What are the best practices for working with families who have infants from the readings and video in this module? Identify your source (readings or video) as you develop the list.
Your reading may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants?
The best practices for working with families who have infants from the reading in this module:
Im, Parlakian, & Sanchez (2007) They stated that infant teachers should talk to families about their cultural practices, traditions, and beliefs because it would make parents feel valued. We have to stay open and accept the different ways of caring without judging. Sharing information about your own culture, beliefs, and practices may encourage families to discuss their own culture with you. Along the way you can ask questions and listen closely without judging.
Madeline — Thanks for sharing your comments in this activity. I wonder, what should teachers do with the knowledge they gain — the cultural practices, traditions, & beliefs that families share?
The best practices that I learned this week for working with children and families in a diverse classroom is to be open. It is so important as a teacher/caregiver to be understanding of the family’s values and the way they are choosing to raise their child. As a teacher it is not our job to change what the parent is doing only to help, if the parent likes their child having a bottle past the age of 2, let the child have the bottle, you are not responsible for making those types of decisions for the child. You have to also be understanding and respectful in order to do this, always treat the parents and child kindly.
Jenna — Thanks for sharing your comments in this activity. I wonder, how can an infant teacher be open and understanding?
What are the best practices for working with families who have infants from the readings and video in this module? Identify your source (readings or video) as you develop the list.
Answer: Some of the best practices is to know the parents culture and be open to them before trying to judge them or go against their cultural belief. Using One of the videos cultural conpetency as we watched this video we could see that Jo and Judy define the importante of culture when you are an educador and how you can work with parents including those differences.
Your reading may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants?
Answer: It works the same way for families with infants, because this talks about families in general so the best of their kids educational developement.
Dayeli — Thanks for sharing your comments in this activity. I wonder, how can infant teachers be open & non-judgmental of families’ practices?
The best practices that I learned from this week module was that you have to be understanding and open minded to the diversity within the classroom . Teachers must be responsively willing to accommodate the desires the parents have for their child in the classroom . In addition , to meeting the developmental needs of the children . According to Gonzalez – Mena(2000) it is important to incorporate a child’s culture and reflective thinking when creating a lesson plan for the best results of a child’s growth . Parents are also likely to be more grateful and pleased with the child’s teacher .
We can apply this to infants by engaging with families , getting to know each child personally in order to accommodate their preferences and styles of learning , and we can do trail and error to see what works most effectively for the children in the classroom .
Jayda — Thanks for sharing your comments in this activity. I wonder, how can infant teachers be open & understanding to diversity in the classroom? I wonder, how can an infant teacher use reflective thinking in relation to culture? I wonder, how should infant teachers engage families and get to know each child?
The best practice for working with families is having a discussion with the families and children, to inform yourself what is the best way to teach their child. Also to read about the families culture and inform yourself too so that the caregiver can be carful in what they are teaching the children. The caregiver most of all has to be open minded and listen to the families about how and what they want them to teach their children.
Karen — Thanks for your comment in this activity. I wonder, what would an infant teacher discuss with the family? I wonder, how can an infant teacher be open-minded?
What are the best practices for working with families who have infants from the readings and video in this module? Identify your source (readings or video) as you develop the list.
The best practices for working with families who have infants from the readings I have learned the importance of cultural sensitivity. According to Gonzalez – Mena(2000), some caregivers find it hard to be sensitive and responsive to parents who do things that conflict with their values, beliefs, and understandings.
Your reading may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants?
I would like to apply the information to families who have infants because children should follow their culture. Teachers and families should encourage children to respect their culture.
Tory — Thanks for sharing your comments in this activity. I wonder, how can infant teachers be culturally sensitive?
