BityaBitya Andrade’s Week 5 Learning Journal

What I know about about getting the Example Eleventy Course project up and running: Firstly you open the Github repository provided. Proceed to download the zip filed and open the folders on you visual studio code. After, you will transfer you project files to your eleventy project that you downloaded. I notice that when I… Continue reading BityaBitya Andrade’s Week 5 Learning Journal

Midterm Brief: Bitya’s Personal Portfolio

Project Information Project Name Bitya's Personal Portfolio Project Description: My project will include 2 illustration pieces including a logo and book cover that I designed for a client. Project Team: Bitya Andrade Project Goals: My personal portfolio is an evidentiary document that will show case pieces of work regarding Graphic, Illustrations and Web Design. This… Continue reading Midterm Brief: Bitya’s Personal Portfolio

Bitya Andrade’s Week 2 Learning Journal

What are two takeaways from this week? This week I learned faster ways to code for html elements by using brackets"{}". One cool coding technique that we use made html automatically set layout boxes for you. It might be difficult for me to always remember this code: main>(section>h1{box$}+lorem10)*2. We can even add classes, I think… Continue reading Bitya Andrade’s Week 2 Learning Journal

Bitya Andrade

Hello, I’m Bitya. I am full-time student attending Borough Manhattan Community College. I am currently studying computer programing as I want to specializing in user interface & experience as well as graphic design.

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