Linux Setup
This has links to information on setting up VS Code and Node on a Linux comuter.
Total Time Needed: 3 hours (estimate)
Steps to Setup Your Development Environment
Step 0: Disclaimer
I haven’t had a chance to test this out. I don’t have a Linux computer right now. I am also assuming that if you’re running Linux you’re used to Googling things and working out issues. Still, let me know if your’e running into problems.
Step 1: Make sure you have apt-get
VS Code is the code editor we will use in class. It’s made by Microsoft but it’s free, cross platform and integrates well with what we are doing.
sudo apt-get update
If that works, great. If not, force an install if the update fails by typing:
sudo apt-get -f install
Step 2: Install Visual Studio Code
VS Code is the code editor we will use in class. It’s made by Microsoft but it’s free, cross platform and integrates well with what we are doing.
Step 3: Install NVM
This is the Node Version Manager and will be used to install Node (next step). This page has these instructions in more detail (external link).
curl -o- | bash
It should install NVM and tell you you have to close the terminal or enter a command.
If not, the install didn’t work. Stop here and look back over the instructions, see the detailed link at the top of this step or ask Prof Stein for help.
Step 4: Install Node
Node is a handy tool that gives you access to a lock of command line developer tools. If you have ever seen a tutorial that started “It’s easy just npm install myThingy” and had no idea what that really meant, this will let you do that. Luckily if NVM is installed properly then installing Node is quick:
nvm install node
Node should install and tell you what version it is.
You can test by typing: node -v
It should show something like v15.7.0
Step 5: Install Git
First it helps to have a GitHub account so you can match your username and email. It makes working with GitHub easier
Follow these steps to install Git:
sudo apt-get install git
sudo apt-get install libnss3-dev
You can test if git installed by typing this in the terminal:
git --version
It should show something like: git version 2.25.1
Username and Password
Now you need to set up your git username and password.
git config --global "Your Actual Name"
git config --global "Your Actual Email"
You may need to set up SSH keys to use GitHub:
That’s it, you’re done (finally)!