NYC DOE Fingerprinting

Dear Teacher Education Student,

The department has again received a grant to provide waivers so that you can be fingerprinted via the DOE.

If you are transferring to a School of Education, you will need to get fingerprinted before you can begin taking class in a CUNY 4 year school of education.  The cost of fingerprinting is normally $135.00. If you are interested in taking advantage of the free fingerprinting please follow the steps below:


Begin by creating a TEACH account:

TEACH Resources: TEACH System System :OTI:NYSED

TEACH Self Registration


Step 1

  1. Fill out the attached PETS registration form and email it to Diana Garcia at
  2. You will receive a fee waiver via email.

Step 2:

  1. We will enter you into the DOE system and  you will receive a nomination email
  2. The email will read “congratulations you have been nominated for a position”- You have not been hired by DOE- your nomination refers to fingerprintingto do your fieldwork
  3. Please click on the applicant gateway link in the email
  4. Confirm the details of your profile
  5. Submit any required forms
  6. Click on the fingerprint referral form
  7. Enter and/or confirm info required
  8. Print the fingerprint referral form
  9.     Email completing their online forms. DOE checks to see that nominations are in place and forms are fully completed; if those requirements are met the students are then emailed a link to our booking page to schedule a fingerprint appointment.
  10.  Book an appointment to get fingerprinted

Step 3- Done at 65 Court Street

  1. Gather your fingerprint referral form
  2. Gather the BMCC waiver letter
  3. Gather your BMCC id card
  4. Gather a government issued photo ID (drivers licenses, passport etc)
  5. Bring all above items to:

65 Court Street, Brooklyn NY

only go during your scheduled appointment time

  1. When you return please send a picture of your receipt to
  2. Hold on to your receipt so that you can prove you were fingerprinted going forward

Link to PETS Document (MS Word)

PETS Registration Form By New York State law and related Chancellor Word Doc (1)


221 thoughts on “NYC DOE Fingerprinting”

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