Culture & Infants: Best Practices for Working with Families Who Have Infants

What are the best practices for working with families who have infants from the reading and video in this module?  Identify your source (reading or video) as you develop the list.

Your reading may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants?

537 thoughts on “Culture & Infants: Best Practices for Working with Families Who Have Infants”

  1. 1- What are the best practices for working with families who have infants from the reading and video in this module? Identify your source (reading or video) as you develop the list.

    The best practice for working with families to create culturally inclusive environments is The idea of visibility and invisibility (Video Culture, Diversity & Equity)

    -Having things in multiple languages
    -Artifacts from many cultures represent the children
    -Bulletin boards for parents
    -Libraries for parents
    -Books and have family take them home and write in the book in their language
    -Recorded music
    -Celebrating a certain holiday needs to be celebrated in terms of the context of what that holiday is for the family, why it is important to them, how that’s valuable, and what it means.
    -Bringing things from home that might be meaningful like a blanket, or anything that is familiar, types of food that are served.

    2- How can you apply the information to families who have infants?

    As educators, we have the important task of making not only all children feel included, but also their parents, and making them part of the process. Because through this children form their identity, who they are where they come from. It’s important that they see that for us their culture is important, that they are valued and honored because the way children feel about practices in programs will influence their development. We experience culture every day, we need to make sure that the experience for children is positive and inclusive.

    1. Madeline — Thanks for sharing your comments in this activity. You created a detailed list of specific practices! I wonder, what practices did you identify from the readings?

  2. Some of the best practices for working with families who have infants from the reading and video in this module are, having children bring something from their home to make them comfortable in the school environment such as food, blanket, flowers, something familiar, or something meaningful or soothing the child, and bringing in different languages.
    We can apply the information to families who have infants by including them in the activities with their babies.

    1. Yazmin — Thanks for sharing your comments in this activity. I wonder, what else can infant teachers do to make children feel comfortable in addition to “having children bring something from home” (Galicia, 2022)?

  3. What are the best practices for working with families who have infants from the reading and video in this module? Identify your source (reading or video) as you develop the list.

    -The best practices with families who have infants are make them feel comfortable in the environment. Another best part is to remember that every family is valued and honored and are active participants in the program that the environment makes every child visible.

    Your reading may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants?

    -To families who have infants may have to understand how teachers manage transitions, to the organization of groups and physical environments, to more conscious transmission of culture through curriculum, culture influences infants and toddlers to become cultural beings that function well within their culture.

    1. Khadiadiatou — Thanks for your comment in this activity. The words “valued” and “honored” are very powerful. I wonder, how can infant teachers make families feel valued, honored, support their active participation in the program?

  4. What are the best practices for working with families who have infants from the reading and video in this module? Identify your source (reading or video) as you develop the list.
    Bring something in from their culture, recordings, books, music, flowers, food. All of these things can make the classroom and then infants feel comfortable and also special. Bringing a little something from where they from can help them in the classroom and make them feel welcome. Often they can feel more comfortable and also feel like they are appreciated.

    1. Leana — Thanks for sharing your comment in this activity. In addition to bringing books, music, foods, & items from a family’s heritage culture, what else can infant teachers do to ensure that babies’ culture is embedded in the classroom?

  5. The best practices for teachers working with infants according to the video entitled ” Culture , diversity , and Equity ” would be to incorporate more cultural appreciation for my students by creating bulletin boards filled with various ways to say ” hello ” , incorporating the languages that my students speak . Also having more family engagement nights and projects that allows families to bring things in from their culture that are of significance to them . Lastly , valuing the beliefs and desires of parents for their children as it pertains to their culture .

    We can apply this information to families that have infants by openly communicating with them and finding ways in which we can make them feel more comfortable with the idea of us including their cultural practices within our classroom .

    1. Jayda — Thanks for your comment in this activity. Encouraging families to share materials, values & beliefs from their culture with infant teachers is crucial for infant teachers. I wonder, how can infant teachers support families & babies who are multi-language learners?

