raise a child. He is not respecting the baby nor reciprocating his cries.

    How can the program support the family with this situation? – The program should teach or suggest the father to listen to the baby when he/she cries and also putting the baby to sleep in a more calm way. All babies need that kind of support when they are young so that they get a peaceful sleep then and in the future as well.

    What can you do to support the child? – To support the child, I as a caregiver would put him to sleep by trying out different acts. Singing to the baby, reading him a book, or giving him toys that he/she can play with, that soothe him a bit before taking a nap.

    How can you handle this situation? – I would suggest the same to the parents and tell him to comfort the baby when he/she cries, not just ignore when the baby cries.

    Sleeping Scenario 5 –
    What is your reaction to the scenario? – My reaction would be that the baby needs individualized routine as I would have to follow what the baby is comfortable with and what the baby follows at their home.

    What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? – I don’t think Marteen’s parents are doing anything wrong. They just have Marteen on a fixed sleeping schedule that they like should be followed at the centre as well.

    How can the program support the family with this situation? – The program should also have Marteen sleep the same time he does at home. In order to respect the families routine and choices, the program needs to make a separate routine for Marteen in the centre.

    What can you do to support the child? – Follow him nap schedule the same way he does at home. By respecting his routine and culture.

    How can you handle this situation? – As a caregiver, I could make a separate space for Marteen to take his nap. A place where other wouldn’t disturb him or someplace where noises wouldn’t affect his sleep.

    Feeding Scenario 2 –
    What is your reaction to the scenario? – I would wonder if that is something that is supposed to happen and is it safe for the baby or not?

    What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? – This scenario shows that the parents want the baby to be independent at an early age. Would want the baby to feed himself at an early age. They do not promote spoon feeding.

    How can the program support the family with this situation? – Would ask the mother why they started this at an early age, so that I would get insights and if felt so, I would recommend the same to other parents too.

    What can you do to support the child? – Allowing the child to feed himself on his own, like his mother wants, but safely.

    How can you handle this situation? – I would discuss with the parents about other ways to teach the baby safer ways to feed himself.

    Feeding Scenario 3 –
    What is your reaction to the scenario? – I feel that there is no harm in doing so.

    What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? – It shows that they allow Shakira to eat when she wants. Having no eating schedule lets the baby feel independent and let her make her own decisions.

    How can the program support the family with this situation? – By accepting their way they do and follow things at home.

    What can you do to support the child? – Allow her to eat when she is hungry but ask her if she is hungry while serving other babies food.

    How can you handle this situation? – By giving Shakira her own space but also telling her that she can tell me whenever she is hungry, so that I could feed her food when she feels like it.

    My infant/toddler case study family uses a set schedule to determine feeding and sleeping time as when I was there at the time of the interview, I saw that they had a set schedule for the baby as there was a chart which specified everything and I also observed that the mother kept giving the baby food or drinks every hour during the interview. Also, as the mother excused herself from the interview, I observed that there was no natural rhythm for the baby’s feeding and sleeping times.

  10. Feeding Scenario #1:
    The child’s would be scared to feed the child the milk.
    They are used to cereal being mixed in with the child’s milk.
    Speak to the parents about the concerns that were noticed.
    To support the child I would speak to the parents about other ways we can get around feeding the child and cutting their milk bottles.
    I would ask the parents for the purpose of why they are doing things that way and try to find a different alternative.

    Feeding Scenario #3
    I like that it’s okay for a child to not have a set schedule.
    They allow their child to make their own decision.
    I can help train their child to have a schedule.
    Have her eat at a specific time which would be with the rest of the class.
    Speak to the parents about the set time schedule’s that their child would be eating and if it’s not okay with them then I would just allow her to eat when she’s hungry like she’s been doing at home.

    Sleeping Scenario #1
    I would be a little skeptical about what to do.
    This family believes their daughter should not be sleeping alone.
    Speak to the family about their daughter’s sleeping habits.
    I would hold the child to make sure that she feels safe.
    Speak to the parents and make sure that they are okay with me laying with her while she is sleeping.