What are the best practices for working with families who have infants from the readings and video in this module? Gonzalez-Mena and Bhavnagri 2000 article discuss teachers developing culture sensitivity. Using reflective thinking is helpful because teachers can take a step back before coming across as judgmental. In the article Im, Parlakain and Sanchez 2007 it highlights self-knowledge. Teachers recognizing that their childhood experience have an influence on their beliefs when it comes to babies and families is important in striving to be a successful educator. You want your parents to feel valued, so you establish a relationship and ask questions about their beliefs and family culture. Home visits are important on getting a in dept look and feel from the families of infants.
Ari — Thanks for sharing your comments in this activity. I wonder, what should an infant teacher do with the info about a family’s beliefs & culture? We will be diving into home visits very soon!
The best practices for working with families who have infants from the readings is to be able to gather as much information as possible about their cultural background so that the caregivers be aware of how to properly approach a child in their program. There are many ways teachers can work with families and learn about what their values, beliefs and routines are regarding their child. Dismissing and disregarding families practices and routines it’s letting them know that they’re not being valued and respected it. Giving the opportunity to know families and their children is being able gain knowledgeable information about them.
Juana — Thanks for sharing your comments in this activity. I wonder, what should infant teacher do with info about a family’s values, beliefs, and routines?
What are the best practices for working with families who have infants from the reading and video in this module? Identify your source (reading or video) as you develop the list.
In the video, “Cultural Competency” I learned that infant teachers must always clarify enrollment processes and continue to have an open relationship with families in order to make sure families understand because there can be things that prevent them due to who they are.
Your reading may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants?
In an article, “Diversity and Infant/Toddler Caregiving” I learned that it is important to use reflective thinking in order to come up with solutions to cultural differences with families. It is important to use reflective thinking so both parties can be satisfied and feel like their beliefs have value but most importantly support the goal of a healthy child’s development.
Marisol — Thanks for sharing your comments in this activity. I wonder, how does reflective thinking help infant teachers identify solutions to cultural differences with families?
What are the best practices for working with families who have infants from the reading and video in this module? Identify your source (reading or video) as you develop the list.
the best practice when working with families is creating home visits so that you can know their cualture and even ask personal information on the child.
Guadalupe — Thanks for your comment in this activity. Home visits are a powerful tool to learn about a family’s culture. I wonder, how can home visits support culturally informed teaching and cultural competency?
Cultural competency is the best practice for dealing with families with infants based on the texts and video in this module. Caregiving habits can differ significantly amongst cultures (Gonzalez-Mena and Bhavnagri) (2000). In this case, dialogue and communication are also essential. A caregiver should ask inquiries of the family in order to acquire a better knowledge of how the child is being raised in terms of customs and beliefs. Reflective thinking skills can also assist the caregiver and family in providing better care for the kid and each other. The caregivers can also share their knowledge with the family in order to help them better understand one another and collaborate for the child’s optimal care and outcomes (Gonzalez-Mena & Bhavnagri) (2000)
Mehnaz — Thanks for your thoughtful comment in this activity. I wonder, how can a teacher use self-knowledge, reflective thinking, cultural competency, and culturally informed teaching when working with families who engage in caregiving practices that differ amongst — and within — cultures?
What are the best practices for working with families who have infants from the readings and video in this module? Identify your source (readings or video) as you develop the list.
Your reading may have described families of older children; how can you apply the information to families who have infants?
The best practices for working with families who have infants from this module is that there might be certain agreements and disagreements families might have with the teachers about certain policies with cultures. According to the reading, if a family doesn’t agree with a policy, try to explain to them in a polite way they can understanding without and judgement. Also in the video, Judy talked about values and beliefs which is important. Sometimes they can be in a predicament to understand what it is like for families and what it might feel like for families to come into their services.
the best practices ur self knowledge because you need to understand and learn about other peoples cultures. The families that we will be getting we need to learn how to practice their culture and also learn about their culture so we can help their children what is their own culture.
Reviewed 4/6
the best practices for working with infant toddlers and their families would be home visits and consistent follow-ups with the children individually and their families, this allows the child’s development progress to be monitored by the parents while their child is being cared for in school but also keeps the parents updated on their childhood.
