What are two takeaways from this week? This week I learned faster ways to code for html elements by using brackets"{}". One cool coding technique that we use made html automatically set layout boxes for you. It might be difficult for me to always remember this code: main>(section>h1{box$}+lorem10)*2. We can even add classes, I think… Continue reading Bitya Andrade’s Week 2 Learning Journal
Tag: html
Jalitza Valerio’s Week 2 Learning Journal
What are two takeaways from this week? The first thing I learn from week 2 was that using so many divs is not necessary. What is one thing you would like to learn more deply? Everything was clear to me Link to one of my CodePen Pens I had problems creating the account
Daniel Seetaram’s Week 2 Learning Journal
What are two takeaways from this week? i learned more about the html, css, and javascript coding that is used when making a website function. What is one thing you would like to learn more deply? more about the references in css and javascript. Link to one of my CodePen Pens i had trouble getting… Continue reading Daniel Seetaram’s Week 2 Learning Journal
Joshua Soto’s Week 2 Learning Journal
What are two takeaways from this week? The two things that i will take away from this week is how to identify the footer, article, header, div, main and also aside. And the other thing that i will also take away from this week is i learn how to use the flex box a little… Continue reading Joshua Soto’s Week 2 Learning Journal
Bitya Andrade’s Week 2 Learning Journal
What are two takeaways from this week? Firstly, I learn the common way top post content with a specific website layout. We have been provide with a helpful resource called Emmett which are cheat codes for HTML. What is one thing you would like to learn more deply? n/a Link to one of my CodePen… Continue reading Bitya Andrade’s Week 2 Learning Journal
Deeva Purboyo’s Week 2 Learning Journal
What are two takeaways from this week? i learned to identify HTML elements especially aside, article, header, footer, div, main and address. also, I learned about javascript. What is one thing you would like to learn more deply? i would like to learn more about javascript Link to one of my CodePen Pens https://codepen.io/deevapurboyo/pen/poNwzjv
Asia’s Week 2 Learning Journal
What are two takeaways from this week? 1. review semantic elements 2. stop using so many divs What is one thing you would like to learn more deply? reviewing grid vs flex display is something I always need to review. Link to one of my CodePen Pens https://codepen.io/asia-faatimah/pen/PobzewY
Natalia’s Week 2 Learning Journal
What are two takeaways from this week? I’ve learned how to code faster using the code editor and became aware what’s the difference between an article, section, aside, and div What is one thing you would like to learn more deply? The material was very insightful & detailed. I would want to learn more about… Continue reading Natalia’s Week 2 Learning Journal
Angelica lopez’s Week 2 Learning Journal
What are two takeaways from this week? I think learning about the display: grid property was super helpful. Also, I have a much better understanding of when to use the 9 html elements that we reviewed in class. What is one thing you would like to learn more deply? I'd like to learn more about… Continue reading Angelica lopez’s Week 2 Learning Journal
Noelle’s Week 2 Learning Journal
What are two takeaways from this week? Learning how to use Codepen was very helpful to me, also being more specific on how to identify the article, section, and asides of a website was helpful. What is one thing you would like to learn more deply? Perhaps just learning how I could be better with… Continue reading Noelle’s Week 2 Learning Journal
harol’s Week 2 Learning Journal
What are two takeaways from this week? I learned more about souces that you can find on the internet to work in groups easily. how to analyze webpages and divide them by section. What is one thing you would like to learn more deply? Iw think I learned what I wanted to learn Link to… Continue reading harol’s Week 2 Learning Journal
HTML Resources and References
This is a link to some outside resources on HTML. HTML Essential Training View Course (LinkedIn Learning sign on required)This is a LinkedIn Learning Course by Jen Simmons who is one of the leading HTML and CSS Advocates. This course goes over everything in HTML. Most likely you will not go through the whole course.… Continue reading HTML Resources and References
HTML Fundamentals Videos
This is a series of videos I made showing the fundamentals of HTML and how to write it. HTML Fundamentals Part 1 This covers the basics of what HTML is and it’s purpose. Duration: (11:10) HTML Fundamentals Part 2: How to Write HTML In this video I cover writing HTML and how tags are structured… Continue reading HTML Fundamentals Videos