    Sleeping Scenario #5
    The child needs more attention
    They have a set sleeping schedule for the child.
    Speak to the family about adding things into the child’s sleeping schedule.
    Make sure she goes to sleep at the same time as she does at home.
    Make sure she follows the directions that her parents want.

    Based on the information there is no set schedule for their sleeping and feeding habits.

  11. Sleeping Scenanario #3
    *Reaction- Shock because 7 months is still young to be “trained” to sleep by themselves they still need to be soothed or rocked to sleep\
    *Culture/Belief- They want the child to be independent at an early age
    *Program- They can use this family by trying to understand them and their logic
    *Support- Try to let the child sleep by themselves or come to an understandment/agreement with the family about the situation

    Sleeping Scenario #1
    *Reaction- Thats weird but sweet the parents want to keep the baby close
    *Culture/Belief- The family is close
    *Program- Can use the family by showing how close they are
    *Support- Have the child bring something from home for nap time like a blanket or stuffed animal

    Feeding Scenario #1
    *Reaction- No reaction thats what the child eats
    *Culture/Belief- The family wants the child to have his milk how he has it home
    *Support- Have the family bring the milk or leave the cereal in the class for the teachers to add to the milk at feeding time

    Feeding Scenario #3

    *Reaction- Its normal for kids to go through phases where they dont want to eat
    *Culture/Belief- The parents believe she’ll eat when shes hungry
    *Support- Give the child extra time to eat at lunch or have the family bring her favorite food for lunch

  12. Sleeping Scenario #2
    1.What is your reaction to the scenario? surprised Shonda keeps crying
    2.What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? The child is most likely use to certain things at home so its hard for the child to deal with being in a different environment.
    3.How can the program support the family with this situation? speak with the family on different techniques to help the child
    4.What can you do to support the child? play soothing music
    5.How can you handle this situation? get in contact with family and come up with ideas to benefit the child

    Feeding Scenario #1: I chose this scenario because it seemed very interesting. I never heard of anyone who puts cereal on the bottle for their child.
    1.What is your reaction? I would be a little concerned that the cereal might go out of the bottle fast because of the wide nipple in the bottle and godforsaken gets stuck in the child’s throat. I have heard of people cutting the bottle’s nipple to make the opening wider for the milk to go through for older children, however I never heard of who actually put cereal on the bottle for their children.
    2.What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? This scenario says that the child might have a hard time eating or a picky eater and so the family decides to put the cereal in the bottle and this way the child might not be able to “notice”.
    3.How can the program support the family with this situation? The program can help support the family by communicating with parents in order to support them by teaching the child how to properly eat their food.
    4.What can you do to support the child? I would take the time to teach the child and learn other ways to feed the child.
    5. How can you handle this situation? I would speak to the family to let them know that it might be unsafe and ask them if we can work something out together in order for both me and the family to help the child and both be on the same page. However not do anything that the family might not agree with.

    Sleeping Scenanario #3
    *Reaction- Shock because 7 months is still young to be “trained” to sleep by themselves they still need to be soothed or rocked to sleep\
    *Culture/Belief- They want the child to be independent at an early age
    *Program- They can use this family by trying to understand them and their logic
    *Support- Try to let the child sleep by themselves or come to an understandment/agreement with the family about the situation

    Feeding Scenario #3
    What is your reaction to the scenario? I do honestly think this is okay
    What does this scenario say about the family’s culture and beliefs? They allow their child to have her own choice in when she wants to eat
    How can the program support the family with this situation? feed the baby when she/he wants to eat
    What can you do to support the child? feed her when she is hungry
    How can you handle this situation? Talk to the child and ask her if she wants to eat.

    Based on the Natural Rhythms vs Set-Schedules handout, does your Infant/ Family Case Study family use the child’s natural rhythms or a set schedule to determine feeding and sleeping times? How do you know? They have a set schedule, they told me they feed her and put her to bed at a certain time.

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