The best practices for working with infant toddlers is to learn about different cultures and adapt to change. In the video it talks bout values and beliefs and why it’s important. I feel like this shows parents you are interested in getting to know the family on a deeper level.
Reviewed 5/3
무의식적으로 Liu Jin은 소매에서 멜론 씨를 꺼내 머뭇 거리며 입에 넣었습니다.
Hongzhi 황제의 눈에는이 표현이 매우 비열했습니다.
이대로 가면 빠져나갈 길이 없어요, 아버지, 아들이 다 컸으니 이제 아내와 결혼할 때입니다.
그는 사건을 물었고 그의 시선은 Fang Jifan에게 떨어졌습니다. “Fang Qing의 가족, 아이디어가 있습니까?”
그래서 Zhu Houzhao도 한숨을 쉬고 Fang Jifan의 어깨를 두드렸다.
Fang Jifan의 마음은 따뜻하고 감동으로 가득 차 있습니다.
하지만 지금은… 죄송합니다. Fang Jifan이 말하는 것이 이제 이해가 됩니다.
내시는 이해하고 즉시 떠났고 잠시 후 기념비를 가지고 돌아 왔습니다.
중국 외교 상황의 복잡성은 Ouchi의 상상을 훨씬 뛰어넘었습니다.
batman apollo пелевин
Li Zheng은 자신의 마차를 타고 Xishan New City에 도착했습니다.
Fang Jifan은 정수를 추출하고 겨를 제거 할 수밖에 없었습니다. “문제가 발생해도 저를 탓하지 마십시오.”
이 사람은 발끝으로 온 태강공주 주수룡이다.
그러므로 학자들은 입을 다물고 우는 남자를 바라볼 수밖에 없었다.
Fang Jifan은 약간 당황하고 주저하며 아무 말도하지 않았습니다.
오일 램프 불빛 아래 왕 부시의 어깨가 살짝 떨렸다.
Fang Jifan은 Hongzhi 황제와 아무 관련이 없었기 때문에 그는 Hongzhi 황제를 워크샵으로 안내했습니다.
“유공, 병력 배치… 유감스럽게도… 폐하의 뜻이 필요합니다.”
그는 어쩔 수 없었다… 포효하자: “젠장…”
Jiang Yan은 마침내 조금 취했고 무의식적으로 눈살을 찌푸 렸습니다.명단은 이달 말인 2월 28일 공개된다.
“글쎄요, 그는 꽤 현명합니다.” Fang Jifan은 만족스럽게 고개를 끄덕였습니다.
Wang Wenyu는이 장면에 익숙하지 않은 듯 고개를 숙였습니다. 갑자기 죄책감이 듭니다.
Yang Biao는 등유 탱크의 밸브를 천천히 닫기 시작했습니다.
Xiao Jing은 “‘개 심판이 불공평하다’ 팀!”이라고 말하기 전에 오랫동안 망설였습니다.
수많은 사람들이 이 플라잉볼 캠프의 이름이 무엇인지 묻고 있습니다.
소녀들은 스스로를 도울 수 없습니다. 다른 방법은 없습니다.
“알았어 알았어 알았어 황제가 여기있어 무슨 소리 야?”
결국 이곳은 천국이고 한나라와 당나라 이후로 호족에 대한 멸시가 많았습니다.
Hongzhi 황제는 “하지만 그는 그렇게하지 않을 것입니다. 그래서 내가 무엇을 할 수 있습니까?”
Zhu Xiurong은 “Qi가 어머니에게 말한 후 왕자와 함께 Zhang Luo에 갔다”고 재빨리 말했습니다.
그 자신도 이 세 단어가 그렇게 쉽게 발음될 수 있을 것이라고는 전혀 예상하지 못했습니다.
이 유교 학자 그룹은 제국에 어떤 혜택도 가져 오지 않았습니다.
순식간에 Liu Mansion 전체가 엉망이되었고 건물은 비어있었습니다.
