This page lists all of the assigned work for the class. The percentages shown are the percentage of the final grade.
Fundamentals [15%]
Instead of using graded quizzes, your fundamentals grade will be based on your completing Kahoot challenges. You should be trying each challenge multiple times. This will give you the benefit of both Spaced Practice and Retrieval Practice. Both of these have been shown to improve your ability to remember and use concepts.
There will be 2-3 more Kahoots added before the end of the semester. This text will be updated when all Kahoots are present.
Take each challenge until you get 80% or more correct!
HTML Element Parts Fill-in
Game PIN: 003710894
CSS Basics
Game PIN: 007509854
CSS Media Queries
Game PIN: 005849302
CSS Grid
Game PIN: 009439137
JavaScript Basics
Game PIN: 007705993
note: I did not create this Kahoot.
Learning Journal [5%]
This is composed of the posts you’ve make on the site:
- Class Directory
- Week 2 Journal
- Personal Project Post
- Week 13 Journal
- Week 15 Journal
Participation [5%]
There is no specific assignment for this. It will be based on attendance in class and what you do in class.
Activities that count as active class participation include: