Week 9: 4/5 + 4/7

Before Class

If you are up-to-date then there is no before class this week. I hope that you had a good break and at least got some rest.

If you didn’t answer the midterm questions to create a draft of your midterm brief then click here to answer the midterm questions form.

Live Sessions

Session 1: JSON from API and Midterm

Monday, April 5 at 7:30p–9:10p

Monday we will how to get JSON data from a web page into your project and have some time to work on the Midterm Presentations.

  1. JSON and Data
  2. Work on 03_03 video
  3. Breakout to discuss midterm
Links for Monday Session

Session 2: Data and Midterm

Wednesday, April 7 at 7:30p–9:10p

Wednesday we will go into chapter 3 from the course videos again and also work on the Midterm Presentations.

We will look at Blackboard and also in the middle of class I will post up the page to reserve Midterm Presentations.

Links for Wednesday Session

You should complete this in class. I would like for everyone to submit this before we go to break so I can look over them. It’s OK if you are not fully sure of your answers. Better to submit something so you can get some feedback before submitting and the presentation.

Assignment for the Week

Complete your midterm project presentations. You will need:

  1. Midterm Brief
  2. Site Visualizations
    1. Site Map (1)
    2. Wireframes (for each type of page)
    3. Style Tile (1)
  3. Presentation for class

More information is available on the Midterm Project page.

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