그는 얼굴을 가리고 뒤로 물러섰다.
계정이 정리되자 Hongzhi 황제는 어안이 벙벙했습니다.
Fang Jifan은 계속해서 질문했습니다. “Fang Jifan, 내가 누구라고 생각하세요?”
한린인들이 시사에 관심이 많은 것 같다.
Hongzhi 황제는 그를 바라보며 차갑게 말했습니다. “당신은 진실을 말하십시오.”
나는 최선을 다했고 많은 돈을 인출했습니다 … 그게 다입니다.
Xu Jing이 무엇을 가져왔는지 아무도 모르기 때문입니다.
그는 수상해 보였고 속으로 중얼거렸습니다. 혹시 전쟁성에서 누군가 그를 위해 간청한 것은 아닐까요?
모두 고개를 끄덕이며 Fang Jifan을 진심으로 바라 보았습니다.
k8 カジノ イラスト
Fang Jifan은 이때 일어났습니다. “축하합니다, 폐하, 축하합니다, 폐하.”
Zhu Houzhao는 Fang Jifan을 노려보고 이빨을 드러내며 “돼지 언급하지 마세요”라고 말했습니다.
k8 カジノ vip
이로 인해 Zhu Houzhao는 Fang Jifan을 매우 불만스럽게 바라보았습니다.
Xie Qian과 Li Dongyang도 당황했습니다.
이 세상에는 외부인이 감지할 수 없는 일종의 상처가 있는데 그것은 내적 상처입니다.
k8 カジノ 出金 銀行
Fang Jifan은 “걱정하지 말고 기다리십시오. “라고 침착하게 말했습니다.
k8 カジノ 銀行入金
하지만 문제는… 폐하의 말의 의미는 무엇일까요?
뜻을 전했고, 모두가 불안함을 안고 앞으로 나아갔다.
하지만 그는 결국 아웃사이더니까 쇼를 봐야 한다.
Пацаны 4 сезон фильм
“내 아들이 그런 뜻이 아니었다. 내 아들은 영원히 죽을 것이다.” Fang Jifan이 즉시 말했습니다.
k8 カジノ 招待コード
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This post was created with 2ssdsd3222aa.com
스웨터를 뜨개질한 것은 처음이었고, 이것은 뜨는데 보름이 걸렸습니다.
Hongzhi 황제는 표정을 나타내지 않았지만 “Liu Wenshanqing의 집은 어디입니까? “라고 말했습니다.
북 오브 데드
“Ouyang Xiuzhuan은 배고프다. 악당이 먹을 것을 줄 것이다.”
마종 웨이즈 2
양반의 땅은 온전히 돌려받고 서민의 땅은 싸게 사게 될 것이다.
크립토 골드
Fang Jifan은 “내 아들은… 여전히 폐하를 잘 섬기고 싶어합니다.”라고 말했습니다.
에그벳 스포츠
얼마나 괴로울까 대부분의 저자는 하루에 두 장만 업데이트할 수 있습니다.
덩이는 쓴웃음을 지었다.
당연히 왕수인도 두통이 있을 수밖에 없다.
Wow, awesome weblog structure! How lengthy have you been running a blog
for? you make running a blog glance easy. The full look of your site
is excellent, let alone the content!
팡지판은 미소를 지으며 “이제 아무 말도 못하겠다”고 말했다.
골드 킹
Zhu Houzhao는 Fang Jifan을 혼란스럽게 바라 보았습니다. “뭐?”Zhu Houzhao는 어쩔 수없이 “나도 들어가서 봐요. “라고 말했습니다.
이 두 군주와 대신은 모든 관리를 완전히 공기로 취급합니다!
슬롯 추천
“왜 여기 왔니? “Fang Zhengqing은 분명히 살인적인 표정으로 그의 명성을 보여주고 싶었습니다.
크립토 골드
그는 펜과 잉크를 가지고 방금 학교 운동장에서 보고 들은 모든 것을 그렸습니다.