  6. 1- What are the best practices for working with families who have infants from the reading and video in this module? Identify your source (reading or video) as you develop the list.

    the best practices for working with families who have infants according to the video and from the reading it states that we should ask the child to bring something so that they feel confident. and also that us as teachers to create more like family nights with the students to get to know them as a family and their calture.
    2- we can use this with infant kids by finding ideas that make the children confdient and make them more their way

    1. Guadalupe — — Thanks for sharing your comment in this activity. I wonder, how can an infant teacher embed a family’s culture into the classroom?

  7. Some of the best practices for working with families who have infants are the way the parent takes care of the child according to the video. The way you hold a child may be different that to the caregiver, bring something that reminds the infant of home. Have different books that represent the children’s different cultures. Teachers informing themselves about the different cultures to find ways on how to bring it i the classrooms.

    1. Karen — — Thanks for sharing your comment in this activity. Practices that are families uses to raise their child are often more important than ‘objects’ in regards to being culturally responsive to families & babies!

  8. From the reading Text (2015) I learned how teachers respond to different situations whether they want to teach the child about individualism or a group. there were two different examples on how the two teachers responded to the situation and I liked because whether we’re teaching individualism or how to work as a group it send the same message. I learned that early childhood education practices and cultures are mutually constructed by a community.

    On the video “Culture,Diversity,and Equity” I also learned different practices when working with a diverse classroom some of these practices are; Having things with multiple languages, artifacts from many cultures which represents the child, have photos, bulletin boards and libraries for parents. Also let the children bring things from home that are meaningful to them.

    Another important thing I learned from the video was how they explained the consequences a child can have if he/she is viewed “Different” I found this part interesting because it made me see that a child who’s view different can have a social-emotional impact on their development.

    I can use these practices in my classroom to reassure safety and trust within my students. To allow them to feel valued and included no matter their cultural background. These practices will allow me to be more mindful and observant when working with infants and toddlers.

    1. Juana — Thanks for sharing your comment in this activity. Considering the impact it could have if a child feels “different”, I wonder what can infant teachers do to normalize a child’s cultural background & experiences in an infant classroom?

  9. 1. What are the best practices for working with families who have infants from the reading and video in this module? Identify your source (reading or video) as you develop the list
    The best practices for working with families who have infants according to the video and from the reading states we should organize with different things. So, children can feel entertained and comfortable. Also, I learned some of the best ways to work with families who have infants from the reading and video in this module are to bring in things from home that make the child feel at home, like flowers, food, a blanket, something that is familiar which can make them happy.

    Your reading may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants?
    It’s important for them to know that their culture is important to us, that we value and honor them because how children feel about practices in programs will have an impact on how they grow up.

    1. Tory — Thanks for sharing your comment in this activity. I wonder, how will bringing things from home to help a child feel comfortable support a child’s cultural heritage & identity?

  10. some of the best practices I learned this week from the video “Culture, Diversity, and Equity” are to make sure the families are involved and engaged in the classrooms as well. I learned it is important to bring in all of the different cultures and to teach about the different cultures so that way nobody feels unheard.

    This applies to infants as well because it’s important that infants are culturally aware, that is something that needs to be taught at a young age in order that when the child is growing up they will be openminded.

    1. Jenna — Thanks for sharing your comment in this activity. I wonder, how should infant teachers involve and engage families, specifically families from different cultural backgrounds?

  11. some of the best practices I have observed from the video and reading would be engaging the children’s family in activities that are a part of the curriculum that promote the learning of diverse cultures. another thing that I learned from the video would be having things around the classroom that display and teach different parts of cultures around the world.

    1. Sean — Thanks for sharing your comment in this activity. As an infant teacher, I wonder, what would those activities be? I wonder, how do babies learn about diverse cultures? I wonder, how do infant teachers honor the cultural heritage of families in infant classrooms?

  12. What are the best practices for working with families who have infants from the reading and video in this module? Identify your source (reading or video) as you develop the list.

    Answer: Some of the best practices is to learn from srudents and parents about their culture and apply that in our lessons making students and parents feel involved and Heard.

    Your reading may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants?

    Answer: For infants, we can show respect from different culturas and infants that come to classroom with different languores and try to make that as part of our lessons as well in a way to show Comfort.

