Cassidy, John. (2020). “Can We Have Prosperity Without Growth?” The New Yorker.
Tag Archives: in class
Watch (04:50) – Bauman (2011)
The entire video is 10:17, I am only assigning the first 4 minutes and 50 seconds. The last half of the video is an explanation of an economists approach to understanding climate change for those interested.
Bauman, Yoram. (2011). “Ten Principles of Economics, 10th Anniversary Edition.”
Watch (4:26) – Open Democracies (2019)
Basu, Laura and Matthias Kispert. (2019). “Envisioning the future of Political Economy,” ourEconomy. openDemocracy.
Reading Summary Instructions
Over the course of the semester, each student will lead the class two times to get the conversation going for their classmates.
All students are expected to have read/watched/listened to the material, whether or not they are leading the class with a summary that day.
To get full credit for these summaries, students should:
- provide responses relevant to the materials assigned that week
- respond to the following prompts:
- Something from the material I already knew was…
- I felt surprised by this part of the material…
- This is the part of the material that I liked/agreed with…
- I felt suspicious about (or disagreed with) this part of the material…
- express why the material inspired that response in you.
There is nothing to turn in for this assignment to be considered completed.
Students do not need to compile a presentation. Verbally reporting responses in class is sufficient. Students who cannot speak in Zoom for any reason can complete this assignment using the chat function in class.
Weekly Schedule
An approximation of what to expect every week.
Monday (75 minutes total)
Before class: students will have already read/listened to/watched material for the week
Reading Summaries (10min)
Students Present Readings
Group Discussion (15 min)
Students discuss readings together
Reflection on key terms (15 min)
Current Issues (30 min)
Read related article
Group Discussion
Review of Key Concepts (5 min)
Thursday (75 minutes total)
Before class: students will have already finished or attempted the Weekly Review
Weekly Review (45 min)
Grade and correct weekly assignment together
Review of Key Concepts (15 min)
Introduction of Next Week’s Material (10 min)
Author introductions
Suggestions for attention
Check Out (5 min)
Review upcoming work
Note that on Question Building Weeks, we will not have a Weekly Review so that time on Thursday will be replaced with a Question Building activity.