Home » Touching Base » TOUCHING BASE POST (Extra Credit)


These touching base posts will allow us to continue the community we created in our face-to-face ECE 209-L class. Share as much as you feel comfortable sharing. I will offer extra credit for completing these posts. You will receive:

  • 1/2 point of extra credit for responding to this post
  • 1/4 point for responding to 2 other posts (1/2 point for responding to 2 responses).

Questions for this touching base post:

  1. How are you?
  2. Where do you do your school work?
  3. How are your days unfolding? (What’s happening each day)?


  1. 1. How are you? – I am doing okay. As days pass by, I am getting used to this new style. I am really grateful for all my professors and our community for handling everything so well. One good think is that I get to sleep in. LOL

    2. Where do you do your school work? – I normally do my school work in my room. I find it peaceful and consider it my own space.

    3. How are your days unfolding? (What’s happening each day)? – So far, it is going well. I get to sleep in a bit and usually after my breakfast, I try to work till lunch time. In the evenings, I do a bit of exercise at home with some yoga. I also get to spend a lot of time with my family which I am grateful for. I continue finishing my work at night after dinner as well.

  2. 1.How are you? I’m okay, I am better now than I was at the beginning of distance learning
    2.Where do you do your school work? I mostly do my work in any room that my kids aren’t in. Most of the time they take up the living room, so I find myself working in my room a lot.
    3.How are your days unfolding? (What’s happening each day)? My days are not as structured as I would like them to be. I thought I had a schedule starting to flow but that shortly change, especially coming off the weekends for some reason. My daughter likes to sneak her ipad in the middle of the night and play games, so this sometimes wakes me up and changes my schedule. For the most part me and my son wake up around 5:45am, (not by choice he’s an early bird, hehe) I make breakfast then we try to take a nap around 12/1pm. That’s when my daughter is up doing her school work. We are back up from our naps around 3/4 for lunch, then up reading, coloring, playing games or doing puzzles. After dinner we all shower and the kids are off to bed, while I’m up trying to complete my school work. This is pretty much our everyday schedule.

  3. How are you ? I’m okay .. Been doing pretty well with all my classes getting a better understanding of things.

    Where do you do your school work? I do my school work at home .. mainly in my room so that I can focus ..

    How are your days unfolding ? Whats happening each day ? My days been really hard since I’m out of work & also getting use to not being able to go to school is actually hard for me too because I feel like I learn better in a class room rather than online but I am pushing through .. I eat, sleep & do my homework .. I don’t really go outside any more .

  4. 1. How are you? I am doing okay, it is a little hard to try to work at home and try to get in touch with my other professors.

    2. Where do you do your school work? I do my school work in my room while my husband watches our son in the living room.

    3.How are your days unfolding? What’s happening each day? My days are a little harder because not only do I have to finish up school work I have to school my son at home and try to make sure the house is clean and put food on the table. It can be really exhausting and trying to get some of my other professors to be a little more clearer on where we would have to find our work online because sometimes they will email me what to do but not where to find it and I wont get an email back until days later so it can be really tiring.

  5. 1. How are you? I am doing good, I believe am getting more used to staying home the whole distance learning. I am also trying to make sure I keep up with all the work.

    2. Where do you do your school work? I do my school work in my room. When I do my work I like to lay on my bed and do the work.I like to be comfortable and have my to do list next to me an cross off as I complete the work.

    3.How are your days unfolding? What’s happening each day? It has been pretty boring I am used to having a bust day, going to school, and the gym now it we have to stay in side the house and so it has been hard to get used to it. I don’t go out, I just do homework try to learn how to cook more, clean that’s mostly what my day consist of.

    • Hey Edisa, glad to hear you’re doing well. I feel the same way about all this, I believe making sure we keep up with all the work is key. I too miss going to the gym, but there is some good work out videos online on youtube.

      • Hey Deborah, thank you for the response. Yes I have been checking out some youtube videos and trying to stay active during this time, since you like to workout as well you should also check out a youtube video call “60 minute hit cardio and abs workout fitness blender” this video really works well. however be prepared to be really tired after lol.

      • Hello Professor Jen, I am trying to learn how to cook some Albanian dishes that are more complicate, since my mother is now more available at times she helps me. The dishes are called Pita is is a very traditional Albanian food but its is very difficultly to make most teens don’t know how to make it including me lol. How ever since I have more time now I am trying to practice more.

  6. How are you? I’m okay for the most part. I’m enjoying the company of my family. I learned that online classes are not so bad, just as long as you have a clear communication with professors and keep track of assignments.

