These are some resources to help you got started with JavaScript
LinkedIn Learning JavaScript Collection
These three collections of videos are an introduction to JavaScript from what it is, why it is important to some of the basics. Watch these collections in order. I’ve collected these from a few different LinkedIn Learning video courses.
- JavaScript Essential Training
- GitHub Repository with Example Files
- JavaScript for Web Designers
- Exercise Files available through LinkedIn Learning or this discussion board topic
You must be signed in to LinkedIn Learning to view these.
- Collection: JavaScript Introduction has the following videos
- JavaScript: First Contact [2m 46s]
- What is JavaScript? [1m 50s]
- Live examples [5m 16s]
- Vanilla JavaScript versus frameworks [2m 2s]
- Getting help [2m 5s]
- Navigating the JS Landscape [4m 29s]
- Collection: Getting Ready has the following videos
- Tools for Working with JavaScript [3m 24s]
- Make sure to install Visual Studio Code and Live Server extension as directed.
- Browsers and tools [3m 21s]
- Jargon [4m 10s]
- Jargon: The DOM [2m 4s]
- DOM: The Document Object Model [4m 7s]
- Get to know the browser console [6m 24s]
- To follow along fully you will need his 01_05 folder. You can either download everything for the course on this GitHub Repository or
- Use this link to Download the 01_05 folder.
- JavaScript Language Basics [5m 37s]
- Tools for Working with JavaScript [3m 24s]
- Collection: JavaScript in the Browser
First, download these files if you haven’t cloned the GitHub repo. The collection has the following videos:- JavaScript in an HTML Document [3m]
- JavaScript as an external file [2m 59s]
- Modern JavaScript loading [4m 14s]
- JavaScript modules [4m 18s]
JavaScript Basics MDN Page
This page goes over what is JavaScript and the basics of the language (variable, operators, conditionals, functions…) including a quick example of adding interactivity to a web site.
More Resources
You can find more resources on the JavaScript page of our site.