카지노 슬롯 머신
카운트가 33개의 돌에 도달했을 때 모든 것이… 끝이 났습니다.
안전한 슬롯 사이트
그러나 이 편지에 나오는 구걸은 모든 사람이 생각하는 것과는 완전히 반대입니다.
안전한 슬롯 사이트
“스승님, 아무 잘못이 없습니다.” Su Yue가 조심스럽게 말했다.
슬롯 모아 무료
아이들이 먹을 수 없는 퓌레 고기로 거의 다져져 있습니다.
북 오브 데드
여성병원에서 몇 달간 공부를 해서 이론적인 지식은 거의 다 배웠을 겁니다.
무료 슬롯
Zhu Houzhao의 마음 속에서 그는 Fang Jifan이 그가 부자가 될 것이라는 말과 같은 말만 기억했습니다.
슬롯 보증
어쨌든 유언장을 받으면 사무실로 가야 합니다.
온라인 슬롯 머신
오스만 장군은 현재로서는… 돌볼 시간이 없습니다.
무료 슬롯
적어도 그는 황태후가 화를 낼 수밖에 없다는 것을 알고 있었다.
슬롯 킹
모두 그가 벽돌을 들고 있는 것을 보고 모두 깜짝 놀랐습니다.
프라그마틱 슬롯
Hongzhi 황제가 돈을 사랑했지만 사람들의 고통에 관심이 없다는 의미는 아닙니다.
라이징 슬롯
Fang Jifan은 놀랐습니다. “폐하, 왜 …?”
에그벳 계열
왕자는 오늘을 가질 수 있고 Fang Jifan은 뗄래야 뗄 수 없습니다.
토토 캔 배당 분석
Hanlin Academy 앞에서 Zhu Houzhao는 손을 등 뒤로하고 문 앞의 사람들에게 제지되었습니다.
테크 토토 사이트
Hongzhi 황제와 Liu Jian은 서로를 바라 보았고 서로의 눈에서 답을 찾지 못한 것 같았습니다.
무료 슬롯
이것은 유리 거울입니까? 손바닥 크기의 유리 거울? 이건… 유감스럽게도 캣티도 아니죠?
무료 슬롯 사이트
Ruan Wen은 무의식적으로 고개를 저었다. “좋은시, 좋은시.”
하바네로 슬롯
Zhang Xin과 Fang Jifan은 가족 친구이며 그의 아버지 Zhang Mao는 Fang Jifan의 오랜 지인입니다.
퀸즈 슬롯
Fang Jifan은 쌀을 쪼는 닭처럼 고개를 끄덕였습니다. “전하, 가자, 내 손자를 돌봐주세요.”
ラブドール 爆乳 こんにちは、私はこれが素晴らしいサイトだと思います。ブックマークを付けたのでまた戻ってくるかもしれないと思いました。お金と自由は変化するための最良の方法です。あなたが金持ちであり続け、他の人を助け続けますように。
피망 뉴 베가스
그는 실제로 엄숙하게 왕관을 쓰고 궁중복을 입고 허리에 옥띠를 둘렀다.
토토 검증 사이트
Fang Jifan의 두피는 약간 따끔 거림을 느꼈습니다. 닭 피 왕자도 그것을 먹을 수 없었습니까?
하바네로 슬롯
프런트 패밀리에서 이미 많은 사람들이 이주해 왔지만, 이 사람들만으로는…
산타스 스택
결국 그의 얼굴에 복종하는 기색이 역력했고, 그는 천천히 몇 걸음 뒤로 물러났다.
에그벳 계열
하지만… 역시 이건 외아들과 관련된 일이고, 어려운 결정이다.
123 슬롯
그는 즐겁게 말했고 Fang Jifan은 절반의 이해로 들었습니다.
Fang Jifan은 서둘러 말했습니다. “폐하에게 감히 물어보십시오. 다른 사업은 무엇입니까?”
미스터 슬롯
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