    Where do you do your school work? At my kitchen table along with my 12 year old son. I have to monitor him so he doesn’t get distracted and go off track. usually my 3 year old is being entertained by my husband or climbing on top of me lol

    How are your days unfolding? (What’s happening each day)? Taking it day by day. Today I have to make a list for groceries and essentials because we’re running out. Despite getting bad news about some of my family members I still remain in prayer and keeps my spirits up by listening to gospel music. I try to do my assignments as soon as possible so I can give my children the attention that they need. I deleted my Facebook at the start of this coronavirus pandemic and haven’t reactivated ever since. I find that limiting my social media activity has helped me stay focus and have reduce my anxiety. On my free time I watched movies, watch series on Netflix and exercise via zoom/youtube. This is the most I’ve used sage daily lol.

    • Hey Deborah, prays to you and your loved ones, hope everything goes well. Unlike you I have not been doing as good of a job of staying off social media, I don’t have facebook but I do have instagram and I really want to start limiting my time on the app.

  7. How are you? This week has been very difficult for me. A lot has been going on with my family. I used to suffer from depression and I feel like it’s coming back due to what I’m going through but I am trying to stay positive about everything and try to relax when I have time. Other than that, I get all my school work done on time and I’m getting used to distance learning

    Where do you do your school work? I do my school work in my room alone laying down or sitting on my bed. If I do it anywhere else, I will not finish it fast because my sisters are very annoying lol.

    How are your days unfolding? (What’s happening each day)? My sleeping schedule is worse than before. I thought I fixed it but then I feel asleep in the afternoon and I am now falling asleep at 8 or 9 in the morning sadly. I’ve been stressed with my school work doing everything I can. I’ve been studying for some tests that I have coming up. But yeah everyday I wake up around 3pm, do homework, take a break, then start again until 2 in the morning and just watch shows. I used to sing and play piano so I started doing those things again to help me relax when I feel stressed. Or just watch some shows or movies. I try to finish all my homework before the weekend so I can have some time to myself.

    • Hey Solanny, I am the same way, I go to sleep late and wake up late which I hate because I love waking up early, my energy is at it’s highest in the morning, so this whole late thing is messing me up. I also find it super dope that you know how to play the piano because it’s something that I’ve always been interested in learning how to play.

    • Hi Solanny, I hope all is well. I agree with you, my sleeping schedule is all the way messed up. I think you should try your best to stay positive. Maybe try meditation and know that it’s good sometimes to take a breathe to calm down. It’s okay to not be okay, but don’t let it over take you. I know it’s easier said than done but everything will be okay.

  8. 1. How are you? – I’m good, recently starting having a headache and having like the beginning stages of a runny nose, I hope it’s nothing serious and it goes away soon because it’s really taking most of my energy. But other than that I’m good, thank god.

    2. Where do you do your school work? – Well I try to do my school in my room or on the kitchen table depending on how I am feeling on that day. When I go to the kitchen it is because I am trying to get as much work done as I can, which is rare but my room on my bed is where I try and do my school work most of the time.

    3. How are your days unfolding? (What’s happening each day)? – My days are very unproductive/unstructured. I always go to sleep saying that the next day will be the day that I start doing school work and etc etc, but I never end up doing it. Since everything is online now I have a hard time remembering when things are due, what assignments I should be doing etc. I feel like since everything is so overwhelming I push it aside and don’t pay any mind to it, which is what I usually do all the time. Other than that it’s the same shit just a different day.

  9. 1. How are you? – I’m okay for the most part. I’ve been trying my best to be productive and stay on top of my school work.
    2. Where do you do your school work? – I do my home work in my room usually but if I want a change of scenery then i’ll do my home work in the living room.
    3.How are your days unfolding? (what’s happening each day?) – My days tend to be pretty unproductive but I’m working on that. I go to sleep pretty late and I usually wake up pretty late unless I have class, and I usually do homework at night since my sleeping schedule is messed up. Since i’m up pretty late at night I figure I might as well get something done. Sometimes I push my assignments aside for the last minute and some times I get them done asap. It’s been hard finding a schedule that works for me to keep me productive but as I said perviously, I’m working on it.

  10. How are you?
    – I’ve been trying to think positive and trying to keep a good mindset now that all of the classes are online. I knew that it wasn’t going to be easy but I am slowly getting to understand how to work it.

    Where do you do your school work?
    – I do my school work in my quiet room or in my mom’s craft room.

    How are your days unfolding? (What’s happening each day)?
    -My days are honestly very dull and I know its bad but I haven’t really been doing anything with the time that I have. I’m so used to being able to getting up and leaving to go to school to get work done and be productive, but now that I’m home I’ve just been feeling really down and under the weather. SO to actually get up and try to get something done for the day has been a little difficult.

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