Where I’m From 

I am from agriculture

and crisp autumn wind.

From bruised crab apples

and blue moon ice cream. `

I am from the utters of cows

and the milk they give.

I am from the chancla that my mom used to throw at me

and the cinturón my dad branded on me.

I am without a doubt from the words of self loathing,

but I am also from positive affirmations.

I am from the suburbs of late night trick or treating

and warm apple cider that was made with love.

I am from handmade tortillas

and queso fresco.

I am from my mom’s compassion

and my father’s mental decline.

I am from glochids

and tomatillo.

I’m from Waupun the land of the Ojibwe.

2 thoughts on “Where I’m From 

  1. Hey Moses, felt that chancla line the most and could relate from childhood. Also loved how descriptive you were when talking about your environment and the many different aromas that encapsulated them, from sweet to more savory.

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