Week 11: 4/19 + 4/21

Before Class

Prepare for your Midterm Presentation.

Sign Up for Midterm Presentation

If you haven’t signed up for a time to present your midterm then click here to view the Submit the Midterm page and sign up by clicking on the calendar.

Live Sessions

Session 1:How to Start an Eleventy Project and Midterm

Monday, April 19 at 7:30p–9:10p

Monday we will go over how to start your 11ty projects and do Midterm Presentations.

Links for Monday Session

Session 2: How to Start an Eleventy Project and Midterm

Wednesday, April 21 at 7:30p–9:10p

Wednesday will be similar to Monday with 11ty and Midterm Presentations.

Links for Wednesday Session

After Class

Complete the Week 11 Journal After Class on Wednesday.

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