    1. Dayeli — — Thanks for sharing your comment in this activity. I wonder, what would those lesson plans look like? How would infant teachers ensure that babies’ & families’ culture is embedded into the classroom?

  13. What are the best practices for working with families who have infants from the reading and video in this module? Identify your source (reading or video) as you develop the list.
    I learned the best practices from the article Test 2015 when working with families who have infants is to get an understanding on whether the family promotes being an individual or collectivist and find ways to implement this into the class, so that you are respecting the family. The video Culture, Diversity and Equity has taught me to have the families involved as much as possible when setting up your classroom, and bringing in some of the children’s culture. The goal is to always respect families and infants backgrounds and what better way to do that then to ask questions and bring is music, books and visual aids.

    1. Ari — Thanks for sharing your comments in this activity. I wonder, how can an infant teacher embed collectivist practices in an infant classroom?

  14. Understanding infant families and their culture is the process of working with them. We must acknowledge that everyone is unique, everyone grew up differently, and that everyone has different traditions and cultures. We must reassure them that  everyone should be treated equally, cultural differences do happen from time to time, which is perfectly fine. People must be accepted for who and what they are and their cultures must be treated with respect.

    1. Mehnaz — Thanks for your comment in this activity. I wonder, how can infant teachers reassure families that everyone will be treated equally and cultural differences will be treated with respect (Hossain, 2022)?

  15. Some best practice when working with families is to work with the parents. Ask them about certain phrases they use in their home and how they can be used in the classroom. Ask parents to bring in familiar things to the child, like a book or blanket that is part of their home culture. We can apply the information to families and children by embracing a child’s culture. This is important so that children won’t feel left out and feel ashamed of their culture or as if something is wrong with them

    1. Marisol, Thanks for your comment in this activity. I wonder, what does it look like to “embrace a child;s culture” in an infant classroom?

  16. The best practice when working with families is to make sure you are engaging family members in some activities so that they feel included. I learned when many families come together they all share different things that their family do and share their cultural side. In the video it shows many different countries and their cultural beliefs / goals and how curriculum reflects culture

    1. India — Thanks for your comment in this activity. Belonging is important for infants & families. FOr families from different cultures, they may feel like outsiders, rather than belonging. I wonder, how would an infant teacher engage families from different culture in infant classroom around their culture?

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    Зеркало БлекСпрут – это альтернативный адрес сайта, используемый для обеспечения доступа в случае блокировки основного сайта. Зеркало BlackSprut через ТОР помогает пользователям получить доступ к маркетплейсу, сохраняя их анонимность.

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    Sistemas de ajuste: clave para el desempeno estable y efectivo de las maquinarias.

    En el campo de la tecnologia contemporanea, donde la eficiencia y la fiabilidad del dispositivo son de gran significancia, los sistemas de equilibrado tienen un papel vital. Estos equipos especializados estan creados para equilibrar y asegurar elementos dinamicas, ya sea en maquinaria industrial, medios de transporte de movilidad o incluso en electrodomesticos hogarenos.

    Para los expertos en mantenimiento de dispositivos y los ingenieros, manejar con equipos de ajuste es crucial para promover el rendimiento uniforme y estable de cualquier aparato movil. Gracias a estas soluciones avanzadas avanzadas, es posible reducir notablemente las vibraciones, el ruido y la carga sobre los cojinetes, prolongando la vida util de componentes caros.

    Tambien significativo es el rol que cumplen los dispositivos de calibracion en la soporte al consumidor. El ayuda profesional y el soporte regular aplicando estos sistemas facilitan proporcionar servicios de alta estandar, aumentando la satisfaccion de los clientes.

    Para los duenos de empresas, la financiamiento en estaciones de calibracion y sensores puede ser clave para aumentar la eficiencia y rendimiento de sus equipos. Esto es especialmente significativo para los empresarios que administran pequenas y intermedias empresas, donde cada detalle vale.

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    Las areas de utilizacion de los dispositivos de balanceo cubren variadas areas, desde la produccion de ciclos hasta el monitoreo ecologico. No importa si se considera de enormes fabricaciones manufactureras o pequenos talleres domesticos, los aparatos de balanceo son esenciales para proteger un desempeno optimo y sin interrupciones.

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